The lecturer admits that he uses magic tissue to be strong in dealing with the female student he is having an affair with

The lecturer admits that he uses magic tissue to be strong in dealing with the female student he is having an affair with

 - Residents of the Bahtera Indah Sejahtera Housing Complex raided the house of a lecturer at UIN Lampung. 

They caught the lecturer having an affair with a female student at his campus. 
Residents found a used magic tissue, a pack of used condoms and similar devices that were still in their packaging. 
The lecturer couldn't deny it and admitted that the magic tissue was his. 

The magic tissue and condom were used to have sex with the female student. 
For information, the lecturer's name is Suhardiansyah alias SYH and the student is Veni Oktaviana alias VO. 
The head of the local RT, Norman, described the moment of this raid. 

This incident occurred on the evening of Monday, October 9, 2023. 

The raid started when SYH was about to leave the housing complex. 
SYH was stopped by residents in front of the security post because he was suspected of frequently bringing a woman into his house. 

"We conducted a raid when he was about to leave," Norman said. 
After being stopped in front of the security post, SYH was taken back to his house and searched by residents. 
"When we searched the house, we found traces of magic tissue and contraceptives in the person's room, which was suspected to be evidence of infidelity," he explained. 
SYH admitted that all the items belonged to him. 

He also admitted that he had brought female students to his house six times. 
However, according to the student's version, she had been taken to SYH's house ten times. 
"The student's name is VO, who is currently in her seventh semester on campus," he added. 
Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Regional Police, Kombes Umi Fadillah Astutik Umi, explained that a number of pieces of evidence had been successfully secured from the residence of SYH and the couple found there. 
"Evidence that has been secured includes a box of magic tissue which is still in its packaging, a used plastic tissue, a piece of cream-colored underwear, and a black negligee with a floral motif," he said, 

as reported by BangkaPos. 

Pak Dosen Akui Gunakan Tisu Magic Agar Kuat Menghadapi Mahasiswi Selingkuhannya

 - Warga Perumahan Bahtera Indah Sejahtera menggrebek rumah dosen UIN Lampung.

Mereka memergoki pak dosen sedang berselingkuh dengan mahasiswi satu kampusnya.
Warga menemukan sebuah tisu magic bekas, sebungkus kondom bekas pakai dan piranti serupa yang masih dalam bungkus.
Pak dosen tidak bisa mengelak dan mengakui tisu magic itu miliknya.

Tisu magic dan kondom itu digunakan untuk berhubungan badan dengan mahasiswi itu.
Sebagai informasi, dosen itu bernama Suhardiansyah alias SYH dan mahasiswinya adalah Veni Oktaviana alias VO.
Ketua RT setempat, Norman, menceritakan momen penggerebekan ini.

Kejadian ini terjadi pada malam Senin, 9 Oktober 2023.

Penggerebekan dimulai ketika SYH hendak meninggalkan perumahan.
SYH dihentikan warga di depan pos satpam karena dicurigai sering membawa seorang wanita ke dalam rumahnya.

"Kami melakukan penggerebekan ketika dia hendak keluar," kata Norman.
Setelah dihentikan di depan pos satpam, SYH dibawa kembali ke rumahnya dan dilakukan penggeledahan oleh warga.
"Ketika kami melakukan penggeledahan di dalam rumah, kami menemukan bekas tisu magic dan alat kontrasepsi dalam kamar orang tersebut, yang diduga sebagai bukti perselingkuhan," jelasnya.
SYH mengakui semua barang itu miliknya.

Dia juga mengakui telah membawa mahasiswinya ke rumahnya sebanyak enam kali.
Namun, versi pengakuan mahasiswi tersebut, dia telah dibawa ke rumah SYH sebanyak sepuluh kali.
"Nama mahasiswinya VO, yang saat ini berada di semester tujuh di kampusnya," tambahnya.
Barang Bukti
Kepala Bidang Humas Kepolisian Daerah Lampung, Kombes Umi Fadillah Astutik Umi, menjelaskan bahwa sejumlah barang bukti telah berhasil diamankan dari kediaman SYH dan pasangan yang ditemukan di sana.
"Barang bukti yang berhasil diamankan meliputi satu kotak tisu ajaib yang masih dalam kemasan, satu plastik tisu bekas pakai, sehelai celana dalam berwarna krem, dan satu helai daster berwarna hitam dengan motif bunga-bunga," ungkapnya, dilansir BangkaPos.

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