Google Fixes Chrome Bug That Made Millions of Users' Passwords Temporarily Lost

Google Fixes Chrome Bug That Made Millions of Users' Passwords Temporarily Lost

You must have experienced an incident where the password you had saved in your browser suddenly disappeared, right? Well, recently, Google Chrome also had a similar problem which made many users confused because their passwords suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Google was quick to respond and released a solution to this problem. Come on, let's discuss it in more detail! 

What Happened to Your Password? 

The problem of losing passwords in Chrome is apparently caused by several things:

Accidental Deletion of Browsing Data: You may have accidentally deleted your password while cleaning your browsing data. 

Change Chrome Profile: If you log in with a different profile or create a new profile, the saved password may not appear temporarily. 

Problems in Chrome Password Manager: Sometimes, the password manager in Chrome cannot automatically fill in the fields correctly due to changes in the structure of the web page. 

Solution from Google

Google has released an update for Chrome that not only fixes this bug but also restores lost passwords. Apart from that, they have also improved the synchronization feature between devices so that your passwords are always available in all user profiles. 

How to Recover Lost Password

If you still can't recover your lost password, there are several steps you can try:

Check Sync: Make sure password sync is enabled in Chrome settings. 

Change Device: Try accessing from another device that hasn't been synchronized after the password is deleted, who knows if it's still there. 

Use Google Password Manager: Visit to view and retrieve saved passwords. 

Tips for Being Safe in the Future

So that incidents like this don't happen again, there are several steps you can take:

Use a Third-Party Password Manager: Apps like Proton Pass, Bitwarden, and KeePass can be a safe choice for storing and managing passwords. 

Backup Passwords: Chrome has a feature to export saved passwords, so you can make a backup in a safe place. 

Be Careful with Extensions: Minimize the use of extensions and carefully check the permissions you give them to avoid losing or stealing passwords. 

So, JBers friends, that's how Google solves password problems in Chrome and some tips for keeping your passwords safe. Don't forget to share this article on your social media, so your friends also know how to solve this problem. Stay safe and see you in the next article! 

Google Memperbaiki Bug Chrome yang membuat Jutaan Password Pengguna Hilang Sementara


Kamu pasti pernah ngalamin kejadian di mana password yang udah kamu simpan di browser tiba-tiba hilang, kan? Nah, baru-baru ini, Google Chrome juga punya masalah serupa yang bikin banyak pengguna bingung karena password mereka tiba-tiba lenyap. Untungnya, Google udah cepet tanggap dan ngerilis solusi buat masalah ini. Yuk, kita bahas lebih detail!

Apa yang Terjadi dengan Password Kamu?

Masalah hilangnya password di Chrome ini ternyata disebabkan oleh beberapa hal:

  1. Penghapusan Data Browsing yang Nggak Sengaja: Kamu mungkin pernah nggak sengaja ngehapus password pas lagi bersihin data browsing.
  2. Ganti Profil Chrome: Kalau kamu login dengan profil yang berbeda atau bikin profil baru, password yang disimpan bisa jadi nggak muncul sementara waktu.
  3. Masalah di Pengelola Password Chrome: Kadang-kadang, pengelola password di Chrome nggak bisa otomatis ngisi kolom dengan benar karena ada perubahan di struktur halaman web.

Solusi dari Google

Google udah ngerilis update buat Chrome yang nggak cuma memperbaiki bug ini tapi juga ngebalikin password yang hilang. Selain itu, mereka juga ningkatin fitur sinkronisasi antar perangkat biar password kamu selalu tersedia di semua profil pengguna.

Cara Mengembalikan Password yang Hilang

Kalau kamu masih belum bisa balikin password yang hilang, ada beberapa langkah yang bisa kamu coba:

  1. Cek Sinkronisasi: Pastikan sinkronisasi password diaktifkan di pengaturan Chrome.
  2. Ganti Perangkat: Coba akses dari perangkat lain yang belum disinkronisasi setelah password terhapus, siapa tahu masih ada di sana.
  3. Gunakan Pengelola Password Google: Kunjungi buat liat dan balikin password yang tersimpan.

Tips agar Aman di Masa Depan

Biar kejadian kayak gini nggak terulang lagi, ada beberapa langkah yang bisa kamu ambil:

  1. Gunakan Pengelola Password Pihak Ketiga: Aplikasi kayak Proton PassBitwarden, dan KeePass bisa jadi pilihan aman buat nyimpen dan ngelola password.
  2. Backup Password: Chrome punya fitur buat ngekspor password yang disimpan, jadi kamu bisa bikin backup di tempat yang aman.
  3. Hati-hati dengan Ekstensi: Minimalkan penggunaan ekstensi dan cek baik-baik izin yang kamu kasih buat menghindari kehilangan atau pencurian password.

Jadi, Sobat JBers, itu dia cara Google ngatasin masalah password di Chrome dan beberapa tips buat menjaga keamanan password kamu. Jangan lupa share artikel ini ke sosial media kamu, biar teman-teman kamu juga tau cara mengatasi masalah ini. Tetap aman dan sampai jumpa di artikel berikutnya!

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