Win a Prize of IDR 15 Billion! Princess Ariani's competitors in the AGT 2023 Final, Stand Up Comedian to Dance Group

Win a Prize of IDR 15 Billion! Princess Ariani's competitors in the AGT 2023 Final, Stand Up Comedian to Dance Group

- Princess Ariani is preparing to give her best performance in the America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023 final. 

Voting for the singer from Indonesia is very necessary, considering that the competitor of Putri Ariani cannot be underestimated. 
They range from choirs to comedians. 
Yes, singer from Indonesia Putri Ariani will show off again on the America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023 stage. 

It is known that this round is the final round which will be held on Tuesday (26/9/2023) Los Angeles time, United States or Wednesday (27/9/2023) at 07.00 WIB. 
Putri Ariani will fight against a number of other AGT 2023 participants for the title of 1st place. 

A row of Putri Ariani's competitors (Instagram/@agt/@arianinismaputri/@mzansiyouthchoir)
So who are Putri Ariani's competitors in the 2023 America's Got Talent Final Round? 
It turns out that Princess Ariani will compete with five other participants, including Mzansi Youth Choir, Lavender Darcangelo, Adrian Stoica and Hurricane, Ahren Belisle, and Murmuration. 

They will compete for seats as winners of AGT 2023 who have the opportunity to win a prize of 1 million dollars or the equivalent of IDR 15 billion. 
So what is the profile of the 5 competitors of Princess Ariani on America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023, and what talents do they show? 

The following are profiles of 5 competitors for Princess Ariani on America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023. 

1. Mzansi Youth Choir

South African choir group, Mzansi Youth Choir (Instagram @mzansiyouthchoir)

Mzansi Youth Choir is a choir originating from South Africa. 
This group is the first golden buzzer winner on America's Got Talent 2023. 

The Mzansi Youth Choir itself was founded in July 2003. 
At that time the Mzansi Youth Choir was founded with the aim of providing talented and underserved teenagers and young adults the opportunity to sing professionally both locally and internationally. 

The Mzansi Youth Choir is composed of around 50 singers (aged 13 to 24 years). 
This group includes Soweto and other communities in and around Johannesburg who have extraordinary musical skills and come from poor families. 
Mzansi is a Zulu word meaning "south" and is also an urban slang term for South Africa. 

Apart from that, it is known that the Mzansi Youth Choir is a choir with a variety of South African music that includes traditional, pop and jazz themes. 
The choir displays perfect blending, translucent textures, subtle tonal nuances, and artistic elegance. 
The joyful rhythm of the Mzansi Youth Choir is unmistakable. 
They showed stunning actions as well as beautiful sounds that were so soothing. 

It was so stunning, Simon Cowell even cried watching the performance of the Mzansi Youth Choir. 

2. Lavender Darcangelo

Lavender Darcangelo while appearing on the America's Got Talent 2023 stage. (NBC via Hollywood Life)

Lavender Darcangelo is a blind and autistic person. 
During the audition, he sang the song "Out Here On My Own" and managed to get the golden buzzer from Heidi Klum. 
“I feel like I'm falling in love. "AGT is going to be an amazing ride, and I want to be your cheerleader holding your hand to the finish line," said Heidi Klum. 

Before appearing on AGT 2023, Lavender went viral after singing the song Part of You World on the soundtrack from the film The Little Mermaid. 
Not only that, he also held a free virtual concert to commemorate Disability Awareness Month in October 2020. 

At that time, Lavender performed popular songs and a song of her own composition entitled Will I Ever. 

Currently, Lavender is preparing her latest album entitled Mosaic which she presents to raise awareness about the autism and disability community. 

3. Adrian Stoica and Hurricane

Adrian Stoica and Hurricane (via

Adrian Stoica is a dog trainer who appeared on America's Got Talent 2023 with his dog named Hurricane. 
The two came from Italy and put on a dog training show. 
Adrian shows a series of tricks to act out a play with Hurricane. 

4. Ahren Belisle

Ahren Belisle (Trae Patton/NBC)

Standup comedy but not talking, that's what Ahren Belisle is good at. 
Unlike other comedians, Ahren Belisle is a deaf person who uses text-to-speech technology to tell his jokes. 
During the audition, Ahren succeeded in making the audience and judges laugh. He received four standing ovations from the jury. 

5. Murmuration

French dance group Murmuration (Casey Durkin/NBC)

This golden buzzer winner from Howie Mandel is a dance group from France. The group is known for its complex, synchronized dances, which are often performed with their eyes closed. 

There are still four other participants who will appear in the final round of America's Got Talent 2023 which will be held on September 27 2023. 
Later, there will be ten contestants who will compete for the 1st place title. 
Princess Ariani's performance in the final round of AGT season 18 can be watched on the America's Got Talent YouTube channel and NBC's streaming service. 

Viewers can vote for the participants in the America's Got Talent 2023 final. 
The winner is determined by the majority of votes. 
How to Vote in AGT 2023
Before voting or voting in AGT 2023, make sure your region is included in the electoral region. 

Here are the steps to vote for Putri Ariani via The America's Got Talent application:

Download The America’s Got Talent app from the App Store or Google Play Store. 
Register or log in using your NBCUniversal Profile account. 
Click the “VOTE” button and select Princess Ariani. 
Click "Submit Vote". 
You can vote through the app up to ten times per action per email address. 

Rebutkan Hadiah Rp15 M! Pesaing Putri Ariani di Final AGT 2023, Stand Up Comedian hingga Grup Tari

 - Putri Ariani tengah bersiap untuk memberikan penampilan terbaiknya dalam final America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023.

Vote untuk penyanyi asal Indonesia tersebut sangat diperlukan, mengingat pesaing Putri Ariani tidak bisa dianggap remeh.
Mereka terdiri dari paduan suara hingga komedian.
Ya, penyanyi asal Indonesia Putri Ariani bakal kembali unjuk gigi di panggung America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023.

Diketahui babak kali ini adalah babak final yang bakal diselenggarakan Selasa (26/9/2023) waktu Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat atau Rabu (27/9/2023) pukul 07.00 WIB.
Putri Ariani bakal melawan sejumlah peserta AGT 2023 lainnya demi memperebutkan gelar juara 1.

Deretan pesaing Putri Ariani (Instagram/@agt/@arianinismaputri/@mzansiyouthchoir)
Lantas siapa pesaing Putri Ariani di Babak Final America's Got Talent 2023?
Ternyata Putri Ariani bakal bersaing dengan lima peserta lainnya, di antaranya Mzansi Youth Choir, Lavender Darcangelo, Adrian Stoica and Hurricane, Ahren Belisle, dan Murmuration.

Mereka akan berebut kursi sebagai pemenang AGT 2023 yang berkesempatan mendapat hadiah 1 juta dolar atau setara dengan Rp15 miliar.
Lantas seperti apa profil 5 pesaing Putri Ariani di America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023, dan apa bakat yang mereka tunjukkan?

Berikut profil 5 pesaing Putri Ariani di America's Got Talent (AGT) 2023.

1. Mzansi Youth Choir

Grup paduan suara asal Afrika Selatan, Mzansi Youth Choir (Instagram @mzansiyouthchoir)
Mzansi Youth Choir adalah paduan suara yang berasal Afrika Selatan.
Grup ini merupakan peraih golden buzzer pertama di America’s Got Talent 2023.

Mzansi Youth Choir sendiri didirikan pada Juli 2003 silam.
Saat itu Mzansi Youth Choir didirikan dengan tujuan agar memberikan kesempatan kepada remaja dan dewasa muda berbakat dan kurang terlayani untuk bernyanyi secara profesional baik secara lokal maupun internasional.

Paduan suara Mzansi Youth Choir ini terdiri dari sekitar 50 penyanyi (berusia 13 hingga 24 tahun).
Dalam grup ini, terdiri Soweto dan komunitas lain di dalam dan sekitar Johannesburg yang memiliki keterampilan musik luar biasa dan berasal dari keluarga miskin.
Mzansi adalah kata isi Zulu yang berarti "selatan" dan juga merupakan istilah slang kota untuk Afrika Selatan.

Selain itu diketahui jika Mzansi Youth Choir adalah paduan suara dengan beragam musik Afrika Selatan yang mencakup tema tradisional, pop, dan jazz.
Paduan suara ini menampilkan perpaduan yang sempurna, tekstur yang tembus cahaya, corak nada yang halus, dan keanggunan artistik.
Irama gembira dari Mzansi Youth Choir tidak diragukan lagi.
Mereka menunjukkan aksi yang memukau juga alunan suara indah yang begitu menyejukkan.

Saking memukaunya, Simon Cowell sampai menangis melihat penampilan Mzansi Youth Choir.

2. Lavender Darcangelo

Lavender Darcangelo saat tampil di paggung America's Got Talent 2023. (NBC via Hollywood Life)
Lavender Darcangelo merupakan seorang penyandang disabilitas tunanetra dan autis.
Saat audisi, dia menyanyikan lagu “Out Here On My Own” dan berhasil mendapatkan golden buzzer dari Heidi Klum.
“Saya seperti jatuh cinta. AGT akan menjadi perjalanan menakjubkan, dan aku ingin menjadi cheerleader-mu sambil menggenggam tanganmu hingga garis akhir,” ujar Heidi Klum.

Sebelum tampil di AGT 2023, Lavender sempat viral usai menyanyikan lagu Part of You World soundtrack dari film The Little Mermaid.
Tak hanya itu, ia juga pernah menggelar konser virtual secara gratis dalam rangka memperingati Disability Awareness Month pada Oktober 2020.

Kala itu, Lavender membawakan lagu-lagu populer dan sebuah lagu buatannya sendiri yang berjudul Will I Ever.

Saat ini, Lavender tengah mempersiapkan album terbarunya bertajuk Mosaic yang ia persembahkan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang komunitas autisme dan disabilitas.

3. Adrian Stoica and Hurricane

Adrian Stoica and Hurricane (via
Adrian Stoica merupakan pelatih anjing yang tampil di America’s Got Talent 2023 bersama anjingnya yang bernama Hurricane.
Keduanya datang dari Italia dan menampilkan pertunjukan pelatihan anjing.
Adrian menunjukkan serangkaian trik untuk memerankan sandiwara bersama Hurricane.

4. Ahren Belisle

Ahren Belisle (Trae Patton/NBC)
Standup comedy tapi tidak berbicara, itulah keahlian Ahren Belisle.
Berbeda dengan komedian lainnya, Ahren Belisle merupakan penyandang tunawicara yang menggunakan teknologi text-to-speech untuk menyampaikan leluconnya.
Saat audisi, Ahren berhasil membuat penonton dan juri tergelak. Dia mendapatkan empat standing ovation dari juri.

5. Murmuration

Grup tari asal Perancis, Murmuration (Casey Durkin/NBC)
Peraih golden buzzer dari Howie Mandel ini merupakan grup tari asal Perancis. Grup ini dikenal dengan tariannya yang rumit dan tersinkronisasi, yang sering kali dilakukan dengan mata tertutup.

Masih ada empat peserta lain yang akan tampil di babak final America’s Got Talent 2023 yang akan digelar pada 27 September 2023.
Nantinya, akan ada sepuluh kontestan yang akan memperebutkan gelar juara 1.
Penampilan Putri Ariani di babak final AGT musim ke-18 bisa disaksikan melalui kanal YouTube America's Got Talent dan layanan streaming NBC.

Para penonton bisa memberikan suara atau vote kepada para peserta final America’s Got Talent 2023.
Pemenang ditentukan suara terbanyak.
Cara Memberikan Vote di AGT 2023
Sebelum memberikan suara atau vote di AGT 2023, pastikan wilayah Anda masuk dalam regional pemilihan.
Berikut langkah-langkah memberikan suara atau vote bagi Putri Ariani via aplikasi The America’s Got Talent:
Unduh aplikasi The America’s Got Talent dari App Store atau Google Play Store.
Daftar atau log in menggunakan akun Profil NBCUniversal.
Klik tombol “VOTE” dan pilih Putri Ariani.
Klik “Submit Vote”.
Anda bisa memberikan suara melalui aplikasi hingga sepuluh kali per tindakan per alamat email.

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