16 Countries Use the US Dollar as Their Official Currency, Who Are They?

16 Countries Use the US Dollar as Their Official Currency, Who Are They? 
The US Dollar (USD) is one of the strongest currencies in the world and the most famous in the world. It is recorded that there are several countries that use the US dollar as their official currency. Photo/Doc

 - The United States Dollar (USD) is one of the strongest currencies in the world and the most famous in the world. Not only that, this currency is even valid in several countries other than the United States . 

It is recorded that there are several countries that use the US dollar as their official currency. According to Investopedia, the strength of the American economy is one of the reasons why the US dollar is the world's dominant currency. As the most commonly used currency in the world, the dollar is also the world's reserve currency. 
The popularity of the use of the US Dollar began with the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944 which was entered into by Uncle Sam - nicknamed the US - with its allies. Under the agreement, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank were created, and the US dollar was designated as the world reserve currency. 

Although in 1973, the Bretton Woods Agreement was terminated. However, the US dollar remains the reserve currency of many countries. In fact, more than 65 countries peg their currencies to the US dollar while five US territories and dozens of foreign countries use it as their official currency of exchange. 

List of Countries That Use the US Dollar Currency

1. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Northeast Caribbean)
2. Ecuador (northwestern South America)
3. Republic of El Salvador (Central America)
4. Republic of Zimbabwe (Southeast Africa)
5. Guam (Western Pacific Ocean Region)
6. United States Virgin Islands (American Caribbean island territory)
7. British Virgin Islands (British Caribbean Overseas Territory)
8. Timor Leste (Southeast Asia)
9. Bonaire (Municipality of the Kingdom of the Caribbean Netherlands)
10. American Samoa (South Pacific Ocean)
11. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (Western Pacific Ocean)
12. Federated States of Micronesia (Six Sovereign States of the Oceania Subregion)
13. Republic of Palau (Western Pacific Ocean)
14. Marshall Islands (Near the Equator in the Pacific Ocean)
15. Panama (Central America)
16. Turks and Caicos Islands (British Caribbean Overseas Territory)

The US dollar is also widely used throughout the world as a pseudo-currency. The US dollar is widely accepted for trade in Canada and Mexico, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Sint Maarten, St Kitts and Nevis, the ABC Islands of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and the BES Islands including Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba, which are collectively known as the CaribbeanDutch. 

The US dollar is also used as a quasi-currency in popular retirement destinations in the US such as Belize and Panama, and some areas of Costa Rica. That is the list of countries that use the US Dollar as their official currency. Proving how powerful this currency is in the world. 

16 Negara Pakai Dolar AS Jadi Mata Uang Resmi, Siapa Saja?
Dolar AS (USD) merupakan salah satu mata uang terkuat di dunia dan paling terkenal di dunia. Tercatat ada beberapa negara yang menjadikan dolar AS sebagai mata uang resmi. Foto/Dok

 - Dolar Amerika Serikat (USD) merupakan salah satu mata uang terkuat di dunia dan paling terkenal di dunia. Tidak hanya itu mata uang ini bahkan berlaku di beberapa negara selain Amerika Serikat .

Tercatat ada beberapa negara yang menjadikan dolar AS sebagai mata uang resmi. Menurut Investopedia, kuatnya perekonomian Amerika menjadi salah satu alasan mengapa dolar AS menjadi mata uang dominan dunia. Sebagai mata uang yang paling umum digunakan di dunia, dolar juga merupakan mata uang cadangan dunia.

Populernya penggunaan Dollar AS ini berawal dari Perjanjian Bretton Woods tahun 1944 yang dilakukan Negeri Paman Sam -julukan AS- dengan sekutunya. Berdasarkan perjanjian tersebut, Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) dan Bank Dunia dibentuk, dan dolar AS ditetapkan sebagai mata uang cadangan dunia.

Meskipun pada tahun 1973, Perjanjian Bretton Woods diakhiri. Namun, dolar AS tetap menjadi mata uang cadangan banyak negara. Bahkan terdapat lebih dari 65 negara mematok mata uang mereka terhadap dolar AS sementara lima wilayah AS dan belasan negara asing menggunakannya sebagai mata uang pertukaran resmi mereka.

Daftar Negara yang Menggunakan Mata Uang Dollar AS

1. Persemakmuran Puerto Riko (Karibia Timur Laut)
2. Ekuador (Amerika Selatan bagian barat laut)
3. Republik El Salvador (Amerika Tengah)
4. Republik Zimbabwe (Afrika Tenggara)
5. Guam (Wilayah Samudera Pasifik Barat)
6. Kepulauan Virgin Amerika Serikat (Wilayah kepulauan Amerika Karibia)
7. Kepulauan Virgin Britania Raya (Wilayah Luar Negeri Inggris Karibia)
8. Timor Leste (Asia Tenggara)
9. Bonaire (Kotamadya Kerajaan Belanda Karibia)
10. Samoa Amerika (Samudera Pasifik Selatan)
11. Persemakmuran Kepulauan Mariana Utara (Samudera Pasifik Barat)
12. Negara Federasi Mikronesia (Enam Negara Berdaulat Subwilayah Oseania)
13. Republik Palau (Samudera Pasifik Barat)
14. Pulau Marshall (Dekat Khatulistiwa di Samudera Pasifik)
15. Panama (Amerika Tengah)
16. Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos (Wilayah Luar Negeri Inggris Karibia)

Dolar AS juga banyak digunakan di seluruh dunia sebagai mata uang semu. Dolar AS diterima secara luas untuk perdagangan di Kanada dan Meksiko, Bahama, Barbados, Bermuda, Kepulauan Cayman, Sint Maarten, St Kitts dan Nevis, Kepulauan ABC di Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, dan Kepulauan BES termasuk Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, dan Saba, yang secara kolektif dikenal sebagai Karibia Belanda.

Dolar AS juga digunakan sebagai mata uang kuasi di berbagai tujuan pensiun populer di AS seperti Belize dan Panama, dan beberapa wilayah di Kosta Rika. Itulah daftar negara yang menggunakan Dollar AS sebagai mata uang resmi mereka. Membuktikan seberapa berkuasanya mata uang tersebut di dunia.

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