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Showing posts from September, 2022

Protesters gathered London part demonstrations triggered death woman detained morality police.

Protesters gathered in London as part of demonstrations triggered by the death of a woman detained by morality police U.N. human rights officials have condemned the violent crackdown by Iranian security forces against protesters angered by the death of a young woman accused of failing to comply with Iran's strict dress code. Protests across 15 Iranian provinces erupted following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in police custody. She was arrested September 13 by the so-called morality police for allegedly not wearing the hijab properly. The U.N. Human Rights Office says it is difficult to get a precise number of protesters who have been killed, wounded and arrested by Iran's security force. This is because of restrictions on telecommunicati ons. State media put the number of deaths at 41. However, U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani said nongovernmental  organizations monitoring the situation have reported higher numbers of deaths.  She s

Psikolog: Motif Kriss Hatta Pacari Anak di Bawah Umur Patut Dipertanyakan

Psikolog: Motif Kriss Hatta Pacari Anak di Bawah Umur Patut Dipertanyakan Artis peran Kriss Hatta banjir hujatan karena memilih berpacaran dengan anak di bawah umur. Dalam kasus ini, psikolog anak dan keluarga, Astrid WEN menilai perlu dipertanyakan motif Kriss Hatta memacari anak di bawah umur yang memiliki selisih usia 20 tahun. Untuk diketahui, Kriss Hatta yang berusia 34 memilih berpacaran dengan anak berusia 14 tahun. Kriss Hatta dinilai paedofil dan melakukan child grooming. “Ketika kita berusia 34 gitu, terus kemudian kita berpacaran dengan usia yang 14 tahun, tentu kita pasti bertanya-tanya.  Mengapa demikian? Karena ini bukan suatu hal yang umum. Memang wajar sekali atau valid ketika kita mempertanyakan ketidakwajaran ini,” kata Astrid WEN saat dihubungi , Rabu (28/9/2022). Menurut Astrid, orang dewasa yang sudah matang umumnya mencari pasangan yang bisa diajak bertukar pikiran. “Karena kan biasanya orang dewasa berusia 34 ketika mencari pasangan kan pa

Salman Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud: Mohammed bin Salman attended swearing-in ceremony new prime minister

Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud: his son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attend an oath-taking ceremony apointing the prince as the country's new prime minister Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud and his son Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attend an oath-taking ceremony  apointing the prince as the country's new prime minister, at al-Salam Royal Palace in the Red Sea coastal city of Jeddah, September 27, 2022. Saudi Arabia's power crown prince, whose prior formal role was defense minister, strengthened his position when his father, King Salman, issued a decree late on September 27 naming him as prime minister, a title traditionally held by the king. The 37-year-old de facto ruler has overseen the most fundamental transformation in the modern history of the Gulf nation and sidelined all rivals after he became crown prince in June 2017. (AFP) Translate Indonesia 📷 : Raja Arab Saudi Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the site of the Auschwitz

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the site of the Auschwitz Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger visited the site of the Auschwitz - Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, Sept. 28, 2022. The “Terminator” actor and former California governor viewed the barracks, watchtowers and remains of gas chambers that endure as evidence of the German extermination of Jews and others during World War II. He also met with a woman who as a 3-year-old child was subjected to experiments by the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. “This is a story that has to stay alive, this is a story that we have to tell over and over again,” he said after his visit to the site of the death camp, speaking in a former synagogue that now is home to the Auschwitz Jewish Center Foundation. He stood alongside Simon Bergson, the foundation’s chairman, who was born after the war to Auschwitz survivors, and mentioned his own family history. “I was the son of a man who fought in the Nazi war and wa

Puan Maharani Manis Dan Cemberut

Puan Maharani Manis Dan Cemberut Aksi Kontroversial Puan Maharani, dari Lempar-lempar Kaus Sambil Cemberut, hingga Menanam Padi Saat Hujan Nama Ketua DPR Puan Maharani kembali jadi sorotan publik setelah potongan videonya tengah membagi-bagikan  kaus ke masyarakat dengan raut wajah tak senang tersebar luas. Ketua DPP PDI-P Bidang Politik itu terlihat membagikan kaus dengan cara melempar. Dalam video itu, Puan mengenakan kemeja hitam. Kaus yang dibagikannya pun berwarna hitam. Puan juga terlihat marah kepada pengawal pribadinya (walpri) yang memegang kaus tersebut. Belakangan, diketahui bahwa peristiwa dalam video itu terjadi di wilayah Jawa Barat yang sempat disebut Puan sebagai "kandang banteng". Terkait insiden bagi-bagi kaus ini, Ketua DPP PDI-P Said Abdullah mengatakan, raut wajah puan yang cemberut lantaran pengawal pribadinya tak menjalankan tugas dengan benar. Sedianya, kata dia, seorang walpri tidak membagikan kaus karena hal itu merupakan tugas elite parp


WISATA RELIGI MUSEUM RASULULLAH Telah dibuka pameran religi yang menampilkan barang-barang bersejarah peninggalan Rasulullah SAW dan Sahabat. Diantaranya surban, terompah, rambut, darah bekam, bekas telapak kaki, dan tongkat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Pemeran tersebut juga menampilkan barang-bersejar ah yang menjadi saksi perjuangan dan kejayaan Islam di masa lalu. Diantaranya pedang Sahabat Khalid bin Walid RA, baju zirah (perang), pedang Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih, batu dinding Ka'bah, kiswah (penutup Ka'bah), kunci Ka'bah, karpet raudhoh, batu sijjil (batu dari neraka yang dulu dibawa burung Ababil untuk memusnahkan bala tentara / pasukan gajah dibawah komando Raja Abrahah yang waktu itu ingin menghancurkan Ka'bah). Pameran ini akan dipandu oleh Mu'arif / tour guide yang ramah dan berpengalaman, yang akan memandu dan menceritakan sejarah dari masing-masing benda bersejarah tersebut. Ayo kunjungi Kota Probolinggo, saksikan langsung barang-barang milik R


3 CARA PRAKTIS MEMULAI BISNIS TRAVEL ONLINE UNTUK PEMULA Traveling kini telah menjadi gaya hidup masyarakat metropolitan di Indonesia. Tidak hanya untuk usia muda, traveling juga disukai orang-orang berusia lanjut. Tujuan melakukan traveling memang setiap orang berbeda-beda. Misalnya ada karyawan yang stres dan membutuhkan refreshing, ada yang memang mau keliling dunia, wisata kuliner, belanja skincare atau mau menikmati liburan bareng sekeluarga. Fenomena ini mendorong peluang bisnis travel online. Menariknya realita ini semakin menjamur karena banyak faktor pendukung seperti internet, marketplace, media sosial, Instagram dan lain sebagainya. Bisnis travel online ini tidak hanya menyediakan paket liburan saja. Ada yang menyediakan penginapan, moda transportasi, jasa foto prewedding, pembelian tiket konser di luarnegeri dan lain-lain. Namun, sayangnya tidak semua orang bisa menangkap peluang ini, padahal seperti yang diketahui, permintaan akan jasa tour and travel semak


SEX AND YOU When you are single, you look forward to marriage so that you can get all the sex that comes with no guilt. You want to give your body to the right one, you keep off the hyenas who only want your sex and leave you hurting. When you are dating, sex talk is exciting with your partner. You tell your partner, "Wait till we're married; I will sex you real good till you scream" When you're newly married, sex is an instant activity, you spank each other, sex in every corner, experiment every position, gymnastics in bed. When you two are starting to get deeper in marriage, and the sex becomes less frequent, you start to wonder if you love each other the same. When the two are deep in marriage, consumed with responsibilitie s, sex becomes elusive and not a must. You two actually have to plan to have sex lest you forget that you have that sweet act to explore in marriage. When the two start to go through challenges, some couples exchange insults, the


S3X DESTROYED HER LIFE Naomi, was so beautiful, pretty and cute like the most beautiful female journalist at KTN. She was well shaped and every time she was walking around in Jamuhuri estate where she used to live, no man could by pass her without looking at her back. She was admired by almost every man in every place she went to but she fell in love with one guy from Ngong. They met at Churchill Show at Carnivore Restaurant and that's where everything started from. The guy was loving and caring. They started as friends but later on became lovers. She loved him so much such that she gave him all her heart. He was the one who was keeping the keys of her heart. Their relationship became so strong. The guy could not wait for their marriage. He started demanding to climb the tree in the middle of the garden of Eden or to ride the mountain bike for 20Km. Naomi, could not resist because she loved him so much. One day he asked her to spend night with her at Karen Country L