Astral Detective Earns IDR 100 Million in 2 Days After Broadcasting Horror Investigation Content
Astral Detective Earns IDR 100 Million in 2 Days After Broadcasting Horror Investigation Content
Detective Astral Earns IDR 100 Million in 2 Days After Broadcasting Horror Investigation Content (Photo: Instagram/detectiveastral)
HOLIDAY NEWS - Astral Detective managed to make a profit of up to IDR 100 million after his horror content entitled 'Fighting the Strongest Demon in the Antarctic Pyramid' was broadcast on the Noice application. Interestingly, this content has managed to reap huge profits even though it has only been broadcast exclusively for two days, on July 1 2024 to be precise.
Since its initial release, this special content has been watched by more than 6,000 people. In fact, for the first time, Astral Detective presents uncensored investigative videos.
"We are presenting for the first time an uncensored investigative video against the strongest demon in the Antarctic Pyramid. We uncovered a global elite conspiracy about human genetic engineering there," said Bou, content creator of Astral Detective.
"So far the response from the audience has been very good and satisfied because there are many things we present explicitly that have never been seen in other DA content," he continued.
Detective Astral Earns IDR 100 Million in 2 Days After Broadcasting Horror Investigation Content (Photo: Instagram/detectiveastral)
In this 2.5 hour long content, Astral Detective not only uncovers secrets about human genetic engineering in the Antarctic Pyramids. They also presented preparations when they were about to go to war against the tier 1 Devil troops at the Antarctic Pyramid, after previously conducting research regarding the conspiracy on the continent.
Noice itself provides support for local content creators by providing monetization features. It is known that this feature can be used by creators from the start through paid content schemes (VIP episodes and early access) to collaboration with brands or advertisers.
"It is hoped that the success of Astral Detective can be an inspiration for content creators in Indonesia. "By focusing on giving the best to fans, content creators are proven to be able to gain monetization potential outside of advertising by selling their best content to their loyal fans," said Niken Sasmaya, Chief Business Officer (CBO) of Noice.
Detective Astral Earns IDR 100 Million in 2 Days After Broadcasting Horror Investigation Content (Photo: Instagram/detectiveastral)
As is known, Astral Detective is a content creator who has been regularly presenting horror genre content since the end of 2020. In creating its content, Astral Detective consists of Bou as the presenter and Willy and Jesslyn who are supernatural practitioners, possessing indigo abilities.
Astral Detective's special content 'Fighting the Strongest Demon in the Antarctic Pyramid' can be watched on the Noice application for only IDR 25,000,- or the equivalent of 125 Noice Coins. Every month, Astral Detective content can reach an average of more than 3,000 unique listeners from live stream sessions and has more than 20 thousand subscribers on the Noice application and more than 42 thousand followers on its Instagram account.
Astral Detective himself often uncovers various supernatural mysteries and mysterious cases using the Astral Traveling Investigation (ATI) method. This method can be said to be similar to the 'soul breaking' or 'soul body' method of visiting the location of a mysterious incident without the person being physically present in person. The ATI method is then combined with the memory reading method, reading energy traces, intentions and emotions.
"Astral Detective is an example of a content creator who is very smart in building a loyal community. They always focus on creating quality content and always maintain closeness with their listeners," continued Niken.
Detektif Astral Raih Rp100 Juta dalam 2 Hari Usai Tayangkan Konten Investigasi Horor
Detektif Astral Raih Rp100 Juta dalam 2 Hari Usai Tayangkan Konten Investigasi Horor (Foto: Instagram/detektifastral)
HOLIDAY NEWS - Detektif Astral berhasil meraih keuntungan hingga Rp100 juta usai konten horornya yang berjudul 'Melawan Iblis Terkuat di Piramida Antartika' tayang di aplikasi Noice. Menariknya, konten tersebut berhasil meraup keuntungan besar meski baru dua hari tayang secara eksklusif, tepatnya pada 1 Juli 2024.
Sejak awal dirilis, konten spesial ini sudah ditonton oleh lebih dari 6.000 orang. Bahkan untuk pertama kalinya, Detektif Astral menghadirkan video investigasi tanpa sensor.
"Kami pertama kalinya menghadirkan video investigasi tanpa sensor untuk melawan iblis terkuat di Piramida Antartika. Kami mengungkap konspirasi para elite global tentang rekayasa genetika manusia di sana," kata Bou, konten kreator Detektif Astral.
"Sejauh ini respon dari audiens sangat baik dan puas karena banyak hal yang kami hadirkan secara eksplisit, belum pernah ada di konten DA lainnya," sambungnya.
Detektif Astral Raih Rp100 Juta dalam 2 Hari Usai Tayangkan Konten Investigasi Horor (Foto: Instagram/detektifastral)
Dalam konten berdurasi 2,5 jam ini, Detektif Astral tidak hanya mengungkap rahasia tentang rekayasa genetika manusia di Piramida Antartika. Mereka juga menyajikan persiapan saat hendak berperang besar melawan pasukan Iblis tier 1 di Piramida Antartika, setelah sebelumnya melakukan riset terkait konspirasi yang ada di benua tersebut.
Noice sendiri memberikan dukungan pada konten kreator lokal dengan menyajikan fitur monetisasi. Diketahui, fitur tersebut bisa digunakan oleh para kreator sejak awal melalui skema konten berbayar (VIP episode dan early access) hingga kolaborasi dengan brand atau pengiklan.
"Kesuksesan Detektif Astral diharapkan bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi para konten kreator di Indonesia. Dengan fokus untuk memberikan yang terbaik kepada penggemar, para konten kreator terbukti bisa mendapatkan potensi monetisasi di luar iklan dengan cara menjual konten-konten terbaiknya kepada penggemar loyal mereka," kata Niken Sasmaya, Chief Business Officer (CBO) Noice.
Detektif Astral Raih Rp100 Juta dalam 2 Hari Usai Tayangkan Konten Investigasi Horor (Foto: Instagram/detektifastral)
Sebagaimana diketahui, Detektif Astral merupakan konten kreator yang lerap menyajikan konten bergenre horor sejak akhir 2020. Dalam membuat kontennya, Detektif Astral terdiri dari Bou sebagai presenter serta Willy dan Jesslyn yang merupakan praktisi supranatural, pemilik kemampuan indigo.
Konten spesial Detektif Astral ‘Melawan Iblis Terkuat di Piramida Antartika’ dapat ditonton di aplikasi Noice hanya dengan Rp 25.000,- atau setara dengan 125 Noice Coins. Setiap bulannya, konten Detektif Astral dapat meraih rata-rata lebih dari 3,000 unique listeners dari sesi live stream dan memiliki lebih dari 20 ribu subscribers di aplikasi Noice dan lebih dari 42 ribu followers di akun Instagram.
Detektif Astral sendiri kerap menguak berbagai misteri dan kasus misterius secara supranatural lewat metode Astral Travelling Investigation (ATI). Metode tersebut bisa dikatakan mirip dengan metode 'pecah jiwa' atau 'raga sukma' untuk mendatangi lokasi kejadian misterius tanpa fisik orang tersebut hadir secara langsung. Metode ATI tersebut kemudian digabungkan dengan metode membaca memori, membaca jejak energi, niatan, dan emosi.
"Detektif Astral adalah salah satu contoh konten kreator yang sangat cerdas dalam membangun komunitas yang loyal. Mereka selalu fokus untuk membuat konten berkualitas dan selalu menjaga kedekatan dengan para pendengarnya," lanjut Niken.