Justin Hubner Gives Hard Love to Hereditary Players Who Previously Were Reluctant But Now Wants to Join the Indonesian National Team, Code to Whom?

Justin Hubner Gives Hard Love to Hereditary Players Who Previously Were Reluctant But Now Wants to Join the Indonesian National Team, Code to Whom? 
Through an upload on his Insta story, Justin Hubner poked fun at a hereditary player who was previously reluctant to join the Indonesian national team but now wants to after seeing his greatness. 
Indonesian National Team center back, Justin Hubner. [Dock. Justin Hubner Instagram]

- Apart from being known for being tough on the gridiron, Indonesian National Team defender Justin Hubner is actually also fierce when playing on social media. 

This can be seen from the Wolverhampton player's recent upload on Insta story. 
Through his upload, Justin Hubner, who is currently a loan player at Cerezo Osaka, suddenly touched on the issue of hereditary players. 
He highlighted the issue of hereditary players who previously did not want to play for the Indonesian national team, but now they want to join after seeing the performance of the Garuda squad. 

Justin Hubner's Instagram Stories upload. Try insinuating that players of descent who previously refused are now interested in strengthening the Indonesian national team. [Dock. IG/@justinhubner5]

"Previously no one wanted to play for Indonesia and now they see that we are really great and they just want to join, funny people," he wrote as quoted on Friday (14/6/2024). 
However, Justin Hubner's statement still failed to clearly address which player he was from. 
But if you look at the momentum, after the Indonesian National Team qualified for the third round of the 2026 World Cup Qualifications, a number of players of black descent were widely linked to strengthening the Red and White squad. 
Among the names of players who are hotly associated with the Indonesian National Team include the figures of Mees Hilgers and Ole Romeny. 

The two hereditary players were linked with joining the Indonesian national team after being caught commenting on Calvin Verdonk's account which uploaded his debut with the Indonesian national team. 
Mees Hilgers himself has actually been Shin Tae-yong's target for the Indonesian National Team for a long time. 

He even almost underwent the naturalization process. But on the way, the Twente player changed his mind. 
"He suddenly changed his mind so the citizenship transfer process had to be cancelled," explained former PSSI Exco Member Hasani Abdul Gani. 
Meanwhile, Mees on another occasion admitted that he did not refuse to join the Indonesian national team, but he was still unsure and hoped to be called up to the Dutch squad. 
Mees Hilgers (twenteinsite.nl)

"I have been in contact with them but if I am open, I think it can be arranged quite quickly, maybe it is a bit too early to determine Indonesia's choice. But everything can happen quickly in football, you don't know what will happen," said Mess Hilgers in early 2024 Then. 

Apart from Mees Hilgers and Ole Romeny, there is also a hereditary player who is also widely associated with the Indonesian national team, namely Damian van Djik. 

The central defender for Eredivisie academy club Telstar U21 even admitted that he was desperate to become naturalized. 
Damian himself, before stating his desire to wear the Indonesian National Team uniform, was visited by PSSI. 

But at that time he was recovering from an injury, so the player from Bogor was unable to show his performance on the green field optimally. 
Damian also expressed this when chatting on Yussa Nugraha's YouTube channel. 

"In 2023 I met Hamdan Hamedan and took part in a meeting with several players who currently play for the Indonesian national team. But at that time I was injured so there wasn't much I could show them," he said. 

Malaysian Media Highlights Justin Hubner's Offensive Satire
Justin Hubner made a striking satire on social media. (PSSI Doc)

-- The satire of Indonesian national team defender Justin Hubner on Instagram social media is in the spotlight of the Malaysian media. 

Justin Hubner uploaded an article in an exclusive Instagram Story on Friday (14/6). Interestingly, the writing has a satirical tone aimed at certain parties. "Before no one wanted to play for Indonesia, and now they see us playing well and they want to join. Funny people," wrote Hubner. Hubner's attitude became the focus of the Malaysian media Stadium Astro. Astro said Hubner's statement was aimed at fellow players who are currently trying to lobby and compete to represent the Indonesian National Team. 

One of the reasons is the recent good performance of the Garuda Squad. After qualifying for the 2023 Asian Cup and making history by appearing in the last 16, the Indonesian U-23 National Team also became semifinalists in the U-23 Asian Cup and almost got a ticket to the 2024 Paris Olympics. 

In the 2026 World Cup Qualifications, Indonesia qualified for the third round. The Red and White Team's ranking in the FIFA rankings also continues to soar. 
Many netizens reacted to Justin Hubner's critical attitude. Netizens speculate that a number of players who previously rejected offers to become naturalized players for the Indonesian National Team are now determined to wear the Garuda symbol on their chest. 
A number of players linked to Hubner's attitude are Mees Hilger and Kevin Diks. Kevin Diks rejected Indonesia's proposal first, around 2022, while Hilger refused in 2023. One of the factors improving the performance of the Indonesian National Team is the contribution of a number of naturalized players. Shin Tae Yong continues to hope to strengthen Indonesia with quality naturalized players combined with a number of local players. 

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