Speech at the UN, Foreign Minister Retno asks for the Security Council to be reformed

Speech at the UN, Foreign Minister Retno asks for the Security Council to be reformed
Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Retno Marsudi menghadiri Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi untuk Masa Depan (Summit of the Future) yang diselenggarakan di Markas Besar PBB New York, 22-23 September 2024. Foto: Dok. Kemenlu RI
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Retno Marsudi attended the Summit of the Future held at the UN Headquarters in New York, 22-23 September 2024. Photo: Doc. Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi called for reform of the UN Security Council (DK). According to Retno, reform is aimed at ensuring that the interests of developing countries are represented. 

Retno made this call when delivering her Summit of the Future (SOFT) speech at the UN headquarters in New York, Monday (23/9). Retno is in New York to attend the UN General Assembly. 

Retno emphasized that more adaptive, responsive and effective global governance must be realized through reform of the UN Security Council, global financial architecture and multilateral trading system. 

"Reform of the multilateral system must pay attention to the voices and interests of developing countries," said Retno in a press statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

At the Summit of Future dialogue session, Retno reiterated the urgency of reforming the multilateral system, including in the UN Security Council. He said the reforms would ensure developing countries were represented in global governance. 

"We must work together to create peace, prosperity and justice for future generations," explained Retno. 

Retno Reminds about Gaza

Not only about reform, Retno used the forum to remind that Israel is still continuing to attack Gaza. He emphasized that Israel's actions must be stopped in order to achieve world peace and stability. 

"Peace can only be realized if international law is enforced consistently without double standards," stressed Retno. 

Criticism of the UNSC

The UNSC is often the subject of criticism and calls for reform for several main reasons:

1. Unfair veto power: The five permanent members (US, Russia, China, France, UK) have veto power, which allows one country to block any resolution, even if it is supported by a majority of other countries. This is considered unfair by many countries because this power makes the UNSC undemocratic and often stalls in making important decisions. 

2. Outdated composition: The composition of members still reflects the geopolitical situation after World War II, but does not reflect the realities of today's world. Developing countries and large economic powers such as India, Brazil or African countries do not have permanent representation, despite having significant influence in global politics. 

3. Slow response to global crises: The UNSC is often criticized for being unable to respond quickly to conflicts or humanitarian crises, especially because it is hampered by differences in political interests among permanent members. Situations such as the Syrian conflict, Palestine, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine show how permanent members' national interests can hinder decisive action. 

4. Lack of transparency: The decision-making process at the UNSC is often considered to lack transparency, behind-the-scenes negotiations between major countries ignore the interests of other countries and the people affected by UNSC decisions. 

Calls for reform of the UNSC include proposals to expand permanent membership, limit the use of veto rights, and increase the representation of developing countries to better reflect the current world order. However, this reform is difficult to realize because it requires approval from permanent members who tend to maintain the status quo. 

Permanent Members of the UNSC who have veto rights: United States, Russia, United Kingdom, France and China. 

Non-Permanent Members of the UNSC, elected every 2 years, currently include: Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates. 

Pidato di PBB, Menlu Retno Minta Dewan Keamanan Direformasi

Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Retno Marsudi menghadiri Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi untuk Masa Depan (Summit of the Future) yang diselenggarakan di Markas Besar PBB New York, 22-23 September 2024. Foto: Dok. Kemenlu RI
Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Retno Marsudi menghadiri Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi untuk Masa Depan (Summit of the Future) yang diselenggarakan di Markas Besar PBB New York, 22-23 September 2024. Foto: Dok. Kemenlu RI

Menlu Retno Marsudi menyerukan reformasi Dewan Keamanan (DK) PBB. Menurut Retno, reformasi ditujukan agar kepentingan negara-negara berkembang terwakili.

Seruan itu disampaikan Retno saat menyampaikan pidato Summit of the Future (SOFT) di markas PBB di New York, Senin (23/9). Retno berada di New York untuk menghadiri Sidang Majelis Umum PBB.

Retno menekankan tata kelola global yang lebih adaptif, responsif dan efektif harus diwujudkan lewat reformasi Dewan Keamanan PBB, arsitektur finansial global dan sistem perdagangan multilateral.

“Reformasi sistem multilateral ini harus memperhatikan suara dan kepentingan negara-negara berkembang," kata Retno dalam keterangan pers Kemlu RI.

Pada sesi dialog Summit of Future, Retno menegaskan kembali urgensi reformasi sistem multilateral, termasuk di Dewan Keamanan PBB. Ia menyebut reformasi akan membuat negara berkembang terwakili dalam tata kelola global.

“Kita harus bahu membahu untuk mewujudkan perdamaian, kemakmuran dan keadilan untuk generasi mendatang," jelas Retno.

Retno Ingatkan soal Gaza

Tak hanya mengenai reformasi, Retno memakai forum itu untuk mengingatkan bahwa Israel masih terus menyerang Gaza. Dia menegaskan aksi Israel harus dihentikan agar terwujud perdamaian hingga stabilitas dunia.

"Perdamaian hanya dapat terwujud jika hukum internasional ditegakkan secara konsisten tanpa standar ganda," tegas Retno.

Kritik pada DK PBB

DK PBB sering menjadi subjek kritik dan seruan reformasi karena beberapa alasan utama:

1. Kekuasaan veto yang tidak adil: Lima anggota tetap (AS, Rusia, Tiongkok, Prancis, Inggris) memiliki hak veto, yang memungkinkan satu negara untuk memblokir resolusi apa pun, meskipun didukung oleh mayoritas negara lain. Ini dianggap tidak adil oleh banyak negara karena kekuasaan ini membuat DK PBB tidak demokratis dan sering mandek dalam mengambil keputusan penting.

2. Komposisi yang ketinggalan zaman: Komposisi anggota tetap mencerminkan situasi geopolitik setelah Perang Dunia II, tetapi tidak mencerminkan realitas dunia saat ini. Negara-negara berkembang dan kekuatan ekonomi besar seperti India, Brasil, atau negara-negara Afrika tidak memiliki representasi tetap, meskipun memiliki pengaruh signifikan dalam politik global.

3. Lambatnya respons terhadap krisis global: DK PBB sering dikritik karena tidak mampu merespons cepat terhadap konflik atau krisis kemanusiaan, terutama karena terhalang oleh perbedaan kepentingan politik di antara anggota tetap. Situasi seperti konflik Suriah, Palestina, dan invasi Rusia ke Ukraina menunjukkan bagaimana kepentingan nasional anggota tetap dapat menghambat tindakan yang tegas.

4. Kurangnya transparansi: Proses pengambilan keputusan di DK PBB sering dianggap kurang transparan, negosiasi di balik layar antara negara-negara besar mengabaikan kepentingan negara-negara lain dan rakyat yang terkena dampak dari keputusan DK PBB.

Seruan untuk reformasi DK PBB mencakup usulan untuk memperluas keanggotaan tetap, membatasi penggunaan hak veto, serta meningkatkan representasi negara-negara berkembang agar lebih mencerminkan tatanan dunia saat ini. Namun, reformasi ini sulit terwujud karena membutuhkan persetujuan dari anggota tetap yang cenderung mempertahankan status quo.

Anggota Tetap DK PBB yang memiliki hak veto: Amerika Serikat, Rusia, Inggris, Prancis, dan China.

Anggota Tidak Tetap DK PBB yang dipilih per 2 tahun, saat ini beranggotakan: Albania, Brasil, Ekuador, Gabon, Ghana, Jepang, Malta, Mozambik, Swiss, dan Uni Emirat Arab.

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