Get to know Pavel Durov, Founder of Telegram who is Committed to Digital Freedom and Privacy Pavel Durov also succeeded in creating VKontakte, a student social network, which he created with his old colleague in the United States, Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, in 2006. HOLIDAY NEWS - Telegram founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, is known for living a simple lifestyle. Often nicknamed the "Russian Mark Zuckerberg" due to his success in creating famous platforms and apps at a young age, Telegram is now used by more than 100 million users. Pavel Durov profile Pavel Durov was born in Leningrad, Russia (now St. Petersburg), on October 10, 1984. Since his school days, he has shown an interest in technology, learning coding and creating computer systems at a young age. Pavel is not alone in his interest in technology. His oldest brother, Nikolai Durov, also has extraordinary abilities in coding. They created their first project, VKontakte, after Pavel left university in 2006.
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