Sundar Pichai CEO Google

Sundar Pichai CEO Google

Sundar Pichai COO GOOGLE

History Sundar Pichai COO Google

Sundar Pichai is currently the CEO of Google, but before his appointment as CEO in 2015, he served as the Senior Vice President of Products at Google, overseeing the development of the company's suite of consumer products, including Google Search, Gmail, and Google Drive.

Pichai was born in Madurai, India, in 1972, and he earned a Bachelor's degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. After completing his undergraduate studies, he moved to the United States to pursue a Master's degree in Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University and later an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Pichai joined Google in 2004 and initially worked on the development of the Google Toolbar and other web-based software products. He quickly rose through the ranks at the company, becoming Vice President of Product Development in 2008 and then Senior Vice President in 2012. In 2013, he was put in charge of the Android operating system, which has become one of Google's most important products.

In 2015, Pichai was appointed CEO of Google, taking over from Larry Page, one of the company's co-founders. As CEO, Pichai has overseen Google's continued growth and expansion, including the launch of new products and services such as Google Home, Google Assistant, and Google Photos.

Under Pichai's leadership, Google has also faced increased scrutiny over issues such as privacy and antitrust concerns. Pichai has testified before the United States Congress on multiple occasions to address these concerns and to defend Google's business practices.

Sundar Pichai saat ini adalah CEO Google, tetapi sebelum pengangkatannya sebagai CEO pada tahun 2015, dia menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden Senior Produk di Google, mengawasi pengembangan rangkaian produk konsumen perusahaan, termasuk Google Penelusuran, Gmail, dan Google Drive .

Pichai lahir di Madurai, India, pada tahun 1972, dan memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Metalurgi dari Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. Setelah menyelesaikan studi sarjananya, dia pindah ke Amerika Serikat untuk mengejar gelar Master di bidang Ilmu dan Teknik Material di Stanford University dan kemudian gelar MBA dari Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Pichai bergabung dengan Google pada tahun 2004 dan awalnya mengerjakan pengembangan Google Toolbar dan produk perangkat lunak berbasis web lainnya. Dia dengan cepat naik pangkat di perusahaan, menjadi Wakil Presiden Pengembangan Produk pada tahun 2008 dan kemudian Wakil Presiden Senior pada tahun 2012. Pada tahun 2013, dia ditugaskan untuk mengoperasikan sistem operasi Android, yang telah menjadi salah satu produk terpenting Google.

Pada 2015, Pichai diangkat menjadi CEO Google, menggantikan Larry Page, salah satu pendiri perusahaan. Sebagai CEO, Pichai telah mengawasi pertumbuhan dan ekspansi lanjutan Google, termasuk peluncuran produk dan layanan baru seperti Google Home, Google Assistant, dan Google Foto.

Di bawah kepemimpinan Pichai, Google juga menghadapi peningkatan pengawasan atas masalah-masalah seperti masalah privasi dan antimonopoli. Pichai telah bersaksi di depan Kongres Amerika Serikat beberapa kali untuk mengatasi masalah ini dan membela praktik bisnis Google.

If you often use search engines on the internet, of course you are no stranger to Google. The company has a variety of quality leaders and there is no doubt about their abilities. Therefore, get to know the biography of Sundar Pichai as one of the CEOs.

Short Profile of Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai's full name is Pichai Sundararajan who was born on July 12, 1972 in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. He is one of the CEOs of Google after joining since 2004 ago.
His father, Regunatha Pichai, was a foreman at an electricity company called GEC from England. Meanwhile, his mother, Lakshmi Pichai, is a stenographer. He also has a brother named Srinivasan Pichai.
Currently he is married to someone named Anjali Pichai who was his college friend at Stanford University. From this marriage they were blessed with two children and continued to live in the Bay Area, San Francisco.

Sundar Pichai Education
Since childhood, Sundar Pichai was interested in all things related to technology, starting at the age of 12 when his father gave him a rotary phone. From this it is known that he has extraordinary abilities, especially in terms of mathematics.
Attended Jawahar Vidyalaya school and Vana Vani School in Chennai, India. Then he continued his studies at the Institute of Technology Kharagpur with a bachelor's degree in Metallurgy. As well as pursuing his master's degree at Stanford University with MSC and MBA degrees.

The MS degree he obtained came from his education at Stanford University on a scholarship. Meanwhile, get an MBA at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Not only that, he was also named a Siebel and Palmer Scholar.

Getting Started Joining Google
Sundar Pichai started his career at Google in 2004 as President of Product Management. Has the task to find various ways for humans to interact with the internet. His work is Chrome, Toolbar, Gears, Pack and Gadgets.
In 2012, he was promoted for his success in using Google Chrome as a browser to compete with Mozilla and Internet Explorer. Sundar Pichai has been promoted to Senior Vice President of Google with responsibility for Google applications. Two years later, he became head of product and handled the Android operating system which was previously held by Andy Rubin as creator. In 2015 Google co-founder Larry Page announced that Sundar Pichai would become CEO after him.

Sundar Pichar's Work on Google
Sundar Pichai, who is now the CEO of Google, was previously the President of Product Management which handled several applications such as Chrome, Gadgets, Toolbars, Packs and Gears. Initially, the existence of the Chrome browser was rejected, but Sundar insisted that the existence of Mozilla and Internet Explorer could threaten Google's position. He also managed to prove his opinion with the roaming site that belongs to himself. Since then, he has continued to produce various useful applications under Google such as Gmail, Drive, Maps and many more. Where its use is now one of the main ones, especially for smartphone users with the Android operating system.

Sundar Pichai's career at Google
Career at Google became one of the important points in Sundar Pichai's biography where he was finally able to make his nation proud through it. The following is a brief review of the CEO's journey from the beginning to the present:

Getting started with Google
Sundar Pichai joined Google in 2004 as President of Product Management. His job is to oversee and create various outputs that make it easier for humans to interact using the internet, especially for daily activities. Some of his work at that time was the use of the Chrome browser, Toolbars, Gadgets, Gears and Pack. However, this success has not been fully approved by Google's CEO, who was then in office, namely Eric Schmidt, for certain reasons.

Launch Google Chrome

The launch of Chrome as Google's browser was initially opposed by the CEO, Eric Schmidt. This is because there is a difference of opinion that there is no need to launch a browser because the company is still small in scale compared to Internet Explorer and Mozilla.
However, Sundar remained in his stance regarding having to have his own browser because Microsoft could threaten Google's position. The idea was slowly getting approved, especially when it showed fantastic results. This became the forerunner to the birth of Chrome.

Thanks to his analytical skills, Sundar Pichai was promoted to Senior Vice President in 2012. This happened right after launching Google's official browser, namely Chrome, which currently dominates the browser world.
His role as senior vice president gives him the task of supervising and being directly responsible for Google's applications. Some of them are like Gmail, Maps, Drive, and many more which are widely used.

Android Responsible
Android is a subsidiary of Google which is an operating system for smartphones. This is the work of Andy Rubin as one of the employees in the internet industry. He was also the founder and CEO of its first. However, unfortunately, Andy Rubin is rumored to have issues about moving to Microsoft so that his leadership shifts to Sundari Pichai. This switch happened in 2013 which put him in charge of Android after its creator.

Coronation as CEO of Google

Various innovations and advances under the leadership of Sundar Pichai raised issues related to his move and ability to lead Google's rival company, Microsoft. Larry Page as the CEO at that time moved quickly to respond.

In 2015, Sundar Pichai accepted a new position as CEO which was appointed directly by the founder, Larry Page. This is due to the founder's concern about the potential transfer of one of Google's valuable assets to its competitor, namely Microsoft.
Formation of Alphabet Inc

After becoming CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai continues to produce various innovations for the advancement of one of the largest internet industries in the world. One of them is contributing to the establishment of Alphabets Inc. as a subsidiary in 2015.

However, not long after, Sundar Pichai was reinstated as CEO but this time at a subsidiary, Alphabets Inc. This followed the decline of Sergey Brin as president. So that he also holds the same position in different places. Knowing the biography of Sundar Pichai which until now is still successful as CEO of Google provides a lot of motivation, especially for readers. The lesson that can be taken is that intelligence must certainly be used to develop life together. There are many lessons and lessons from the life story of the Google CEO as motivation to continue working and growing. How, have you 9done the best thing for today? Are you ready to grow?

Hobby Every Morning The Unexpected CEO of Google

Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Alphabet and Google of Indian descent. This man who comes from a simple family turns out to have unexpected habits. As the big boss of an internet giant like Google, Pichai still cannot be separated from the print media. Even though he has been crushed and now is the era of online media, Pichai cannot escape his hobby of reading the newspaper every morning. "Believe it or not, I read the newspaper every morning," he said, quoted by detikINET from the Economic Times. His favorite reading seems to be the economics paper the Wall Street Journal. He took up the habit to help him get up in the morning. "I'm not a morning person, so I need time alone with newspapers and tea to really wake up," added the 49-year-old man. Every day, Sundar Pichai admits that he usually wakes up between 6.30 and 7.00. Apart from reading newspapers, he usually has omelettes for breakfast and always drinks tea. Only then did he leave for Google headquarters. Pichai is currently known to live in a house located in Los Altos Hills, California. He was there with his wife and two children. Every night, Pichai admits that he tries to find time to put his son to sleep. Sundar Pichai is an Indian-born man who has had great success trying his luck in the United States, like many other Indian descendants. He has been Google's CEO since 2015 and was later entrusted with becoming the captain of Alphabet, which is Google's parent company.

Sundar Pichai: Google boss who used to have a hard life
- Sundar Pichai is the CEO of the technology giant Google. Behind the success of his career, it turns out that he had a hard life. Check out the story here! Sundar Pichai has been Google's CEO since 2015, replacing then Google CEO Larry Page as CEO of Google's parent company, Alphabet.
Quoted from The Famous People page, Sundar Pichai has an estimated net worth of around US$ 1.2 billion or the equivalent of Rp. 17 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 14,300).

Before reaching the top position as CEO of Google and Alphabet, who would have thought that Sundar Pichai used to have a hard life.

Check out the story below: Sundar Pichai real name Pichai Sundararajan was born in 1972, Madras (now Chennai), Tamil Nadu, India. Sundar Pichai grew up and lived in a humble house in Chennai. Pichai also often sleeps with his brother, in the living room of his small house. His father, Regunatha Pichai, was an electrical engineer at the British multinational GEC. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sundar Pichai used to be a stenographer, as quoted by The Famous People page. Pichai has shown a great interest in technology from a young age. The man who was born in India is also known to have extraordinary memory and memory. Pichai is very good at remembering numbers, in fact he can also remember every phone number he calls. Pichai studied metallurgy at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, which is one of the most prestigious engineering institutes in India. Quoted from Encyclopedia Britannica, Sundar Pichai won a scholarship to study at Stanford University majoring in engineering and materials science in 1995, for his Master of Science (MS) degree. Since then, Pichai lives and resides in the US. Then, he earned his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in 2002, from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. After completing his MBA, Sundar Pichai was appointed as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. After that, Pichai then joined Google in 2004. When he first worked at Google, he served as head of product management and development. Initially Sundar Pichai worked on the Google Toolbar section, which in his work allowed them to use the Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox Web browsers, to easily access Google's search engine. Several years later, Sundar Pichai was directly involved in the development of the Google Chrome browser, which was released to the public in 2008. That same year, Sundar Pichai was appointed vice president of product development, and it was from there that the Google CEO began to take a more active public role. In 2012, the man from India became senior vice president, and two years later he was appointed head of product at Google. Larry Page then made Pichai in charge of Android as well. Android is a subsidiary of Google in the form of an operating system for smartphones. Since then, Pichai's influence has continued to grow and he was appointed Product Chief in October 2014.
In December 2019, he was also appointed CEO of Alphabet replacing Page, who stepped down. This means that Sundar Pichai, who previously served as CEO of Google, also doubles as CEO of Alphabet.

Sundar Pichai, a simple young man from India who succeeded in becoming the CEO of Google

Sundar Pichai is one of the figures behind the glorious world-class company, Google. This 49-year-old man is the CEO of Google who has joined the company since 2004. Not only that, in 2019 the man was also appointed CEO of Alphabet Inc. after the two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, decided to leave the company. Quoting Celebrity Net Worth data, Thursday (17/02), Sundar Pichai has a net worth of USD 600 million or equivalent to IDR 8.5 trillion. Reportedly, Sundar Pichai is one of the executives with the highest salaries in the world.

Sundar Pichai's journey to success as CEO of Google inspired many people, especially in pursuing dreams. Because actually, he came from a simple family in India. Sundar Pichai is a man born in 1972 who comes from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. He lives far from the word luxury. In one of his interviews, he even said that his family used to live in a simple house with other tenants.

“There is simplicity in my life, which is great when compared to today's world. We live in a modest house, with tenants. As a result, we had to sleep on the guest room floor," said Sundar Pichai, quoting from Start Up Talky.
Reportedly, his family took a long time to buy a refrigerator. They are also said to have neither a car nor a television.

His father, Regunatha Pichai, is an employee at the British conglomerate electricity company, General Electric Company. The father then directed Sundar Pichai to find out more about the world of technology. “When I go home, I talk to Sundar Pichai a lot about my days at work and the challenges I face,” Regunatha Pichai told Bloomberg. Sundar Pichai is a proficient student in learning. He also managed to enter the Institute of technology in Kharagpur majoring in metallurgical engineering.

Graduating from there, Sundar Pichai received a scholarship at Stanford University, United States of America and earned a Master of Science degree in engineering and materials. He also later took an MBA at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
Sundar then joined Google in 2004. His career at Google was brilliant, one of which was when he was doing a Chrome development project. Sundar and his team succeeded in creating Google Chrome which later became a successful search engine.

After successfully producing good achievements, in 2015 Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google. Some of the products under Sundar Pichai's supervision are Google's web browser, Chrome, and the Android mobile operating system.

The story of Google CEO Sundar Pichai, sleeping on the floor and not having a fridge

- Sundar Pichai really crawled from the bottom before reaching the top position of CEO of Google , the world's largest technology company. 

Sundar said that he grew up in a modest house in Chennai. In fact, it's so simple that his house doesn't have a refrigerator. 

But, what is unique, Sundar admits that he really enjoys that simplicity. Growing up in India in a humble environment he calls a blessing. "I don't feel lacking in anything," he said. 

Sundar actually said that growing up in India was much more enjoyable than the world that exists today. “Our house is rented with several other tenants. We do not have rooms. However, sleeping on the living room floor,” he recalls. 

The only thing that traumatized him a bit was the dryness. When drought water becomes difficult. In fact, so traumatized to this day that Sundar can never sleep without a bottle of water by his side. "Right by my bed," he said. 

”Other houses have refrigerators. Until our family was able to buy it, it was a very big thing for us," he told the New York Times. 

Sundar Pichai completed his bachelor's degree in Metallurgical Engineering. He also earned a Masters from Stanford University in Materials Science and Engineering, and a PhD from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. 

In Chennai, the entertainment is reading. Because there weren't many options, I read whatever I could get my hands on. Apart from reading, I also play with friends, and cricket,” he said. 

Sundar also said that the first time he got on a plane was when he had to go to America because he received a scholarship from Stanford University. "Being able to see the computer lab and having a computer to program was amazing for me," he says. 

His childhood was very different from his son's childhood today. “My son is 11 years old and already mining Ethereum and making money,” said Sundar, who with his wife Anjali Pichai, has two children -- daughter Kavya Pichai and son Kiran Pichai. 

Even though technology is developing fast and being led by the company he heads, Sundar still has a rule that his child cannot have his own cell phone. 

25 Quotes of Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google & Alphabet


Sundar Pichai, this name has become known to the world since he served as CEO of Google. The man was born in Tamil Nadu, India on July 12, 1972. It is truly impressive and exhilarating for the people of India to have Sundar Pichai able to collaborate with a well-known technology company, Google. 

Having a humble background, this man whose real name is Pichai Sundarajan is an American of Indian blood. Pichai has a father, Regunatha Pichai, a foreman at the British electrical equipment company GEC, and his mother, Lakshmi Pichai, a stenographer. 

It was heard that his family lived in a small two-room apartment, until Sundar and his brother once slept in the apartment's living room. What a heartwarming simple story Pichai and family feel proud to see their son in the spotlight of the world. 

Strong desire to study Electronics

Sundar had a strong desire to learn about electronics since he was young, he received direction and stories from his father's own work. Sundar's memory skills were extraordinarily good. 

According to the story when he was 12 years old, his father gave him a rotary telephone, so genius Sundar could remember all the phone numbers he could call in a day. Google employees also recognize his mathematical abilities. 

Pichai studied at the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT KGP) and earned a bachelor's degree in metallurgy. Superior to his academic achievements, Pichai managed to achieve top rankings and won a silver medal and made his lecturers and professors at IIT KGP proud. 

According to a lecturer at Pichai, Professor Sanat Kumar Roy, revealed that Pichai took a separate course from the campus by doing various jobs in the field of electronics while studying. Pichai wrote a thesis on how to incorporate molecules of other elements into silicon bonds to change the properties of the molecules. 

Pichai has a life partner from his own classmate named Anjali, and gets married at the end of the year of marriage. Now they have two children and live in the Bay Area, San Francisco. 

Pichai won a scholarship and pursued his MS and MBA degrees at Stanford University, United States of America. He also received an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and was officially named a Siebel Scholar and Palmer Scholar. 

Joined Google in 2004

Prior to Google, Pichai worked for McKinsey and Applied Materials. Finally Sundar Pichai joined from Google in 2004, he is believed to be able to manage Google products through Google client software innovations such as Google Chrome, Toolbars, Gadgets, Google Gears, and Google Pack, also has responsibility for developing applications such as Gmail andGoogle Maps. 

Sundar Pichai was handed the title and responsibility for Google after Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin stepped down. Now the position of CEO of Google is given to Sundar Pichai as well as being given responsibility as CEO of Alphabet. 

Quoted from The Verge, it is reported that Sundar Pichai was very enthusiastic about accepting the position of CEO of Alphabet in managing investments there, as well as building Google in developing technology that is useful for everyone. Said Sundar, “I am quite excited for this next trip and will be with you along the way”. 

Sundar Pichai was appointed CEO of Google in 2015, and since Alphabet was founded the company is the third richest company in the world. 

His success is a role model for all of us

The success story of Sundar Pichai is quite touching to the world, even though with a simple background he was finally able to innovate and develop smart technology companies in the world. 

… and here are some wise quotes from Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google that can inspire us all…

1 “What strikes me every single time is that the aspirations of Indians are unique and unparalleled. They're very demanding, regardless of background."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

What strikes me every time is that the aspirations of Indians are unique and unparalleled. They are very demanding, regardless of background. 

2. “It is Important to Follow your Dreams and Heart. Do Something that Excites You.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

It's Important to Follow Your Dreams and Your Heart. Do Something That Enjoys You. 

3. "As a leader, it is important not only to see your own success, but to focus on the success of others."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

It's Important to Follow Your Dreams and Your Heart. Do Something That Enjoys You…. 

4. “A person who is happy is not because everything is right in his life, He is happy because of his attitude towards everything in his life is right”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

A person is happy not because everything is right in his life, he is happy because his attitude towards everything in his life is right. 

5. “It is always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will constantly keep pushing your limits. “

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

It's always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will continue to push your limits. 

6. "Let yourself feel insecure from time to time. It will help you grow as an individual."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

Allow yourself to feel insecure from time to time. This will help you grow as an individual. 

7. “You might fail a few times, but that’s Ok. you end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from.”

– Sundar Pichai


Anda mungkin gagal beberapa kali, tetapi itu tidak masalah. Anda akhirnya melakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat yang banyak Anda pelajari.

8. “Wear your failure as a badge of honor!”

– Sundar Pichai


Kenakan kegagalan Anda sebagai lencana kehormatan!

9. “You might fail a few times, but that's Ok. you end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

You may fail a few times, but it doesn't matter. You finally did something useful that you learned a lot from. 

10. “Wear your failure as a badge of honor!”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

Wear your failure as a badge of honor! 

11. "Al is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

Al is probably the most important thing a human being has ever done. 

"In life don't react, always respond."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

In life, don't React, Always Respond. 

12. "We try to use deep computer science to what we make so that we have a differentiated approach to solving problems."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

We try to use deep computer science for what we build so we have a different approach to solving problems. 

13. "India has long been an exporter of talent to tech companies. But it is India that is now experiencing its own revolution."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

India has long been a talent exporter for technology companies. But it is India that is now experiencing its own revolution. 

14. "We try to work on things which billions of people will use every day."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

We're trying to work on things that billions of people will use every day. 

15. “Keep pushing your limits.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

Keep pushing your limits. 

16. "The core of what Google is about is bringing information to people."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

The whole point of Google is to bring information to people. 

17. "We aim high."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

We aim high. 

18. “My dad and mom did what a lot of parents did at the time. They sacrificed a lot of their lives and used a lot of their disposable income to make sure their children were educated.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

My father and mother did what many parents did back then. They sacrificed many lives and used much of their income to ensure the education of their children . 

19. "I do think it's important to follow your dreams and do something which you are excited by. If you follow your heart and do what you like, you will always do much better. It doesn't matter what your educational qualification is.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

I think it's important to follow your dreams and do something that excites you. If you follow your heart and do what you love, you will always be much better off. It doesn't matter what your educational qualifications are. 

20. “There are a number of different usage patterns – I never send emails during the day. I did not multitask well at all. I don't know how to attend meetings and participate and send emails at the same time. I see some people doing it more effectively. I never knew that.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

There are a number of different usage patterns – I never email during the day. I don't multitask well at all. I can't figure out how to attend a meeting and participate and email at the same time. I see some people do it more effectively. I never knew that. 

21. "The right moral compass is trying hard to think about what customers want."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

The right moral code strives to think about what the customer wants. 

22. "In Life don't React, Always Respond."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

In Life, don't react, always respond. 

23. “It is always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will constantly keep pushing your limits.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

It's always good to work with people who make you feel insecure about yourself. That way, you will continue to push your limits. 

24. “You might fail a few times, but that's OK. You end up doing something worthwhile which you learn a great deal from.”

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

You may fail a few times, but that's okay. You are finally doing something of value from which you learned so much. 

25. “When you run a platform on scale, you have to make sure it's truly open. That way, not only do you do well, so do others."

– Sundar Pichai

It means,

When you run a platform with scale, you have to make sure it's completely open. That way, not only do you do well, but so do others. 

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