Rose Hanbury Prince William's Affair (Selingkuh)

Rose Hanbury Prince William's Affair

Who is Rose Hanbury, the woman suspected of being Prince William's affair, apparently Kate's neighbor
- Recently, unpleasant rumors have emerged from the British royal family, this time regarding the relationship between Prince William and Kate Middleton. 

Prince William was recently reported to have a special relationship with a woman named Rose Hanbury. 
It is said that the relationship between Prince William and Rose Hanbury will make the heir to the throne divorce Kate Middleton. 
The disappearance of Kate Middleton is still controversial to this day. 

The Princess of Wales has not been seen in various media since December 2023. 
According to Entertainment Online, Kate Middleton's disappearance was caused by her undergoing stomach surgery in January 2024. 
He was then advised to undergo recovery until Easter 2024. 
Unfortunately, until now, there have been a series of oddities that have marked Kate's absence at various royal events. 

One of them is the rumor about Rose Hanbury, the woman who is rumored to be the third person in Kate and William's marriage. 
So who is Rose Hanbury? 

The figure of Rose Hanbury

Rose Hanbury is a 39 year old former model. 

She was born with the full name Sarah Rose Cholmondeley and now has the title of Marchioness of Cholmondeley. 
According to the Independent, Rose was born to a website designer named Timothy Hanbury and Emma Hanbury, a fashion designer. 
Rose received a prestigious education at Stowe School, Buckinghamshire. 

He then worked as a model at a top agency called Storm and discovered top model Kate Moss when he was 23 years old. 
In 2005, Rose made headlines because he was spotted spending a holiday with Marina, his sister and Tony Blair, who was then serving as British prime minister. 
She married David Rocksavage, Seventh Marquess Cholmondeley in 2003 and gave birth to 3 children. 
Previously, Rose served as a researcher assisting British parliament member Michael Andrew Gove. 
Rose now works to help her husband who is involved in the property sector. 
Like Camilla Parker Bowles, the Rose family itself has long been connected with the British royal family. 
Her grandmother, Lady Elizabeth Lambart, was one of the bridesmaids at Queen Elizabeth II's wedding in 1947. 
Rose's son, Lord Oliver, was a member of the Pages of Honor who served when King Charles III ascended the throne. 
Rose and David were also previously neighbors of Kate and William. 

In 2019, rumors of an affair between Prince William and Rose Hanbury started to emerge. 
At that time, a tabloid in England issued an issue that there was an argument between Rose and Kate regarding the issue of the affair. 
When King Charles III ascended the throne, Rose was present at the ceremony. 
However, there are no photos of him meeting Kate Middleton. 
The second rumor emerged in 2022 when the gossip account Deux Moi posted an issue about an affair in the British royal family. 
Even though it has repeatedly appeared, until now the British government has not provided any clarification. 

Rose Hanbury Selingkuhan Pangeran William

Siapa Rose Hanbury, Wanita Yang Diduga Jadi Selingkuhan Pangeran William, Ternyata Tetangga Kate
 - Belakangan ini muncul rumor tak sedep dari keluarga kerajaan Inggris, kali ini mengarah pada hubungan Pangeran William dan Kate Middleton.

Pangeran William baru-baru ini dikabarkan memiliki hubungan spesial dengan seorang wanita bernama Rose Hanbury.
Hubungan antara Pangeran William dengan Rose Hanbury ini disebut bakal membuat pewaris tahta kerajaan menceraikan Kate Middleton.
Menghilangnya Kate Middleton masih menjadi kontroversi hingga kini.

Princess of Wales itu sudah tak nampak di berbagai media semenjak Desember 2023 lalu.
Melansir dari Entertainment Online, hilangnya Kate Middleton disebabkan karena ia menjalani operasi di bagian perut pada Januari 2024.
Ia kemudian disarankan untuk menjalani pemulihan sampai Paskah 2024 mendatang.
Sayangnya, hingga kini, ada sederet kejanggalan yang mewarnai absennya Kate di berbagai acara kerajaan.

Salah satunya ialah rumor tentang Rose Hanbury, wanita yang dikabarkan menjadi orang ketiga dalam pernikahan Kate dan William.
Lantas siapakah Rose Hanbury?

Sosok Rose Hanbury

Rose Hanbury adalah seorang mantan model berusia 39 tahun.

Ia dilahirkan dengan nama panjang Sarah Rose Cholmondeley dan kini ia bergelar Marchioness of Cholmondeley.
Melansir dari Independent, Rose lahir dari desainer website bernama Timothy Hanbury dan Emma Hanbury, seorang desainer fashion.
Rose mendapatkan pendidikan bergengsi di Stowe School, Buckinghamshire.

Ia kemudian bekerja sebagai model di agensi top bernama Storm dan menemukan top model Kate Moss ketika berusia 23 tahun.
Pada tahun 2005, Rose masuk berita utama karena ia kepergok menghabiskan liburan dengan Marina, adiknya dan Tony Blair, yang kala itu menjabat sebagai perdana menteri Inggris.
Ia menikah dengan David Rocksavage, Marquess Cholmondeley ketujuh pada tahun 2003 lalu dan melahirkan 3 anak.
Sebelumnya, Rose pernah menjabat sebagai peneliti yang membantu anggota parlemen Inggris yakni Michael Andrew Gove.
Rose kini bekerja membantu suaminya yang bergerak di bidang properti.
Seperti halnya Camilla Parker Bowles, keluarga Rose sendiri sudah lama berhubungan dengan keluarga kerajaan Inggris.
Neneknya yakni Lady Elizabeth Lambart merupakan salah satu bridesmaid atau pendamping pengantin pernikahan Ratu Elizabeth II pada tahun 1947.
Anak Rose yakni Lord Oliver adalah salah satu anggota Pages of Honour yang bertugas saat Raja Charles III naik tahta.
Rose dan David juga sebelumnya adalah tetangga Kate dan William.

Pada tahun 2019 lalu, rumor perselingkuhan Pangeran William dan Rose Hanbury mulai mencuat.
Saat itu, sebuah tabloid di Inggris mengeluarkan isu bahwa ada pertengkaran antara Rose dan Kate terkait isu perselingkuhan itu.
Pada saat Raja Charles III naik tahta, Rose hadir dalam upacara tersebut.
Namun tak nampak foto dirinya saat bertemu Kate Middleton.
Rumor kedua mencuat pada tahun 2022 saat akun gosip Deux Moi memposting isu tentang adanya perselingkuhan di keluarga kerajaan Inggris.
Meskipun sudah berulangkali muncul, hingga kini pihak kerajaan Inggris tak memberikan klarifikasi apapun.

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