Get to know Theyazin bin Haitham, the son of the new Sultan of Oman who became crown prince and married his own brother

Get to know Theyazin bin Haitham, the son of the new Sultan of Oman who became crown prince and married his own brother

Theyazin bin Haitham was the first crown prince of Oman. (Instagram @theyazin_alsaid)

 - After Sultan Qaboos, the figure who ruled his country for decades, died, the position of Sultan of Oman fell to Haitham. 

Haitham himself is Sultan Qaboos' first cousin who was chosen as the successor to his throne because he has no children. 
"Haitham as the first cousin was appointed sultan in the deceased's sealed envelope because Sultan Qaboos had no children," said the narrator, quoted from YouTube SW History on Tuesday, October 31 2023. 
Unlike his predecessor, Sultan Haitham is known to have four children from his marriage to Sayyida Ahad bin Abdullah. 

The four children of the number one person in the country who is nicknamed 'The Jewel of Arabia' include, Sayyid Theyazin, Bilarab, Thuraya and Omaima. 
As the eldest son of the ruler of Oman, Theyazin became the first crown prince of the Omani sultanate. 
The 33-year-old man officially became the crown prince after being appointed by his father through a royal decree. 
Theyazin is known to have obtained a bachelor's degree in political science from Oxford University and is a graduate of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England. 

Having the title of crown prince, apparently Theyazin has experience working directly in government offices. 
Reporting from Gulf News, Sultan Haitham's first child worked as second secretary at the Omani Embassy in England for five years. 

Then from 2020 until now, Theyazin has served as Oman's minister of culture, sports and youth and even always welcomes state guests. 
Marrying your own brother
Theyazin has been married to Sayyifa Meyyan since November 11, 2022, which took place in Muscat. 

Theyazin and his wife Meeyan (Instagram @coutureroyals)
Sayyida Meyyan is the daughter of Oman's Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Affairs Sayyid Shihab Al Said. 
Not only that, it is said that Meyyan is the nephew of Sultan Haitham or the father of her husband, Theyazin. 
Called by local media, Meyyan works as an interior designer, photographer and digital artist who has many paintings. 
At least, of the many works that have been created, 13 paintings belonging to the wife of the crown prince of Oman have been displayed at the Khaleeji Art Museum.***

Mengenal Theyazin bin Haitham, anak Sultan Oman baru yang jadi putra mahkota dan menikahi saudaranya sendiri

Theyazin bin Haitham putra mahkota pertama Oman. (Instagram @theyazin_alsaid)

 - Usai Sultan Qaboos, sosok yang memerintah negerinya selama puluhan tahun meninggal dunia, posisi Sultan Oman jatuh kepada Haitham.

Haitham sendiri merupakan sepupu pertama Sultan Qaboos yang dipilih sebagai penerus tahtanya lantaran dirinya tidak memiliki keturunan.
“Haitham selaku sepupu pertama ditunjuk sebagai sultan dalam amplop bersegel almarhum karena Sultan Qaboos tidak memiliki keturunan,” ujar narator, dikutip dari YouTube SW History pada Selasa, 31 Oktober 2023.
Tak seperti pendahulunya, Sultan Haitham diketahui memiliki empat orang anak dari hasil pernikahannya dengan Sayyida Ahad bin Abdullah.

Keempat anak dari orang nomor satu di negara yang dijuluki ‘The Jewel of Arabia’ itu di antaranya, Sayyid Theyazin, Bilarab, Thuraya dan Omaima.
Sebagai putra sulung dari penguasa Oman, Theyazin menjadi putra mahkota yang pertama dalam kesultanan Oman.
Pria berusia 33 tahun itu, resmi menjadi putra mahkota usai diangkat oleh ayahnya melalui dekret kerajaan.
Theyazin diketahui telah memperoleh gelar sarjana ilmu politik dari Universitas Oxford sekaligus lulusan Akademi Militer Kerajaan Sandhurst di Inggris.

Bergelar putra mahkota, rupanya Theyazin berbekal pengalaman bekerja secara langsung di kantor pemerintahan.
Melansir dari Gulf News, anak pertama Sultan Haitham ini pernah bekerja sebagai sekretaris kedua di Kedutaan Oman di Inggris selama lima tahun.

Lalu pada 2020 hingga saat ini, Theyazin menjabat sebagai menteri kebudayaan, olahraga dan pemuda Oman bahkan selalu turut serta menyambut tamu kenegaraan.
Menikahi saudara sendiri
Theyazin telah menikah dengan Sayyifa Meyyan sejak 11 November 2022 lalu yang acaranya berlangsung di Muscat.

Theyazin dan istrinya Meeyan (Instagram @coutureroyals)

Sosok Sayyida Meyyan merupakan anak dari Wakil Perdana Menteri Oman untuk urusan pertahanan Sayyid Shihab Al Said.
Tak hanya itu, konon, Meyyan adalah keponakan dari Sultan Haitham atau ayah dari suaminya, Theyazin.
Disebut media lokal, Meyyan berprofesi sebagai desainer interior, fotografer dan seniman digital yang memiliki banyak lukisan.
Setidaknya, dari sekian banyak karya yang telah dibuat, 13 karya lukisan milik istri dari putra mahkota Oman ini telah di pajang di Museum Seni Khaleeji.***

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