Brave Search Google Search Rivals, Click HERE Brave Browser PC and Brave APK and Brave VPN

Brave Search Google Search Rivals, Click HERE Brave Browser PC and Brave APK and Brave VPN
- Brave Search is a rival search engine to Google Search, click HERE to open Brave Browser PC and Brave APK as well as Brave VPN and Brave download . 
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The Brave Search search engine was released in beta in March 2021 and aims to be the first multi-platform search alternative to Big Tech platforms. 
Brave Search does not track users, queries, or clicks, and all user data is stored privately on the user's device and cannot be accessed by third parties. 
Reporting from, the giant search engine Google Search now has a new rival. 

The search engine is called Brave Search, a search engine that has been tested for several months and comes with privacy features that are said to be more powerful than other similar services. 
When looking for something on the internet, for example, Brave Search is claimed not to record the user's location or use their search history for other search results that may be similar. 

To display search results, Brave claims that it will not "borrow" website indexes owned by Google or Microsoft, but will use their own website index. This website index is said to increase over time based on anonymous search results and contributions from the Brave community. 

However, for image search results, Brave still relies on indexes from its "neighbor" service, namely Microsoft Bing, at least until the search engine can index them independently. 
Can display search metrics

Uniquely, Brave Search can also display metrics that tell you what percentage of the search results displayed come from the Brave website index, as illustrated in the rightmost image above. 

When the metric says 100 percent, then the search results come entirely from Brave's index, not from third parties. 
Then, if it is 95 percent, then 5 percent, whether in the form of images, icons, and a number of other elements come from third parties. This is intended to make this search engine as transparent as possible. 

Well, the Brave Search service is currently still in beta stage, but users can try it out via the website or the Brave Browser application which can be downloaded on the Google Play Store (Android) and App Store (iOS). 

In the application, Brave Search itself is still an option from a number of popular search engines that are already available, such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and so on. 
However, towards the end of this year, Brave Search will become the default search engine for the Brave Browser application, as compiled by Tekno from 

For now, the Brave Search service can be obtained for free without advertising. Brave will only show ads when it is "ready" at a later time. Brave also plans to provide a paid option for users who don't want to be pestered by ads. 
That's the explanation about
Brave Search is a rival search engine to Google Search, click HERE to open Brave Browser PC and Brave APK and Brave VPN and Brave download

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