Report immediately if you receive a money transfer with these 3 characteristics because it is definitely an illegal loan trap

Report immediately if you receive a money transfer with these 3 characteristics because it is definitely an illegal loan trap

Transfer characteristics from illegal (special) loans ()

Illegal joling is one of the problems faced by many people today. 

Many people are victims of illegal lending crimes. 
Not a few are in debt because they fell into his cunning trap. 
One of the traps that illegal lenders often use is sudden money transfers. 

This trap has claimed many victims. 
This is because many people don't know that the money coming in is illegal loan money, so they don't report it immediately. 
Some even consider it a windfall and use it. 
In fact, it is a trap that leaves them in debt. 

In order not to become the next victim, you must be alert if there is a sudden transfer that has characteristics like this. 
The problem is, it is very likely that the transfer was from an illegal loan. 
What are its characteristics? 

Characteristics of Transfers from Illegal Loans

Summarizing several netizens' experiences, the following are 3 characteristics of money transfers from illegal loans. 

1. There is a name of a foreign company on the mutation

Illustration of transfers from illegal loans Photo: Arifah ()

Transfers from illegal loans usually have the abbreviated name PT. 
Usually the name is related to finance. 
For example, Financial, Money, Money, Loans, etc. 

2. There is a foreign number that claims to have been sent incorrectly

Usually, transfers from illegal loans will be followed by a foreign number calling you. 

They will ask you to send the money. 
However, the destination account number is different from the account that sent the money previously. 

3. There will be terror afterwards

Illegal loan terror (SPECIAL) (SPECIAL)
The third characteristic is that there is terror on the cellphone a few days after receiving the transfer, either via message or telephone. 
If you experience this, immediately report it to the police. 
The problem is, it is certain that the transfer was from an illegal loan. 
Reporting from, SWI Chairman Tongam Lumban Tobing appealed to people who experienced this method to report to the police. 
"If the transfer of funds is suspected to be from an illegal loan, we hope that the recipient of the funds will immediately report to the police on suspicion of criminal fraud," explained Tongam, quoted by via 
Hopefully the information is useful! 

Segera Lapor Kalau Dapat Transferan Uang dengan 3 Ciri Ini karena Sudah Pasti Jebakan Pinjol Ilegal

Ciri transferan dari pinjol ilegal (istimewa) ()

jol ilegal menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi banyak orang saat ini.

Banyak masyarakat yang jadi korban kejahatan pinjol ilegal.
Tak sedikit yang terlilit utang pinjol gegara kena jebakan liciknya.
Salah satu jebakan yang sering digunakan pinjol ilegal adalah transfer uang tiba-tiba.

Jebakan yang satu ini sudah banyak memakan korban.
Hal ini gegara banyak yang tidak tahu kalau uang yang masuk adalah uang pinjol ilegal, sehingga mereka tidak segera lapor.
Beberapa bahkan menganggapnya rezeki nomplok dan menggunakannya.
Padahal, itu merupakan jebakan yang bikin mereka terlilit utang.

Agar tidak jadi korban selanjutnya, Anda harus waspada jika ada transferan tiba-tiba yang cirinya begini.
Soalnya, kemungkinan besar transferan tersebut dari pinjol ilegal.
Bagaimana ciri-cirinya?

Ciri-Ciri Transferan dari Pinjol Ilegal

Merangkum dari beberapa pengalaman warganet, berikut ini adalah 3 ciri transferan uang dari pinjol ilegal.

1. Ada Nama PT Asing pada Mutasi

Ilustrasi transferan dari pinjol ilegal Foto: Arifah ()

Transferan dari pinjol ilegal biasanya ada nama PT yang disingkat.
Biasanya namanya berkaitan dengan keuangan.
Misalnya Finansial, Duit, Uang, Pinjaman, dan lain-lain.

2. Ada Nomor Asing Ngaku Salah Kirim

Biasanya, transferan dari pinjol ilegal bakal diikuti dengan nomor asing yang menghubungi Anda.

Mereka akan meminta Anda mengirimkan uang tersebut.
Namun, nomor rekening tujuan berbeda dengan rekening yang mengirimkan uang sebelumnya.

3. Dapat Teror Setelahnya

Teror pinjol ilegal (ISTIMEWA) (ISTIMEWA)
Ciri yang ketiga adalah ada teror di HP beberapa hari setelah dapat transferan, baik lewat pesan atau telepon.
Kalau Anda mengalaminya, segera lapor ke polisi.
Soalnya, sudah pasti transferan tersebut dari pinjol ilegal.
Melansir dari, Ketua SWI Tongam Lumban Tobing mengimbau agar masyarakat yang mengalami modus tersebut untuk lapor ke polisi.
"Apabila transfer dana tersebut diduga dari pinjol ilegal, kami mengharapkan penerima dana segera melapor ke polisi dengan dugaan tindak pidana penipuan," jelas Tongam, dikutip via
Semoga informasinya bermanfaat!

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