FIFA Re-Decides Bahrain vs Indonesia Match After Referee Ahmed Al Kaf Controversy?

FIFA Re-Decides Bahrain vs Indonesia Match After Referee Ahmed Al Kaf Controversy? 

The match between Indonesia and Bahrain, which took place at the Bahrain National Stadium on Thursday (10/10/2024), has attracted international attention, not because of the 2-2 draw achieved, but because of the controversial decisions of referee Ahmed Al Kaf. 

Many are wondering, will FIFA repeat this match? 

The controversial story began when Bahrain took a quick lead through Mohamed Marhoon's free kick in the 15th minute, after the Garuda team had been under heavy pressure since the first whistle sounded. 

However, unexpectedly, the Indonesian National Team was able to provide significant resistance. Ragnar Oratmangoen, in the final seconds of the first half, managed to equalize the score 1-1, taking advantage of the chaotic situation in front of the Bahrain goal. 

Many fans probably thought that the match would end in a draw, especially after Rafael Struick added to his tally with a spectacular strike in the 74th minute, which brought the score back to a 2-2 draw. But the surprises weren't over yet. 

When just six minutes of extra time was announced, something unexpected happened. Referee Ahmed Al Kaf seemed to "add" time indefinitely, allowing Marhoon to score a controversial goal in the 90+9 minute, creating a wave of protests from Indonesian players and fans. 

The referee's decision not to blow the final whistle immediately after the end of extra time raised many questions. Many have begun to compare this incident with similar cases in the past, such as the World Cup qualifying match between South Africa and Senegal in 2016. 

FIFA Putuskan Ulang Laga Bahrain vs Indonesia Setelah Kontroversi Wasit Ahmed Al Kaf?

Pertandingan antara Indonesia dan Bahrain, yang berlangsung di Stadion Nasional Bahrain pada Kamis (10/10/2024), telah memancing perhatian internasional, bukan karena hasil imbang 2-2 yang diraih, tetapi karena keputusan-keputusan kontroversial dari wasit Ahmed Al Kaf.

Banyak yang bertanya-tanya, apakah FIFA akan mengulang pertandingan ini?

Kisah kontroversial dimulai saat Bahrain unggul cepat melalui tendangan bebas Mohamed Marhoon di menit ke-15, setelah tim Garuda mendapat tekanan berat sejak peluit awal berbunyi.

Namun, tak diduga, Timnas Indonesia mampu memberikan perlawanan yang signifikan. Ragnar Oratmangoen, pada detik-detik akhir babak pertama, berhasil menyamakan skor 1-1, memanfaatkan situasi kacau di depan gawang Bahrain.

Banyak penggemar mungkin berpikir bahwa pertandingan akan berakhir dengan skor imbang, terutama setelah Rafael Struick menambah koleksi golnya dengan tendangan spektakuler di menit ke-74, yang membuat skor kembali imbang 2-2. Tapi kejutan belum selesai.

Saat waktu tambahan diumumkan hanya enam menit, sesuatu yang tidak terduga terjadi. Wasit Ahmed Al Kaf seakan "menambah" waktu tanpa batas, memungkinkan Marhoon mencetak gol kontroversial di menit ke-90+9, menciptakan gelombang protes dari para pemain dan penggemar Indonesia.

Keputusan wasit untuk tidak segera meniup peluit panjang setelah berakhirnya waktu tambahan memunculkan banyak pertanyaan. Banyak yang mulai membandingkan insiden ini dengan kasus-kasus serupa di masa lalu, seperti pertandingan kualifikasi Piala Dunia antara Afrika Selatan dan Senegal pada 2016.

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