Facebook boss opens up about the real reason layoffs are getting worse

Facebook boss opens up about the real reason layoffs are getting worse
Photo: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on online child safety on Capitol Hill, Wednesday, January 31, 2024 in Washington. (AP/Jose Luis Magana)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg has opened his voice about the phenomenon of mass layoffs in the technology industry over recent times. He confirmed that the cause was not due to Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which was developing rapidly. 
Over the past year, the technology industry has been busy with AI development. This comes after ChatGPT, OpenAI's chatbot, was a huge success after being launched in the market. 
At the same time, layoffs also continued to occur. Even Meta, which oversees social media giants Facebook and Instagram, does it. 

November 2022, Meta laid off more than 11 thousand people and followed last year 10 thousand roles were cut. Earlier this year The Information reported that 60 Instagram technical program manager positions were being laid off. 
"AI is not the main driver of this," said Zuckerberg specifically regarding what happened at Meta, quoted by Fox Business, Wednesday (21/2/2024). 
He explained that the storm of layoffs began during the Covid-19 pandemic which made e-commerce quite successful. Ultimately making technology companies overbuild the company, including hiring more people. 
This problem also doesn't only occur in the technology industry. He said many other companies got too fat and started doing the same thing. 

"I think across the economy, a lot of companies were building too aggressively. When things get back to normal, I think they realize 'we're not in good financial shape to overbuild,'" he said. 
"The wave of layoffs is a response to that," Zuckerberg explained. 

Bos Facebook Buka-Bukaan Alasan Sebenarnya PHK Makin Ganas
CEO Meta Mark Zuckerberg memberikan kesaksian di depan sidang Komite Kehakiman Senat tentang keselamatan anak online di Capitol Hill, Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 di Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
Foto: CEO Meta Mark Zuckerberg memberikan kesaksian di depan sidang Komite Kehakiman Senat tentang keselamatan anak online di Capitol Hill, Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 di Washington. (AP/Jose Luis Magana)

Foto: CEO Meta Mark Zuckerberg memberikan kesaksian di depan sidang Komite Kehakiman Senat tentang keselamatan anak online di Capitol Hill, Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 di Washington. (AP/Jose Luis Magana)

- Bos Meta Mark Zuckerberg buka suara soal fenomena PHK masal di industri teknologi selama beberapa waktu terakhir. Dia memastikan penyebabnya bukan karena teknologi Artificial Intelligence (AI) yang berkembang pesat.
Selama lebih dari satu tahun terakhir, industri teknologi disibukkan dengan pengembangan AI. Ini terjadi setelah ChatGPT, chatbot milik OpenAI, sukses besar setelah diluncurkan di pasaran.
Bersamaan dengan itu, PHK juga terus terjadi. Bahkan Meta yang membawahi raksasa media sosial Facebook dan Instagram juga melakukannya.

November 2022, Meta memberhentikan lebih dari 11 ribu orang dan disusul tahun lalu 10 ribu peran dipangkas. Awal tahun ini The Information melaporkan 60 posisi manajer program teknis Instagram dirumahkan.
"AI bukanlah pendorong utama hal tersebut," kata Zuckerberg terkait khusus yang terjadi di Meta, dikutip Fox Business, Rabu (21/2/2024).
Dia menjelaskan badai PHK diawali saat pandemi Covid-19 yang membuat e-commerce cukup sukses. Akhirnya membuat perusahaan teknologi membangun perusahaan secara berlebihan, termasuk merekrut lebih banyak orang.
Masalah ini juga bukan hanya terjadi di industri teknologi. Dia menuturkan banyak perusahaan lain yang terlalu gemuk dan mulai melakukan hal serupa.

"Saya pikir di seluruh perekonomian, banyak perusahaan yang membangun terlalu agresif. Saat keadaan kembali seperti semula, saya pikir mereka sadar 'kita tidak dalam keadaan keuangan yang baik untuk membangun secara berlebihan'," ucapnya.
"Gelombang PHK adalah respon pada hal tersebut," Zuckerberg menjelaskan.

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