Israeli Army Threatens to Imprison Indonesian Netizens: Interpol Will Take Action!
Israeli soldiers enter the Al Mukaber area in the West Bank, Palestine. Al Mukaber is one of the areas that has the leading Palestinian football club, Jabal Al Mukaber. [AFP]
- The typing sharpness of Indonesian netizens has apparently been felt by Israeli soldiers. The Israeli soldiers have recently begun to feel irritated by the onslaught of comments from Indonesian netizens.
Most recently, an Israeli soldier threatened to report netizens to the police if they continued to attack them. This was revealed by the X account @greschinov which was vocal in spreading the names of Instagram accounts belonging to Israeli soldiers.
"I want to report this IDF soldier and hope that I will be arrested by the Israeli police. Sis, you will be even more harassed," wrote the account @greschinov.
It is known that an Israeli soldier with the Instagram account @edensissonn uploaded a statement that he was in front of the Isral police station.
"I'm here to make a report on the Indonesian person who spread information about me. I have all the information about him including his cellphone number," wrote @edensissonn on his Instagram Story.
Israeli soldiers want to imprison Indonesian netizens (X/Screen Capture)
According to the Israeli soldier, the people involved could be punished through Interpol. So he asked friends who experienced something similar to report it.
"Interpol will act and you will be arrested," said @edensissonn.
"Don't be silent under bullying, they say that what they are doing is to attack the IDF, but my boyfriend is also being bullied even though he is not an IDF soldier, that's enough," he added.
The attacks from Indonesian netizens began when the Zionist army continuously attacked Gaza, killing many civilians.
Tentara Israel Ancam Mau Penjarakan Warganet Indonesia: Interpol Bakal Bertindak!
Tentara Israel memasuki daerah Al Mukaber di Tepi Barat, Palestina. Al Mukaber merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki klub sepak bola unggulan Palestina, Jabal Al Mukaber. [AFP]
- Ketajaman ketikan warganet Indonesia rupanya sudah dirasakan oleh tentara Israel. Para tentara Israel itu baru-baru ini mulai merasa gerah mendapatkan serbuan komentar dari warganet Indonesia.
Terbaru, seorang tentara Israel mengancam akan melaporkan para warganet ke polisi jika terus menyerang mereka. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh akun X @greschinov yang vokal menyebarkan nama-nama akun Instagram milik tentara Israel.
"Gue mau dilaporin ama tentara IDF satu ini dan ngarep gue ditangkep polisi Israel. Mbak, kau bakal makin dirujak yang ada," tulis akun @greschinov.
Diketahui bahwa seorang tenara Israel dengan akun Instagram @edensissonn mengunggah pernyataan bahwa dia berada di depan kantor polisi Isral.
"Aku di sini bakal bikin laporan orang Indonesia yang menyebarkan informasi tentangku. Aku punya semua informasi tentangnya termasuk nomor ponsel," tulis @edensissonn di Instagram Story miliknya.
Tentara Israel mau penjarakan warganet Indonesia (X/TangkapanLayar)
Menurut tentara Israel tersebut, orang-orang yang terlibat bisa dihukum melalui interpol. Sehinga dia meminta teman-teman yang mengalami hal serupa perlu ikut melaporkannya.
"Interpol bakal bertindak dan kamu bakal ditangkap," ungkap @edensissonn.
"Jangan diam di bawah perundungan, mereka bilang kalau yang mereka lakukan itu buat menyerang IDF, tapi pacarku juga ikut dibully padahal dia bukan tentara IDF, udah cukup ya," tambahnya.
Serangan dari warganet Indonesia itu dimulai saat tentara Zionis yang menyerang secara terus menerus ke tanah Gaza hingga membunuh banyak warga sipil.