The Susi Air pilot looks like a Papuan KKB member, with long hair and a beard
– After a long absence, Susi Air pilot, Philips Mark Merthens, who is still being held hostage by the Papuan KKB, has now reappeared in public. He posed with Egianus Kogoya, Commander of the TPNPB-OPM Nduga Regency, Mountainous Papua.
The latest pose for pilot Susi Air with Egianus Kogoya was seen at Christmas, Monday 25 December 2023. This time he appeared with long hair and a beard. His body also looks thinner than before.
This time the Susi Air pilot appeared with Egianus Kogoya, the leader of the Papuan KKB who is most feared among the TPNPB-OPM (West Papua National Liberation Army – Free Papua Organization).
The two sat side by side with their hands clasped. In the viral photo, Egianus Kogoya is alone without a firearm. He sat on the left side of the New Zealand pilot without being accompanied by other Papuan KKB members who looked scary.
Until now it is not known when this photo was taken and in which area the two were located. It is also not known whether at that time there was only Egianus Kogoya with Philips Mark Merthens or if he was still with someone else.
However, the fact that is captured from the photo, is that the face of Egianus Kogoya in the picture, looks more familiar than before. His hands looked more muscular.
Meanwhile, Captain Philips looks a bit thin, has a beard and long hair that reaches his shoulders. He wore a long black shirt, unlike Egianus Kogoya who wore a singlet.
In the picture, Egianus Kogoya with Philips Mark Merthens are in the forest. It's just that it's not known where they are.
Still from the picture, Egianus is wearing black trousers, black glasses and a red headband. Behind them could be seen some kind of green citizen's jacket hanging from a rope.
Based on this fact, the Head of the Cartenz Peace Operations Task Force, Kombes Faizal Ramadhani, said that it is true that a recent photo has been circulating showing Susi Air pilot Philips Mark Merthens with Egianus Kogoya.
"It's true, this is indeed the latest photo," said Faizal Ramadhani. It's just that he doesn't know exactly where this photo was immortalized.
For your information, the Susi Air pilot is still being held hostage. He has been held captive since 7 February 2023, after he landed his plane smoothly at Paro Airport, Nduga Regency, Tuesday 7 February 2023 morning at around 07.00 WIT.
Since then until now it is not known exactly where the pilot is. However, the pilot is reportedly still alive, healthy even though his body is starting to become emaciated.
Recently there was news circulating that the Susi Air pilot was not with Egianus Kogoya. It's just that the cause is unknown.
Previously, the spokesperson for the TPNPB-OPM, Sebby Sambom, said that the pilot from Australia was currently still with the Papuan KKB led by Egianus Kogoya.
While living together with KKB members in the forests of Papua, the Susi Air pilot was treated like his own family.
Sebby Sambom also confirmed that currently the pilot is starting to get thinner. The reason is, the food consumed is food that does not contain fat or cholesterol.
The food that the pilot ate, he said, was not the same as when he was still in the city and he consumed foodstuffs like other city people so his stomach was bloated and unhealthy.
What is more important now, he said, is that the Susi Air pilot is healthy, even though he is still being held hostage by the Papuan KKB.
Meanwhile, Faizal Ramadhani said that currently efforts to free the Susi Air pilot are still ongoing. This effort still prioritizes negotiations as has been done so far.
"In terms of law enforcement operations, the Cartenz Peace Ops Task Force is still involved, but what is being put forward is a soft approach. At least for the last 6 months, this effort is still being carried out," he said. (*)
Pilot Susi Air Terlihat Seperti Anggota KKB Papua, Berambut Panjang dan Brewok
– Setelah lama menghilang, pilot Susi Air, Philips Mark Merthens yang masih disandera KKB Papua, kini muncul kembali ke hadapan publik. Ia pose bareng Egianus Kogoya, Panglima TPNPB-OPM wilayah Kabupaten Nduga, Papua Pegunungan.
Pose terbaru pilot Susi Air bersama Egianus Kogoya ini terlihat saat Natal Senin 25 Desember 2023. Kali ini ia tampil dengan rambut panjang dan brewok. Badannya pun terlihat lebih kurus dari sebelumnya.
Kali ini pilot Susi Air tersebut tampil bersama Egianus Kogoya, pimpinan KKB Papua yang paling ditakuti di kalangan TPNPB-OPM ( Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat – Organisasi Papua Merdeka )
Keduanya duduk berdampingan dengan tangan dikepal. Dalam foto yang viral tersebut, Egianus Kogoya sendirian tanpa senjata api. Ia duduk di sisi kiri pilot berkebangsaan Selandia baru tersebut tanpa didampingi anggota KKB Papua lain yang terlihat sangar.
Hingga kini belum diketahui kapan foto ini diabadikan dan di wilayah mana keduanya berada. Tak diketahui pula apakah saat itu hanya ada Egianus Kogoya bersama Philips Mark Merthens atau masih bersama orang lain.
Namun fakta yang tertangkap dari foto tersebut, adalah wajah Egianus Kogoya di gambar itu, terlihat lebih familiar dari sebelumnya. Tangannya tampak lebih berotot.
Sementara Kapten Philips, terlihat agak kurus, brewokan dan berambut panjang sebatas bahu. Ia mengenakan kemeja panjang hitam, beda dengan Egianus Kogoya mengenakan singlet.
Dalam gambar tersebut, Egianus Kogoya bersama Philips Mark Merthens sedang berada di dalam hutan. Hanya saja tak diketahui di wilayah mana mereka berada.
Masih dari gambar itu, Egianus menggunakan celana hitam, kaca mata hitam dan ikat kepala merah. Di belakang mereka terlihat semacam jaket warga hijau yang digantung pada seutas tali.
Atas fakta tersebut, Kepala Satgas Ops Damai Cartenz, Kombes Faizal Ramadhani mengatakan bahwa benar saat ini beredar foto terbaru yang memperlihatkan pilot Susi Air, Philips Mark Merthens bersama Egianus Kogoya.
"Benar, ini memang foto terbaru," ujar Faizal Ramadhani. Hanya saja ia belum tahu persis di tempat mana foto ini diabadikan.
Untuk diketahui, pilot Susi Air hingga kini masih disandera. Ia ditawan sejak 7 Februari 2023, setelah ia mendaratkan pesawatnya secara mulus di Bandara Paro, Kabupaten Nduga, Selasa 7 Februari 2023 pagi sekitar pukul 07.00 WIT.
Sejak itu sampai sekarang tak diketahui persis di mana pilot itu berada. Meski demikian, pilot itu dikabarkan masih hidup, sehat walau kondisi tubuhnya mulai kurus.
Belakangan ini sempat beredar kabar bahwa pilot Susi Air itu tidak sedang bersama Egianus Kogoya. Hanya saja tidak diketahui sebab musebabnya.
Sebelumnya, Juru Bicara TPNPB-OPM, Sebby Sambom mengatakan bahwa pilot asal Australia itu saat ini masih bersama KKB Papua pimpinan Egianus Kogoya.
Selama hidup membaur bersama anggota KKB di hutan Papua, pilot Susi Air tersebut diperlakukan seperti keluarga sendiri.
Sebby Sambom juga membenarkan bahwa saat ini pilot itu mulai kurus. Pasalnya, bahan makanan yang dikonsumsi adalah makanan yang tidak mengandung lemak atau kolesterol.
Makanan yang disantap sang pilot juga, katanya, tidak sama seperti ketika masih berada di kota dan mengonsumsi bahan makanan seperti orang kota lainnya sehingga perutnya buncit dan tidak sehat.
Yang lebih penting saat ini, kata dia, adalah pilot Susi Air sehat, meski masih disandera oleh KKB Papua.
Sementara itu, Faizal Ramadhani mengatakan bahwa sampai saat ini upaya pembebasan pilot Susi Air masih terus dilakukan. Upaya itu masih mengedepankan negosiasi sebagaimana yang dilakukan selama ini.
"Dalam hal operasi penegakan hukum, Satgas Ops Damai Cartenz masih tetap terlibat, tetapi yang dikedepankan adalah soft approach. Paling tidak sampai sejauh ini sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan terakhir ini upaya ini masih tetap dilakukan,” ujarnya. (*)