What is our story like?

What is our story like? 

Perhaps like city streets, always bustling with color and light. I often pick up the glow from the quietest corner, while observing, that about us are created from simple things. 

Or maybe

Just like a cup of coffee in an old cafe, the aroma doesn't change in the round of numbers, it's always missed, because time makes it even more special. With a fragrance that always makes you fall in love, for caffeine devotees, who flatter the night with eyes refusing to close. 

More than that

Perhaps it resembles a book of poetry, page by page it always holds surprises, even though it has to be re-read many times. Until when it comes to the final chapter, all the undigested meanings will bring us back to the first chapter. Isn't it true, that love is a learning that never ends? 

That's how it is

A couple of us is a heart that yearns for simple stories, because within the limits of fatigue, we are still able to run, even though we fall many times. 

Going to your heart has no chance to stop, like the flow of seconds, taking me to hold on at one point; You. 

Merupa apa kisah kita?

Barangkali seperti jalanan kota, selalu ramai dengan warna dan cahaya. Aku kerap kali memunguti pendarnya dari sudut paling sunyi, sembari mengamati, bahwa tentang kita tercipta dari hal-hal sederhana.

Atau mungkin

Serupa secangkir kopi di cafe tua, aromanya tak berubah dalam putaran angka, selalu dirindukan, sebab waktu membuatnya semakin istimewa. Dengan wangi yang selalu membuat jatuh hati, bagi pemuja kafein, yang menyanjung malam dengan mata menolak pejam.

Lebih dari itu

Mungkin menyerupai buku puisi, lembar demi lembarnya selalu tersimpan kejutan, meski harus berulangkali dibaca kembali. Hingga ketika sampai pada bab penghabisan, segala makna yang belum tercerna akan membawa kita kembali pada bab awal. Bukankah benar, bahwa cinta adalah pembelajaran yang tak pernah usai?

Demikian adanya

Sepasang kita adalah hati yang mendamba cerita bersahaja, sebab dalam batas-batas keletihan, kita masih mampu berlari, meski terjatuh berkali-kali.

Tuju pada hatimu tak memiliki kesempatan berhenti, seperti aliran detik, membawaku terus bertahan pada satu titik; kamu.

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