Making History, Korean Media Excited! Shin Tae-yong Becomes Most Loved Figure Indonesia

Making History, Korean Media Excited! Shin Tae-yong Becomes Most Loved Figure Indonesia
Shin Tae-Yong (Youtube Football skills 100)

-Shin Tae-yong, the Indonesian National Team coach, became the focus of the South Korean media after successfully bringing the Indonesian U-23 National Team to the quarter-finals of the U-23 Asian Cup. 

This achievement follows in the footsteps of the senior national team which previously also managed to qualify for the last 16 of the Asian Cup. 
Shin Tae-yong is now considered the coach who made new history for Indonesian football. 
Shin Tae-yong's success has not only become big news in Indonesia, but also in South Korea. 

Quoting from the YouTube channel Hattrick, one of Korea's biggest media, Naver Sports, highlighted Shin Tae-yong's journey with the Indonesian National Team. 
Not only that, the media also highlighted the process behind the success of the U-23 National Team in the knockout rounds. 
This media also discusses Shin Tae-yong's contract with PSSI and his increasing popularity in Indonesia. 
Shin Tae-yong is known as a coach who brought significant changes to Indonesian football. 

His revolutionary policies, such as rejuvenating players by replacing older players with young talents, have had a positive impact on the national team. 
The results of Shin Tae-yong's hard work were seen when the U-23 National Team succeeded in overthrowing Jordan with a score of 4-1, which ensured their place in the quarter-finals. 

In the Naver Sports article, it is stated that Shin Tae-yong is the most loved figure in Indonesia. 
Shin's name was often heard in the stadium, shouted by fans, especially after the U-23 national team's victory against Jordan. 
This attention from the Korean media shows how big an influence Shin Tae-yong has on Indonesian football. 
Now, Shin Tae-yong has the potential to face his own country, South Korea, in the quarter-finals. 
This moment is of particular concern, considering the emotional challenges Shin may face when playing against a team from his home country. 
However, Shin Tae-yong remains focused on his task of bringing the Indonesian national team to a higher level. 

Apart from that, the success of the U-23 National Team in the quarter-finals opened up opportunities for Indonesia to qualify for the Paris Olympics. 
If Indonesia manages to win in the quarter-finals, they will qualify for the semifinals and automatically qualify to play in the Olympics. 
Regarding Shin Tae-yong's future, many fans hope that PSSI will extend his contract. 
Seeing the positive results that had been achieved, Shin Tae-yong was deemed worthy of a contract extension, even though in the end the U-23 National Team failed to reach the semifinals. 
With his achievements and dedication, Shin Tae-yong has become an icon for Indonesian football. 
Hopefully PSSI sees the great potential that this South Korean coach has and retains him to bring Indonesia to a higher level in the international football arena.***

Shin Tae-Yong (Youtube Football skills 100)

Ukir Sejarah, Media Korea Heboh! Shin Tae-yong Jadi Sosok Paling Dicintai di Indonesia
Shin Tae-Yong (Youtube Football skills 100)

-Shin Tae-yong, pelatih Timnas Indonesia, menjadi sorotan media Korea Selatan setelah berhasil membawa Timnas U-23 Indonesia lolos ke babak perempat final Piala Asia U-23.

Prestasi ini mengikuti jejak Timnas senior yang sebelumnya juga berhasil lolos ke babak 16 besar Piala Asia.
Shin Tae-yong kini dianggap sebagai pelatih yang membuat sejarah baru bagi sepak bola Indonesia.
Kesuksesan Shin Tae-yong tidak hanya menjadi berita besar di Indonesia, tetapi juga di Korea Selatan.

Mengutip dari kanal Youtube Hattrick, bahwa salah satu media terbesar Korea, Naver Sports, menyoroti perjalanan Shin Tae-yong bersama Timnas Indonesia.
Tidak hanya itu media tersebut juga menyoroti proses di balik suksesnya Timnas U-23 ke babak gugur.
Media ini juga membahas kontrak Shin Tae-yong dengan PSSI serta popularitasnya di Indonesia yang terus meningkat.
Shin Tae-yong dikenal sebagai pelatih yang membawa perubahan signifikan di sepak bola Indonesia.

Kebijakan revolusionernya, seperti peremajaan pemain dengan menggantikan pemain yang lebih tua dengan talenta muda, telah memberi dampak positif bagi Timnas.
Hasil kerja keras Shin Tae-yong terlihat ketika Timnas U-23 berhasil menumbangkan Yordania dengan skor 4-1, yang memastikan tempat mereka di babak perempat final.

Dalam artikel Naver Sports, disebutkan bahwa Shin Tae-yong adalah sosok yang paling dicintai di Indonesia.
Nama Shin sering terdengar di stadion, diteriakkan oleh para penggemar, terutama setelah kemenangan Timnas U-23 melawan Yordania.
Perhatian dari media Korea ini menunjukkan betapa besar pengaruh Shin Tae-yong di sepak bola Indonesia.
Kini, Shin Tae-yong berpotensi menghadapi negaranya sendiri, Korea Selatan, di babak perempat final.
Momen ini menjadi perhatian khusus, mengingat tantangan emosional yang mungkin dihadapi Shin saat melawan tim dari negara asalnya.
Namun, Shin Tae-yong tetap fokus pada tugasnya untuk membawa Timnas Indonesia ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Selain itu, sukses Timnas U-23 di babak perempat final membuka peluang bagi Indonesia untuk lolos ke Olimpiade Paris.
Jika Indonesia berhasil menang di babak perempat final, mereka akan lolos ke semifinal dan otomatis memenuhi syarat untuk bermain di Olimpiade.
Mengenai masa depan Shin Tae-yong, banyak penggemar yang berharap PSSI memperpanjang kontraknya.
Melihat hasil positif yang telah dicapai, Shin Tae-yong dinilai layak mendapatkan perpanjangan kontrak, meskipun pada akhirnya Timnas U-23 gagal mencapai semifinal.
Dengan prestasi dan dedikasinya, Shin Tae-yong telah menjadi ikon bagi sepak bola Indonesia.
Semoga PSSI melihat potensi besar yang dimiliki oleh pelatih asal Korea Selatan ini dan mempertahankannya untuk membawa Indonesia ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dalam kancah sepak bola internasional.***

Shin Tae-Yong (Youtube Football skills 100)

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