11 Amazing Photos of the Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024
-- On Wednesday, April 8, 2024 United States time, a total solar eclipse cast a large shadow over North America. The eclipse, which occurred just four hours ago, cut a strip of sudden darkness 115 miles (185 kilometers) wide and 10,000 miles (16,000 km) long across the continent.
Starting in Mexico, the eclipse crossed 15 US states and was visible to 44 million people. We in Indonesia cannot see the total eclipse because when it occurs, we are at midnight, when the day changes from Wednesday to Thursday. However, 11 amazing photos of the Total Solar Eclipse April 8 2024 can be seen here:
-- Pada Rabu, 8 April 2024 waktu Amerika Serikat, gerhana matahari total menimbulkan bayangan besar di Amerika Utara. Gerhana yang baru terjadi empat jam lalu tersebut memotong jalur kegelapan mendadak selebar 115 mil (185 kilometer) dan sepanjang 10.000 mil (16.000 km) di benua tersebut.
Dimulai di Meksiko, gerhana melintasi 15 negara bagian AS dan terlihat oleh 44 juta orang. Kita di Indonesia tidak dapat melihat gerhana total tersebut karena saat itu terjadi, kita berada pada tengah malam, saat pergantian hari Rabu ke Kamis. Namun, 11 foto menakjubkan Gerhana Matahari Total 8 April 2024 bisa dilihat di sini:
1. Mazatlan
The first totality began in Mazatlan, Mexico, where observers saw the moon pass in front of the sun's disk. Just before totality, viewers are treated to a thin, diamond-like ring of sunlight sparkling through valleys on the moon's outer surface.
After the moon covers the entire surface of the sun, all that is visible is a thin purple blob in the corona due to solar eruptions.
Totalitas pertama dimulai di Mazatlan, Meksiko, di mana orang yang melihatnya melihat bulan lewat di depan piringan matahari. Tepat sebelum totalitas, penonton disuguhi cincin tipis sinar matahari seperti berlian yang berkilauan melalui lembah di permukaan luar bulan.
Setelah bulan menutupi seluruh permukaan matahari, yang terlihat hanyalah gumpalan tipis berwarna ungu di korona akibat letusan matahari.
2. Fort Worth
Meanwhile, the moon begins to carve out the sun as it glides as thin as a hoof over Fort Worth, Texas.
Sementara itu, bulan mulai mengukir matahari yang meluncur setipis kuku kaki di atas Fort Worth, Texas.
3. Fort Worth
Then, before totality, the effect of the diamond ring can be seen. As the last grains of sunlight penetrated the valley at the foot of the moon, the two objects appeared in the sky as rings studded with brilliant diamonds.
Kemudian, sebelum totalitas, efek cincin berlian bisa terlihat. Saat butiran terakhir sinar matahari menembus lembah di kaki bulan, kedua benda itu muncul di langit sebagai cincin bertahtakan berlian cemerlang.
4. Torreon
The eclipse illuminates the sky with an ethereal glow over Torreon, Mexico.
Gerhana menyinari langit dengan cahaya halus di atas Torreon, Meksiko.
5. Brady
The moon setting above the sun creates conditions for this moody photo, taken through the clouds, in Brady, Texas.
Bulan yang terbenam di atas matahari menciptakan kondisi untuk foto murung ini, yang diambil melalui awan, di Brady, Texas.
6. Eagle Pass
Only a thin hair of sunlight remains in this photo from Eagle Pass, Texas
Hanya sehelai rambut tipis sinar matahari yang tersisa di foto dari Eagle Pass, Texas ini
7. Toronto
Under a blanket of clouds, the moon pockets the sun over Princes Gate in Toronto.
Di bawah selimut awan, bulan mengantongi matahari di atas Princes Gate di Toronto.
8. New York
A partial solar eclipse is visible through cloud cover at Niagara Falls, New York.
Gerhana matahari sebagian terlihat melalui tutupan awan di Niagara Falls, New York.
9. Washington DC
The moon passes in front of the sun behind the Washington Monument during a partial solar eclipse in Washington DC.
Bulan melintas di depan matahari di belakang Monumen Washington saat gerhana matahari sebagian di Washington DC.
10. Capitol Hill

A partial solar eclipse occurred among billowing clouds above the dome of the US Capitol Building on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.
Gerhana matahari sebagian terjadi di antara awan yang mengepul di atas kubah Gedung Capitol AS di Capitol Hill di Washington DC.
11. Houlton

The sun reaches totality in Houlton, Maine, before passing through New Brunswick, then Newfoundland and out into the Atlantic ocean.
Matahari mencapai totalitasnya di Houlton, Maine, sebelum melewati New Brunswick, lalu Newfoundland dan keluar menuju samudra Atlantik.