After Google, Samsung also urges Apple to leave SMS on the iPhone
- Samsung follows Google's steps in pushing Apple to abandon SMS/MMS technology and switch to Rich Communications Services (RCS) on the iPhone. Samsung also uploaded a "satire" video for Apple.
The video was uploaded on YouTube in Shorts form. The video uses the hashtag #GetTheMessage, just like Google does. The shorts are entitled “Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together. Help Apple #GetTheMessage”.
In the short video, which is 20 seconds long, a conversation between a couple named Romeo and Juliet is told. However, the "romantic" relationship between the two seemed to be hampered by their parents' blessing.
This analogy wants to describe the relationship between iPhone and Android users. Apple, which is reluctant to switch to the RCS system, is described as a "parent" who does not want to give its blessing to its child.
The conversation started with Romeo sending the message "I hate it if things have to be like this, can you talk to your parents?". Juliet replied “I've tried, but they still want us to separate. I don't understand".
Then, Romeo answered "What did "green" ever do for them? We are both bubbles too.”
The conversation above indirectly wants to satirize the “bubble colors” sent by fellow iPhone users in iMessage with Android phones to iPhones.
For your information, blue chat bubbles indicate that the message was sent by a fellow iPhone user on iMessage. Meanwhile, a green bubble indicates a message was sent from an Android user to an iPhone.
RCS standardization
The intended RCS system is actually used by devices with the Android operating system so that Android users can communicate with iPhones better than before.
The RCS system itself allows messages to be sent between Android phones, utilizing a data connection such as chat in the WhatsApp application, no longer in the form of SMS or MMS. Well, Apple itself is still reluctant to adopt RCS.
So when an Android cellphone user sends a message to an iPhone user, the message is sent in the form of an SMS. This form of SMS certainly has limitations compared to RCS.
With RCS, users can see whether the message has been read or not, users can also freely send pictures/videos without having to drain their credit (if sent in the form of SMS/MMS). Users can also see a "typing" indicator when the person they are talking to is typing a reply message.
Google pushed first
Before Samsung, Google had made the same effort over the past few years.
The technology giant often encourages Apple to immediately switch to RCS technology. However, this message seems to be "ignored" because until now Apple has not yet adopted RCS technology.
Most recently, Google took aim at Apple's outdated system in a short video entitled "Meet iPager - Help Apple #GetTheMessage". The video was uploaded at the end of September and can be watched by clicking on the following link.
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Setelah Google, Samsung Juga Desak Apple Tinggalkan SMS di iPhone
- Samsung mengikuti langkah Google untuk mendorong Apple meninggalkan teknologi SMS/MMS dan beralih ke Rich Communications Services (RCS) di iPhone. Samsung pun mengunggah video "sindiran" untuk Apple.
Video itu diunggah di YouTube dalam bentuk Shorts. Video itu menggunakan tanda pagar (hashtags) #GetTheMessage, sama seperti yang dilakukan Google. Shorts tersebut berjudul “Green bubbles and blue bubbles want to be together. Help Apple #GetTheMessage”.
Dalam video singkat yang berdurasi 20 detik itu, diceritakan sebuah percakapan antara pasangan kekasih yang bernama Romeo dan Juliet. Namun, hubungan “asmara” yang dijalin keduanya seolah terbentur restu orangtua.
Analogi tersebut ingin menggambarkan hubungan antara pengguna iPhone dan Android. Apple yang enggan beralih ke sistem RCS digambarkan sebagai “orangtua” yang tidak mau memberi restu kepada anaknya.
Percakapan tersebut dimulai dari Romeo yang mengirim pesan “Saya benci jika keadaan harus seperti ini, bisakah kamu bicara dengan orangtuamu?”. Juliet membalas “Saya sudah mencoba, tetapi mereka tetap menginginkan kita berpisah. Saya tidak mengerti”.
Lantas, Romeo pun menjawab “Apa yang pernah “hijau” lakukan untuk mereka? Kami sama-sama gelembung juga”.
Percakapan di atas secara tidak langsung ingin menyindir “warna gelembung” yang dikirim oleh sesama pengguna iPhone di iMessage dengan ponsel Android ke iPhone.
Sebagai informasi, gelembung chat berwarna biru menandakan pesan tersebut dikirim oleh sesama pengguna iPhone di iMessage. Sementara itu, gelembung berwarna hijau menandakan pesan dikirim dari pengguna Android ke iPhone.
Standarisasi RCS
Sistem RCS yang dimaksudkan ini sebenarnya dipakai oleh perangkat dengan sistem operasi Android agar komunikasi pengguna Android dengan iPhone bisa dilakukan lebih baik dibanding sebelumnya.
Sistem RCS sendiri memungkinkan pesan yang dikirim antar ponsel Android, memanfaatkan koneksi data seperti chat di aplikasi WhatsApp, bukan lagi dalam bentuk SMS atau MMS. Nah, Apple sendiri masih enggan mengadopsi RCS ini.
Sehingga ketika pengguna ponsel Android mengirim pesan kepada pengguna iPhone, pesan tersebut dikirim dalam bentuk SMS. Bentuk SMS ini tentu memiliki keterbatasan dibanding RCS.
Dengan RCS, pengguna bisa melihat pesan tersebut sudah dibaca atau belum, pengguna juga bisa leluasa mengirim gambar/video tanpa harus menguras pulsa (jika dikirim dalam bentuk SMS/MMS). Pengguna juga bisa melihat indikator "typing" saat lawan bicara mengetik pesan balasan.
Google dorong duluan
Sebelum Samsung, Google sudah melakukan upaya yang sama selama beberapa tahun belakangan.
Raksasa teknologi itu kerap mendorong Apple untuk segera beralih ke teknologi RCS. Akan tetapi, pesan tersebut tampaknya "diabaikan" karena hingga saat ini Apple masih belum mengadopsi teknologi RCS.
Paling baru, Google sempat menyindir sistem Apple yang sudah ketinggalan zaman dalam sebuah video pendek berjudul “Meet iPager - Help Apple #GetTheMessage”. Video diunggah pada akhir September lalu dan bisa ditonton dengan mengeklik tautan berikut.
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