Taylor Swift Concert in ASEAN Only in Singapore, Thai PM Reveals the Culprit

Taylor Swift Concert in ASEAN Only in Singapore, Thai PM Reveals the Culprit
Taylor Swift. (Instagram @Taylorswift.)

 - Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin revealed that Taylor Swift will hold "The Eras Tour" concert exclusively in Singapore, not in other countries in the ASEAN region. 

This agreement between the Singapore government and Swift has disappointed fans in Thailand and other ASEAN countries. 
Reporting from Business Today, Sunday (18/2/2024), Thavisin revealed at a business event in Bangkok that music promoter AEG had informed him about the deal. He revealed that the Singapore government had offered a contract of US$ 2 million to US$ 3 million per show in exchange for Taylor Swift's exclusive performance in Singapore. 
"The Singapore government is clever," said Thavisin. 

Thavisin emphasized that holding a Swift concert in Thailand would actually be cheaper and could attract additional sponsors and tourists to the country. Thavisin also revealed that the government is actively trying to attract more A-class artists to Thailand by the end of 2024. 

Taylor Swift had previously scheduled a concert at the Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi Province in 2014, but the concert was suddenly canceled due to political chaos. 

The Eras Tour itself is Taylor Swift's sixth concert tour to pay tribute to her ten albums. This tour is known as the largest tour, covering 151 shows on five continents. In Singapore, Taylor Swift is scheduled to hold a concert on March 2-9 2024 at the National Stadium. 

Konser Taylor Swift di ASEAN Hanya di Singapura, PM Thailand Ungkap Biang Keroknya
Taylor Swift. (Instagram @Taylorswift.)

 - Perdana Menteri Thailand Srettha Thavisin mengungkapkan, Taylor Swift akan menjalani konser "The Eras Tour" secara eksklusif di Singapura, tidak di negara-negara lain di kawasan ASEAN.

Kesepakatan antara pemerintah Singapura dan Swift ini telah mengecewakan penggemar di Thailand dan juga negara-negara ASEAN lainnya.
Dilansir dari Business Today, Minggu (18/2/2024), Thavisin dalam sebuah acara bisnis di Bangkok mengungkapkan, promotor musik AEG telah memberi tahu dia tentang kesepakatan tersebut. Dia mengungkapkan, pemerintah Singapura telah menawarkan kontrak US$ 2 juta hingga US$ 3 juta per pertunjukan sebagai imbalan atas aksi Taylor Swift yang eksklusif di Singapura.
"Pemerintah Singapura cerdik,” kata Thavisin.

Thavisin menegaskan, menyelenggarakan konser Swift di Thailand sebetulnya akan lebih murah dan dapat menarik sponsor serta wisatawan tambahan ke negara tersebut. Thavisin juga mengungkapkan, pemerintah secara aktif berusaha untuk menarik lebih banyak artis kelas A ke Thailand pada akhir 2024.

Taylor Swift sebelumnya pernah dijadwalkan konser di Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani, Provinsi Nonthaburi pada 2014, tetapi konser tersebut tiba-tiba dibatalkan karena adanya kekacauan politik.

Eras Tour sendiri adalah tur konser keenam Taylor Swift untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada sepuluh albumnya. Tur ini dikenal sebagai tur paling besar yang mencakup 151 pertunjukan di lima benua. Di Singapura, Taylor Swift dijadwalkan menggelar konsernya pada 2-9 Maret 2024 di National Stadium.


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