The Most Handsome Celebrities, Almost Perfect Faces According to Mathematics

The Most Handsome Celebrities, Almost Perfect Faces According to Mathematics

Aaron Taylor-Johnson attends the 2018 Baby2Baby Gala on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 in Culver City, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Foto: WireImage/Jun Sato

HOLIDAY NEWS - Many handsome celebrities are milling about in the entertainment world. According to cosmetic surgeons, there are some who are considered to have the most perfect handsome looks, according to mathematical calculations. 

For the umpteenth time, Dr. Julian De Silva, the plastic surgeon who popularized the Golden Ration of Phi, has released a list of the most handsome male celebrities in the world. The Golden Ratio - 1.618 (ϕ): 1 - is an ancient Greek mathematical equation which is said to be the measure closest to facial perfection based on ratios. The closer the facial structure is to this ratio, the more beautiful/handsome a person will be considered. Actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson ranks first on the list of the most handsome men on Earth. The facial ratio is almost perfect, approaching the Golden Ratio of up to 93.04%. 

"Aaron is a clear winner when all facial elements are measured for physical perfection," said De Silva, as quoted by the New York Post. 
He explained that what makes Taylor-Johnson's face 'so extraordinary' is her overall facial shape, which achieved a score of 99.2%, just 0.8% short of perfection. The length of his nose is also almost perfect with a score of 98.8%. "He also has a beautifully sculpted chin and scored a good score of 95%," he added. Second place was occupied by Lucien Laviscount, star of 'Emily in Paris', with a score of 92.41% which was close to perfect. She received the second top mark for her beautiful lip shape, scoring 97.4%. 

Third, there is Paul Mescal, with a score of 92.38%. This Irish actor received the highest score for his square and firm chin ratio. Her chin is considered almost perfect according to the ratio, with a score of 98.6%. In fourth place is British actor Robert Pattinson. The Batman actor achieved a total score of 92.15%. His facial features are in the top five for almost all categories. 

"He has classic shaped features and a beautifully chiseled jaw. The only thing below average is his slightly thin and flat lips," explains De Silva. Another British actor, Jack Lowden, came in fifth with a score of 90.33%. He got the highest score for eye position and was second for perfect eye distance. Other actors rated as having the most handsome faces, from sixth to tenth, were George Clooney, Nicholas Hoult, Charles Melton, Idris Elba and Shah Rukh Khan. 

Selebriti Paling Tampan, Wajah Nyaris Sempurna Menurut Matematika

Aaron Taylor-Johnson attends the 2018 Baby2Baby Gala on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 in Culver City, Calif. (Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Foto: WireImage/Jun Sato

HOLIDAY NEWS - Banyak selebriti tampan berseliweran di dunia entertainment. Menurut pakar bedah kosmetik, ada beberapa yang dianggap memiliki paras tampan paling sempurna, menurut penghitungan matematika.

Untuk kesekian kalinya, Dr. Julian De Silva, spesialis bedah plastik yang memopulerkan Golden Ration of Phi kembali merilis daftar selebriti pria tertampan di dunia.

The Golden Ratio - 1.618 (ϕ) : 1 - merupakan persamaan matematika Yunani kuno yang dikatakan sebagai ukuran paling mendekati kesempurnaan wajah berdasarkan rasio. Semakin dekat struktur wajah dengan rasio ini, maka seseorang akan dianggap semakin cantik/tampan.

Aktor Aaron Taylor-Johnson menempati urutan pertama dalam daftar pria paling tampan di muka Bumi. Rasio wajahnya nyaris sempurna, mendekati Golden Ratio hingga 93,04%.

"Aaron jelas jadi pemenang ketika seluruh elemen wajah diukur untuk kesempurnaan fisiknya," kata De Silva, seperti dikutip dari New York Post.

Dia menjelaskan bahwa yang membuat wajah Taylor-Johnson 'begitu luar biasa' adalah bentuk wajahnya secara keseluruhan, yang mencapai skor 99,2%, hanya kurang 0,8% untuk mencapai kesempurnaan. Panjang hidungnya juga nyaris sempurna dengan skor 98,8%.

"Dia juga memiliki dagu yang terpahat indah dan mendapat skor bagus sebesar 95%," tambahnya.

Urutan kedua diduduki Lucien Laviscount, bintang 'Emily in Paris', dengan skor 92,41% mendekati sempurna. Dia mendapat nilai kedua teratas karena bentuk bibirnya yang indah, mendapat skor sebesar 97,4%.

Ketiga, ada Paul Mescal, dengan skor 92,38%. Aktor berkebangsaan Irlandia ini meraih nilai tertinggi untuk rasio dagunya yang kotak dan tegas. Dagunya dianggap nyaris sempurna menurut rasio, dengan skor 98,6%.

Menempati urutan keempat adalah aktor asal Inggris Robert Pattinson. Pemeran Batman ini meraih skor total 92,15%. Fitur wajahnya berada di lima besar untuk hampir semua kategori.

"Dia memiliki fitur berbentuk klasik dan rahang yang dipahat dengan indah. Satu-satunya nilai di bawah rata-rata adalah bibirnya yang sedikit tipis dan rata," jelas De Silva.

Aktor Inggris lainnya, Jack Lowden, berada di posisi kelima dengan skor 90,33%. Dia mendapat skor tertinggi untuk posisi mata dan berada di urutan kedua untuk jarak mata sempurna.

Aktor lainnya yang dinilai memiliki wajah paling tampan, dari urutan enam hingga sepuluh, adalah George Clooney, Nicholas Hoult, Charles Melton, Idris Elba dan Shah Rukh Khan.

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