No kidding, Syahrul Yasin Limpo Keeps IDR 2 Trillion Checks for Thousands of Ammunition at His Official Residence?

No kidding, Syahrul Yasin Limpo Keeps IDR 2 Trillion Checks for Thousands of Ammunition at His Official Residence? 

Syahrul Yasin Limpo. (Instagram/@syasinlimpo) - The Corruption

-- Eradication Commission (KPK) search at the official residence of the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, shocked the public. The reason is, not only did they find more cash than the total assets they reported, officers also found 12 firearms at Syahrul's official residence. 

However, what is no less surprising is that news is now circulating that dozens of these firearms were also accompanied by thousands of ammunition. 

This was revealed in the upload of journalist Aiman ​​Witjaksono's TikTok account. Not only that, Aiman ​​also claimed that there was information about the existence of a check for IDR 2 trillion, which of course was worth many times more than the cash worth IDR 30 billion at Syahrul's official residence. 

“There's something interesting. "I received information related to a check of two trillion Rupiah that was found by the Corruption Eradication Committee during the search," said Aiman. 

“There were also firearms with almost a thousand rounds of ammunition. What is this?" he continued, quoted on Wednesday (11/10/2023). 

On the other hand, there are at least three clusters of cases that ensnared the NasDem Party politician. First is corruption, then guns, and what is no less heated is the issue of extortion by the KPK leadership. 

Regarding the third issue, this started with the circulation of a photo of Syahrul meeting the Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Committee, Firli Bahuri, at a sports field. Even a badminton athlete was said to be a witness to the meeting. 

Meanwhile, the Corruption Eradication Commission said there were three clusters of corruption cases within the Ministry of Agriculture which were suspected of ensnaring Syahrul. News circulated that the former Governor of South Sulawesi had been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Committee and was finally confirmed on Wednesday (11/10/2023). 

However, regarding this legal status, Syahrul is said to have taken a pre-trial hearing. Syahrul himself was represented by former KPK spokesperson, Febri Diansyah, as his legal representative at the investigation level. 

Tak Main-main, Syahrul Yasin Limpo Simpan Cek Rp2 Triliun sampai Ribuan Amunisi di Rumah Dinas?

Syahrul Yasin Limpo. (Instagram/@syasinlimpo) 

- Penggeledahan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) di rumah dinas eks Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo sempat menggegerkan publik. Pasalnya, bukan cuma menemukan uang tunai lebih dari total harta kekayaan yang dilaporkannya, petugas juga menemukan 12 pucuk senjata api di rumah dinas Syahrul.

Namun yang tak kalah mengejutkan, kini beredar kabar bahwa belasan senjata api tersebut juga disertai dengan ribuan amunisi.

Hal ini seperti diungkap di unggahan akun TikTok jurnalis Aiman Witjaksono. Bukan hanya itu, Aiman juga mengklaim adanya informasi soal keberadaan cek sebesar Rp2 triliun yang tentu nilainya berkali-kali lipat lebih besar dari uang tunai senilai Rp30 miliar di rumah dinas Syahrul.

“Ada hal yang menarik. Saya mendapatkan informasi terkait dengan cek dua triliun Rupiah yang ditemukan KPK pada saat penggeledahan,” tutur Aiman.

“Ada pula senjata api dengan hampir seribu amunisi. Ada apa ini?” sambungnya, dikutip pada Rabu (11/10/2023).

Di sisi lain, setidaknya ada tiga klaster kasus yang menjerat politikus Partai NasDem tersebut. Pertama adalah korupsi, lalu senjata api, serta yang tak kalah panas adalah soal isu adanya pemerasan oleh pimpinan KPK.

Terkait isu ketiga, hal ini bermula dari beredarnya foto Syahrul kala bertemu dengan Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri di sebuah lapangan olahraga. Bahkan seorang atlet bulu tangkis disebut-sebut menjadi saksi pertemuan itu.

Sementara itu, KPK menyebut ada tiga klaster kasus korupsi di lingkup Kementerian Pertanian yang diduga menjerat Syahrul. Beredar kabar bahwa eks Gubernur Sulawesi Selatan itu sudah ditetapkan menjadi tersangka oleh KPK dan akhirnya dikonfirmasi pada Rabu (11/10/2023).

Namun terkait status hukum ini, Syahrul disebut menempuh sidang pra-peradilan. Syahrul sendiri diwakili oleh eks Jubir KPK, Febri Diansyah, sebagai kuasa hukumnya untuk tingkat penyidikan.

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