Pamotan Temple is two (remaining) buildings from the classical period located in Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. 

This temple is located in Pamotan village, Porong, Sidoarjo, Porong District, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java. The two temples are 50 meters apart, Pamotan I Temple is the larger one. Both have been included as cultural heritage buildings by the Sidoarjo Regency government. 

Walujo BA, cultural observer, in his notes stated that Pamotan Temple was first studied by GLA Brandes, a Dutchman, in 1903. However, until 1921 this temple had never been visited by experts. It wasn't until 1923 that NJ Krom, an archaeologist, wrote about this temple. 

According to Krom, the profile shape of Pamotan Temple is commonly used in temples in East Java. This temple has the style of the Majapahit period. 
Pamotan II Temple was discovered about 50 meters from the discovery of the first temple, in the form of a pile of bricks similar to a temple. The temple does not yet have a name, so it is called Pamotan II Temple. 
Pamotan Temple is located near Pari Temple. 

Candi Pamotan adalah dua (sisa) bangunan peninggalan masa klasik yang terletak di Kecamatan Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur.

Candi ini berlokasi di desa Pamotan, Porong, Sidoarjo, Kecamatan Porong, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Kedua candi berjarak 50 meter, Candi Pamotan I adalah yang berukuran lebih besar. Keduanya telah termasuk bangunan cagar budaya oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Sidoarjo.

Walujo BA, penilik kebudayaan, dalam catatannya menyebutkan, Candi Pamotan diteliti pertama kali oleh GLA Brandes, orang Belanda, pada tahun 1903. Namun, hingga 1921 candi ini tak pernah dikunjungi para ahli. Baru tahun 1923 NJ Krom, ahli purbakala, menulis tentang candi ini.

Menurut Krom, bentuk profil Candi Pamotan lazim digunakan pada candi-candi di Jawa Timur. Candi ini memiliki gaya periode Majapahit.
Candi Pamotan II ditemukan sekitar 50 meter dari penemuan candi yang pertama, berupa tumpukan batu bata mirip candi. Candi tersebut belum punya nama, sehingga disebut Candi Pamotan II.
Candi Pamotan terletak di dekat Candi Pari.

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