Vina: Before 7 Days - Horror Film Synopsis

Vina: Before 7 Days - Horror Film Synopsis
Foto: VINA: Sebelum 7 Hari

Vina: Before 7 Days is a horror film that is currently gracing cinema screens in Indonesia. Please note that this film, produced by the Dee Company, is based on a story that unfortunately actually happened in real life. 
In general, the film Vina: Before 7 Days tells the story of the efforts of the main character, namely Vina, in upholding justice. Even though he no longer lives in this world, his spirit still tries to speak the truth through his friend's body. 
Foto: VINA: Sebelum 7 Hari

Do you want to know the synopsis of Vina: Before the 7 Days and its review? If yes, you have come to the right article! You see, through this article which is summarized in the following two points, Telkomsel will provide an explanation for you~

reviews that have been given by content creators or watching trailers uploaded on the YouTube platform. 
So, so that you can see the reviews as well as watch film trailers broadcast on the platform, immediately activate the Ketengan Quota from Telkomsel, OK! For only IDR 5,000 per day, you can get a 1 GB quota, you know~
Without waiting any longer, come on, take a look at the following article! 

Synopsis of the film Vina: Before 7 Days

As previously mentioned, the film Vina: Before 7 Days is based on the true story of a woman named Vina who experienced a cruel murder. She was tortured, raped and thrown away by a depraved and cruel motorcycle gang. 
This incident occurred in 2016 in Cirebon. At that time, Vina and her lover were found dead in a flyover. Police suspect that both of them were victims of a single accident and another collision. 
However, the family felt there was something wrong. They tried to argue the police's decision but were unable to provide concrete evidence until finally, the truth was truly revealed. 
The description of the film Vina: Before 7 Days is not much different from the original story. When Vina had just returned from school, she was suddenly confronted by a motorbike gang who seemed to have evil intentions. The poor student really couldn't escape. 

She was beaten, raped, and her body was simply abandoned to cover her tracks. When her body was found and the police stated that it appeared Vina had been in a single accident, her spirit was furious. 
A few days after the news of her death was revealed, Linda, Vina's friend, suddenly asked Vina's family to gather because she had to convey important news regarding the chronology of this heartbreaking incident. 
Sure enough, as soon as all the family members had gathered, Linda was immediately possessed by Vina's spirit and she explained everything in detail. Vina also vowed to reveal the truth within seven days. 
Come on, move to the next discussion! 

Vina Film Review: Before 7 Days

Please note that the film Vina: Before 7 Days can be seen in hundreds of Indonesian cinemas starting May 8 2024. Before it was officially shown, there were several people who were specifically invited to watch the premiere. 
Based on the information obtained, it is reported that viewers will receive a warning regarding scenes in the film that include physical violence, sexual violence and bullying before the film is actually shown. 
This is done with the aim of warning the audience not to push themselves if they have the potential to experience disturbance or be emotionally triggered by the trigger warning given. 
In general, the players were able to show quite good acting quality even though they were considered new artists. 
The actors' acting when acting out the trance scene is said to be able to make the audience's hair bristle. 
In terms of plot, although there are several adjustments, the film production team seems to be trying to make the film as close to the original events as possible. In fact, it is reported that several scenes were carried out at the scene of the crime. 
Not only that, in terms of scoring and music, the film production team also received positive reviews from several people. Because, the presence of loud background sound and voicing scary tones is very suitable for building an atmosphere. 
Meanwhile, in terms of moral messages, the audience received a message about the dangers of bullying and motorcycle gang culture which should be eradicated for the common good. 
The hope is that with the release of this film, society will no longer perpetuate bullying and sexual violence. Hopefully all injustices that occur can be eradicated and every victim can regain their rights. 

That's the synopsis and review of Vina: Before 7 Days that you might want to know. Hopefully this is useful and can provide a fairly clear picture of the film, okay? 
Anyway, apart from this article, you can also peek at the synopsis and reviews of this film via social media or YouTube channels specifically for films. Therefore, immediately activate the Sakti Internet Package from Telkomsel via the TShop website, OK! 

Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari - Sinopsis Film Horor
Foto: VINA: Sebelum 7 Hari

Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari adalah film horor yang saat ini sedang menghiasi layar bioskop tanah air. Perlu diketahui bahwa film yang digarap oleh Dee Company ini diangkat dari kisah yang sayangnya benar-benar terjadi di kehidupan nyata.
Secara garis besar, film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari menceritakan upaya tokoh utamanya, yaitu Vina, dalam menegakkan keadilan. Meskipun sudah tidak lagi hidup di dunia, arwahnya tetap berusaha menyuarakan kebenaran melalui raga sahabatnya.

Apakah kamu ingin mengetahui sinopsis Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari dan ulasannya? Kalau iya, kamu datang ke artikel yang tepat! Soalnya, melalui artikel yang diringkas ke dalam dua poin berikut, Telkomsel akan memaparkan penjelasannya untukmu~

review yang sudah diberikan oleh para content creator atau menyaksikan trailer yang diunggah di platform YouTube.
Nah, supaya kamu dapat melihat review sekaligus menonton cuplikan film yang ditayangkan di platform tersebut, segera aktivasi Kuota Ketengan dari Telkomsel, ya! Hanya dengan Rp5.000 per hari, kamu sudah bisa memperoleh kuota 1 GB, lho~
Tanpa menunggu lebih lama lagi, yuk, langsung simak artikel berikut ini!

Sinopsis Film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari diangkat dari kisah nyata seorang perempuan bernama Vina yang mengalami pembunuhan keji. Ia disiksa, diperkosa, dan dibuang oleh geng motor yang bejat dan kejam.
Kejadian ini terjadi pada tahun 2016 di Cirebon. Pada saat itu, Vina dan kekasihnya ditemukan tak bernyawa di sebuah flyover. Polisi menduga, keduanya adalah korban kecelakaan tunggal sekaligus tabrak lagi.
Kendati demikian, pihak keluarga merasakan adanya kejanggalan. Mereka berusaha mendebat keputusan polisi namun tidak mampu memberikan bukti konkret sampai akhirnya, kebenaran benar-benar terungkap.
Gambaran film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari tidak berbeda jauh dengan cerita aslinya. Ketika Vina baru pulang sekolah, tiba-tiba saja ia dihadang oleh geng motor yang terlihat mempunyai niat jahat. Siswa malang itu benar-benar tidak bisa menghindar.

Ia dipukul, mengalami pemerkosaan, dan mayatnya pun ditelantarkan begitu saja untuk menutupi jejak. Ketika mayatnya ditemukan dan polisi menyatakan bahwa kelihatannya Vina mengalami kecelakaan tunggal, rohnya murka.
Beberapa hari setelah kabar kematiannya terungkap, tiba-tiba saja Linda, teman Vina, meminta keluarga Vina untuk berkumpul karena ia harus menyampaikan kabar penting mengenai kronologi kejadian memilukan tersebut.
Benar saja, begitu semua anggota keluarga sudah berkumpul, Linda langsung kerasukan roh Vina dan ia membeberkan semuanya secara detail. Vina pun bersumpah akan menguak kebenarannya dalam kurun waktu tujuh hari.
Yuk, pindah ke pembahasan selanjutnya!

Review Film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari

Perlu diketahui bahwa film Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari sudah bisa disaksikan di ratusan bioskop Indonesia mulai tanggal 8 Mei 2024. Sebelum resmi ditayangkan, ada beberapa orang yang secara khusus diundang untuk menyaksikan premiere-nya.
Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh, dikabarkan bahwa penonton akan menerima peringatan mengenai adegan-adegan dalam film yang meliputi kekerasan fisik, kekerasan seksual, dan perundungan sebelum filmnya benar-benar diputar.
Hal ini dilakukan dengan tujuan memberikan peringatan kepada para penonton untuk tidak memaksakan diri jika memang berpotensi mengalami gangguan atau terpicu secara emosional dengan trigger warning yang diberikan. 
Secara garis besar, para pemain mampu menunjukkan kualitas akting yang cukup mumpuni meskipun mereka terhitung artis pendatang baru. 
Akting pemeran ketika melakoni adegan kesurupan disebut-sebut mampu membuat bulu kuduk penonton meremang.
Dari segi alur, walaupun ada beberapa penyesuaian, tim produksi film terlihat berusaha membuat filmnya sedekat mungkin dengan kejadian aslinya. Bahkan, kabarnya beberapa adegan sampai dilakukan di tempat kejadian perkara.
Tak hanya itu, dari segi skoring dan tata musik, tim produksi film pun menerima review positif dari beberapa orang. Sebab, adanya latar suara yang keras dan menyuarakan nada-nada menyeramkan sangat pas untuk membangun suasana.
Sementara itu, dari segi pesan moral, penonton menangkap adanya pesan mengenai bahaya perundungan dan budaya geng motor yang sebaiknya dibasmi demi kebaikan bersama.
Harapannya, dengan dirilisnya film ini, masyarakat tidak lagi melanggengkan perundungan dan kekerasan seksual. Semoga segala ketidakadilan yang terjadi dapat dibasmi dan setiap korban dapat kembali memperoleh hak-haknya.

Itu dia pemaparan tentang sinopsis dan review Vina: Sebelum 7 Hari yang mungkin ingin kamu ketahui. Semoga bermanfaat dan bisa memberikan gambaran yang cukup jelas mengenai film tersebut, ya!
Foto: VINA: Sebelum 7 Hari

Anyway, selain melalui artikel ini, kamu juga dapat mengintip sinopsis dan ulasan film ini melalui media sosial atau kanal YouTube khusus film. Oleh sebab itu, segera aktivasi Paket Internet Sakti dari Telkomsel lewat situs web TShop, ya!

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