Anies Mentioned JIS Grass at the Apeksi Event, What Did He Say?

Anies Mentioned JIS Grass at the Apeksi Event, What Did He Say?

Anies Mentioned JIS Grass at the Apeksi Event, What Did He Say? 

Bacapres of the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) Anies Baswedan alluded to the grass issue at the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) in the Apeksi XVI National Working Meeting. It is known, this grass had become a topic of conversation in the midst of the JIS renovation polemic. 

The Apeksi XVI National Working Meeting was held at the Upperhills Convention Center, Thursday (13/7/2023). Apart from Anies, Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto also conveyed their ideas. 

Initially, Anies talked about urban development. According to him, a city is designed to unite aspects of needs in the surrounding area. 

"This means that the city is seriously designed to cooperate in the aspects it needs with the surrounding area," he said. 

Anies then conveyed the 4 principles of the city. The four principles are what he said will be carried out in the future. 

"We see that there are 4 principles for cities in the future, livable, beautiful, fair, advanced. Approximately 4 are what we want to do in the future," he said. 

"Livable means that the water is clean, good. Then the housing is available, the place to live is adequate. Then the living environment is good. Fair means there is equality of opportunity, starting from health education to religious activities. Progress in the sense that we continue to make our city a city that facilitates modernization in this city," continued Anies. 

Anies then mentioned JIS and the grass. 

"Here's a picture of JIS, but there's no grass here, sir. So you can't see the grass here, sir," he said. 

It is known that the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) grass is now in the spotlight after it was said that it did not meet FIFA standards. The stadium grass which is located in Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta will be completely replaced. 

Unmitigated, the cost of replacing the grass costs around IDR 6 billion. This is in order to welcome the smooth implementation of the U-17 World Cup, because Indonesia was chosen to be the host. 

"Starting from grass it takes IDR 6 billion for 1 field from PU (PUPR), JPO (budget) to Ancol from PU, train from DKI, ramp from Jasa Marga, there is a temporary station from KAI, another temporary station is being built by the CEO," said the Minister PUPR Basuki after observing JIS, North Jakarta, Tuesday (4/7/2023). 

"I haven't counted it yet, all I know is that I asked Pak Qamal (Chairman Karya Rama Prima (KaerPe) Qamal Mustaqim) about IDR 6 billion for grass," he added. 

Anies Singgung soal Rumput JIS di Acara Apeksi, Apa Katanya?

Bacapres Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) Anies Baswedan menyinggung perihal rumput di Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) dalam acara Rakernas XVI Apeksi. Diketahui, rumput ini sempat menjadi perbincangan di tengah polemik renovasi JIS.

Acara Rakernas XVI Apeksi ini digelar di Upperhills Convention Center, Kamis (13/7/2023). Selain Anies, Ganjar Pranowo dan Prabowo Subianto juga menyampaikan gagasannya.

Awalnya Anies bicara soal pembangunan kota. Menurutnya, suatu kota dirancang untuk menyatukan aspek-aspek kebutuhan di daerah sekitar.

"Artinya kota secara serius dirancang untuk bekerja sama di aspek-aspek yang menjadi kebutuhannya dengan daerah sekitar," ujarnya.

Anies lalu menyampaikan 4 prinsip kota. Keempat prinsip itu lah yang disebutnya akan dilakukan ke depan.

"Kami melihat ada 4 prinsip untuk kota di masa depan, layak huni, asri, adil, maju. Kira-kira 4 itu yang kita ingin lakukan ke depan," ujarnya.

"Layak huni artinya airnya bersih, baik. Kemudian papannya tersedia, tempat tinggalnya tersedia dengan layak. Kemudian lingkungan hidupnya baik. Adil artinya ada kesetaraan kesempatan dari mulai pendidikan kesehatan sampai dengan kegiatan keagamaan. Maju dalam artian kita terus menerus membuat kota kita kota yang memfasilitasi modernisasi di kota ini," lanjut Anies.

Anies kemudian menyebut soal JIS dan rumputnya.

"Ini gambarnya JIS, tapi nggak ada rumputnya di sini Pak. Jadi nggak kelihatan rumputnya di sini Pak," ucapnya.

Diketahui, Rumput Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) kini menjadi sorotan usai disebut tak memenuhi standar FIFA. Rumput stadion yang berada di Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara ini akan diganti seluruhnya.

Tak tanggung-tanggung, biaya penggantian rumput itu memakan biaya sekitar Rp 6 miliar. Hal ini demi menyambut penyelenggaraan Piala Dunia U-17 lancar, karena Indonesia terpilih menjadi tuan rumah.

"Mulai rumput butuh Rp 6 miliar 1 lapangan dari PU (PUPR), (anggaran) JPO ke Ancol dari PU, kereta api dari DKI, ramp dari Jasa Marga, ada stasiun sementara dari KAI, stasiun sementara lagi dibangun sama Dirut," kata Menteri PUPR Basuki setelah meninjau JIS, Jakarta Utara, Selasa (4/7/2023).

"Belum saya hitung, yang saya tahu baru rumput tadi saya tanya Pak Qamal (Chairman Karya Rama Prima (KaerPe) Qamal Mustaqim) sekitar Rp 6 miliar," imbuhnya.

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