Internet Changes 180 Degrees, Google Forced to Completely Overhaul

Internet Changes 180 Degrees, Google Forced to Completely Overhaul

FILE - In this Monday, Nov. 5, 2018, file photo, a woman walks past the logo for Google at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai. Chinese tech giant Huawei is racing to develop replacements for Google apps. U.S. sanctions imposed on security grounds block Huawei from using YouTube and other popular Google
Foto: Google (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

HOLIDAY NEWS - The case of Google's alleged monopoly is increasingly heated in the United States (US). The search engine giant is threatened with having to undergo a major overhaul that will impact the entire internet search landscape. 

Most recently, the US government plans to ask a judge to force Google's parent, Alphabet, to divest several of its business units. 

For example, the Chrome browser unit and the Android operating system. According to US regulators, Google maintains illegal monopoly practices in online search because it is supported by its ecosystem. 

Google controls 90% of internet searches in the US. The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is proposing a solution that has the potential to change the way US citizens find information on the internet. 

This could have an impact on Google's revenue plummeting and provide competition for rivals to develop. 

"This solution not only controls the current distribution of Google searches, but also ensures that Google cannot control the distribution of searches in the future," said a DOJ representative, quoted by Reuters, Wednesday (9/10/2024). 

The divestment request is also considered to be able to prevent Google's dominance in the development of the artificial intelligence (AI) business which is currently on the rise. 

The DOJ also plans to ask a court to order Google to end payments to several companies to make its search engine the default service on new devices. For example, the iPhone made by Apple. 

Google reportedly recorded annual spending of US$ 26.3 billion in 2021 to companies like Apple and others, to ensure its search service becomes the default on smartphones and browsers. 

Facing pressure from US regulators, Google has repeatedly said its search engine 'won' users' hearts because of quality. Google argues that users can change the search service on their devices if they are not satisfied. 

Internet Berubah 180 Derajat, Google Dipaksa Rombak Total

HOLIDAY NEWS - Kasus dugaan monopoli Google kian memanas di Amerika Serikat (AS). Raksasa mesin pencari tersebut terancam harus mengalami perombakan besar-besaran yang berdampak pada lanskap pencarian internet secara keseluruhan.

Terbaru, pemerintah AS berencana meminta hakim untuk memaksa induk Google, Alphabet, melakukan divestasi beberapa unit bisnisnya.

Misalnya unit browser Chrome dan sistem operasi Android. Menurut regulator AS, Google memelihara praktik monopoli ilegal pada pencarian online karena disokong ekosistem yang dimiliki.

Google menguasai 90% pencarian internet di AS. Departemen Kehakiman AS (DOJ) mengajukan solusi yang berpotensi mengubah cara warga AS menemukan informasi di internet.

Hal ini bisa berdampak pada anjloknya pendapatan Google dan memberikan ruang kompetisi bagi para rival untuk berkembang.

"Solusi ini tak hanya mengontrol distribusi pencarian Google saat ini, tetapi juga memastikan Google tak bisa mengontrol distribusi pencarian di masa depan," kata perwakilan DOJ, dikutip dari Reuters, Rabu (9/10/2024).

Permintaan divestasi juga dinilai bisa mencegah dominasi Google dalam pengembangan bisnis kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang tengah naik daun.

DOJ juga berencana meminta pengadilan untuk memerintahkan Google mengakhiri pembayaran ke beberapa perusahaan untuk menjadikan mesin pencarinya sebagai layanan default di perangkat baru. Misalnya iPhone buatan Apple.

Google dilaporkan mencatat pengeluaran tahunan senilai US$ 26,3 miliar pada 2021 ke perusahaan seperti Apple dan lainnya, untuk memastikan layanan pencariannya menjadi default di smartphone dan browser.

Menghadapi tekanan regulator AS, Google berulang kali mengatakan mesin pencarinya 'memenangkan' hati pengguna karena kualitas. Google berdalih pengguna bisa mengganti layanan pencari pada perangkat mereka jika tak puas.

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