Hotman Paris' good intentions were not responded Eky father: Doesn't he want all his children's killers caught?

Hotman Paris' good intentions were not responded Eky father: Doesn't he want all his children's killers caught? 
- The famous lawyer Hotman Paris complained that his good intentions were not responded to by the father of Eky whose child was the victim of the murder of Vina Cirebon. 

Hotman Paris has the intention to meet by communicating with the father of Eky Iptu Rudiana who currently serves as the Kapetakan Police Chief, Cirebon, West Java. 
However, his desire to meet has not yet been met. Hotman Paris was surprised that his invitation was not responded to. In fact, as we all know, Inspector Rudiana is the biological father of Eky, where Eky himself was also a murder victim in that case. 

"Why doesn't this police officer want to meet or chat with Hotman even though his son is the victim?," wrote Hotman Paris on his personal Instagram account, Friday (24/5/2024). 

Hotman Paris wants to meet Inspector Rudiana because he is a policeman who is also a victim, of course he hopes he can communicate about the case that occurred in 2016. Hotman Paris, who is currently also the attorney for the family of Vina Cirebon, who is also a victim, has high hopes that all the DPOs will be arrested. 

"Khan, this father who is a police officer must know a lot of information? Does this father really not want all his children's killers to be caught? What's wrong!," wrote Hotman. 

Previously, Hotman Paris invited Eky's father, who is now the Kapetakan police chief, Cirebon, West Java, Inspector Rudiana, to solve the murder case of Vina Cirebon. 

"Hello, Mr. Rudi, the biological father of the deceased male victim, Vina's friend, Cirebon. If you have time, contact Hotman Paris or the Hotman 911 Team. We need to discuss this case," said Hotman Paris. 

Hotman Paris's plan is to invite Eky's father to solve the murder case of Vina Cirebon, which is currently being widely discussed. 
The failure to respond to Hotman Paris' invitation made several netizens speculate that Eky Iptu Rudiana's father was under pressure from his superiors. 

"Threatened by superiors because one of the dpo is the son of a 3-star general," wrote one account. 
"Hand in hand, sir, with Bang Hotman and the team. You have received attention from Mr. Prabowo and Mas Gibran. Especially attention from all +62 netizens. Help us and +62 netizens work and this is our sorrow, sir. We all feel the pain of seeing this incident . "No one would want our family to go like that (sorry, that doesn't open your wounds and your family), we will heal together,"

"If I were this father, I would risk my life and position to uncover the murder of his son... Come on, father, come and confide in Mr. Hotman,"

"He lost his position, bro, if he needs to, just take him home with my brother's team and wait for the latest news on Vina's case,"
"He is just the police chief. He has most likely received an ultimatum from his immediate superior. That's why he chose to remain silent,"

"Yes, it's clear bro... the police said his son was a victim of keeping silent for 8 years... there must be shrimp behind the rock bro... quickly give him assistance and help so that everything is revealed... maybe this is almost the same as There are a lot of people involved in the Sambo case... "Hopefully the reputation of the National Police Chief remains good and fragrant in the eyes of the community. This person is in a long-drawn scenario," wrote a netizen comment. 

Kompolnas Reminds West Java Regional Police to Be Careful
The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) reminded the West Java Regional Police to be careful in disclosing the murder case of Vina Cirebon. 

This case, which has not been resolved since 2016, needs an in-depth investigation so that the DPO perpetrators can be arrested in their entirety. The murder case of Vina Cirebon is currently in the public spotlight, it needs to do more so that the police can clearly disclose the case to the public. 

Member of the National Police Commissioner, Albertus Wahyurudhanto, suggested that the police use the scientific crime investigation method or an investigative approach that prioritizes scientific discipline in uncovering the suspects in the Cirebon Vina murder case. 
The use of scientific investigation methods aims to ensure that police actions do not give rise to misconduct, aka wrong behavior. 

"If misconduct occurs, then we feel sorry for the police, so we advise them to be really careful, carry out a scientific crime investigation because now everyone is monitoring it," said Member of the National Police Commissioner, Albertus Wahyurudhanto, in a Kompas TV broadcast, Thursday (23/5/2024). 

The National Police Commissioner will also directly visit the West Java Regional Police to discuss what problems or obstacles were encountered in uncovering the Vina Cirebon murder case. "We plan to send our commissioner to the West Java Regional Police to discuss it directly with the West Java Regional Police, so that we can discuss things that are obstacles and problems with the West Java Regional Police," he said. 

Niat Baik Hotman Paris Tak Direspon Ayah Eky: Apa Tidak Mau Semua Pembunuh Anaknya Tertangkap
- Pengacara kondang Hotman Paris mengeluhkan niat baiknya tidak di respon oleh ayah Eky yang anakya menjadi korban pembunuhan Vina Cirebon.

Hotman Paris memiliki niat untuk bertemu dengan berkomunikasi dengan ayah Eky Iptu Rudiana yang saat ini menjabat sebagai Kapolsek Kapetakan, Cirebon, Jawa barat. Namun keinginan dia untuk bertemu hingga saat ini belum ada titik temu. Hotman Paris pun merasa heran ajaknya itu tidak ditanggapi. Padahal seperti diketahui bersama jika Iptu Rudiana merupakan ayah kandung dari Eky, dimana Eky sendiri juga menjadi korban pembunuhan dalam kasus itu.

"Knp Pak Polisi ini tdk mau temu atau chat dgn Hotman padahal anaknya yg korban meninggal??," tulis Hotman Paris dalam akun instagram pribadinya, Jumat (24/5/2024).

Keinginan Hotman Paris untuk bertemu dengan Iptu Rudiana karena beliau merupakan seorang polisi yang juga menjadi korban, tentu harapannya bisa berkomunikasi perihal kasus yang terjadi di tahun 2016 itu.
Hotman Paris yang saat ini juga merupakan kuasa hukum keluarga Vina Cirebon yang juga korban, bisa berharap besar agar seluruh DPO dapat ditangkap.
"Khan Si ayah yg polisi ini pasti tau banyak info?? Emang Ayah ini tdk mau Semua pembunuh anaknya tertangkap? Ada apa!," tulis Hotman.

Sebelumnya Hotman Paris mengajak ayah Eky yang kini jadi Kapolsek  Kapetakan, Cirebon, Jawa barat, Iptu Rudiana menuntaskan kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon.

"Halo Pak Polisi Pak Rudi, ayah kandung almarhum dari korban laki-laki teman Vina Cirebon. Kalo bapak sempat hubungi Hotman Paris atau Tim Hotman 911. Kami perlu diskusi soal kasus ini," kata Hotman Paris.

Rencana Hotman Paris mengajak ayah Eky untuk menuntaskan kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon yang saat ini ramai diperbincangkan. Tidak diresponnya ajaknya Hotman Paris membuat beberapa netizen berspekulasi jika ayah Eky Iptu Rudiana sudah ada tekanan dengan atasan. 

"Diancam atasan karena salah satu dpo adalah anak jendral bintang 3," tulis salah satu akun.
"Gandengan tangan Pak sama Bang Hotman dan tim. Kan sudah dapat atensi dari Pak Prabowo dan Mas Gibran. Terkhusus atensi dari seluruh netizen +62. Bantu kami juga netizen +62 bekerja dan ini duka kita semua Pak. Kita semua merasakan sakit melihat peristiwa ini. Tidak akan ada yang mau keluarga kita pergi dengan cara demikian ( maaf bukan membuka luka Bapak dan keluarga ), kita sembuh sama-sama,"

"Kalo saya jadi bapak ini, saya pertaruhkan nyawa dan jabatan untuk mwngungkap pembunuhan anaknya... Ayolahh bapak datanglah dan curhatlah ke pak hotman,"

"Beliau kalah jabatan bang bila perlu jemput kerumahnya saja sama tim abang saya juga menunggu kabar terbaru kasus vina," "Beliau ini cuman kapolsek. Beliau ini pastinya kemungkinan besar sudah mendapat ultimatum dari atasan beliau langsung. Makanya beliau memilih untuk diam,"

"ya jelas lah bang...masa polisi ank nya jadi korban keep silent 8 thn...pasti ada udang dibalik batu bang...cepat beliau di beri pendampingan dan di bantu agar terungkap semua nya...mngkin ini hmpir sama dg kasus Sambo bnyk sekali yg terlibat ya...semoga marwah kapolri tetap baik dan harum dimata masyarakat ini Oknum yg skenario kelamaan," tulis komentar netizen.

Kompolnas Ingatkan Polda Jabar Hati-hati
Komisi Kepolisian Nasional (Kompolnas) mengingatkan Polda Jawa Barat berhati-hati dalam pengungkapan kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon.

Kasus yang belum tuntas sejak 2016 ini perlu penyelidikan mendalam agar pelaku DPO bisa ditangkap secara keseluruhan.
Kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon memang tengah menjadi sorotan publik, perlu ektra lebih agar polisi bisa membuka secara jelas terkait kasus itu kepada publik.
Anggota Kompolnas, Albertus Wahyurudhanto menyarankan agar Polisi menggunakan metode scientific crime investigation atau metode pendekatan penyidikan yang mengedepankan disiplin ilmu pengetahuan dalam pengungkapan para tersangka kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon.
Penggunaan metode penyidikan ilmiah bertujuan agar tindakan kepolisian tidak menimbulkan misconduct alias perilaku salah.

"Kalau terjadi misconduct, maka kasihan polisinya sehingga kami berpesan hati-hati betul, lakukan dengan scientific crime investigation karena sekarang semua memantau," kata kata Anggota Kompolnas, Albertus Wahyurudhanto dalam tayangan Kompas TV, Kamis (23/5/2024).
Komisioner Kompolnas secara langsung juga akan mendatangi Polda Jawa Barat untuk mendiskusikan perihal ganjalan atau hambatan apa yang ditemui dalam pengungkapan kasus pembunuhan Vina Cirebon.

"Kami nanti rencana akan mengirim komisioner kami ke Polda Jabar untuk secara langsung kami diskusi dengan Polda Jabar, sehingga hal-hal yang menjadi ganjalan dan menjadi problem bisa kita diskusikan dengan Polda," ujarnya.

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