8 Portraits of Putri Ariani's House in Jakarta, All White, Gifted by Rudy Salim

8 Portraits of Putri Ariani's House in Jakarta, All White, Gifted by Rudy Salim

Putri Ariani dalam America's Got Talent. (Tangkapan layar YouTube/ Putri Ariani dalam America's Got Talent. (Tangkapan layar YouTube/ America's Got Talent) America's Got Talent)

Jakarta HOLIDAY NEWS Princess Ariani's name became widely known after participating in the Indonesia's Got Talent event in 2014. In fact, he became even more popular after getting the golden buzzer at the 18th season of America's Got Talent event. 

Putri Ariani herself was previously active in the country's music scene. The girl who was born on December 31, 2005 has even released an album and several singles. Not only that, he also often covers songs through his personal social media. 
Recently Princess Ariani has caught the attention of netizens again. Through the MAIA ALELDUL TV YouTube channel, he also showed a portrait of his new home in Jakarta. It is known that the luxurious white house, which is now occupied by Putri and her family, was a gift from Rudy Salim. 
What are you curious about? Summarized by Liputan6.com from MAIA ALELDUL TV's YouTube channel, here are some portraits of daughter Ariani's house in Jakarta that caught the attention of netizens, Friday (7/7/2023). 

1. Here is a portrait of the house inhabited by Princess Ariani and her family in Jakarta. 

2. This luxurious house with white nuances is known to have been a gift from Rudy Salim. 

3. In fact, in the house there is also a piano for Putri's practice. The flute used by him was a gift from President Jokowi. 

4. The furniture in the house also looks all white. 

5. It is known that Rudy Salim gave it to his daughter on purpose so that she could focus on practicing vocals. 

6. Apparently the rooftop at his residence is his favorite place. 

7. In this room, he also used it as a small studio for Putri's YouTube channel. 

8. There is not much furniture in the house. Even so Putri and her family claimed to be comfortable with the house. 

8 Potret Rumah Putri Ariani di Jakarta, Serba Putih Pemberian Rudy Salim

Jakarta Nama Putri Ariani mulai dikenal luas usai mengikuti ajang Indonesia's Got Talent pada 2014 lalu. Bahkan, dirinya semakin populer usai mendapatkan golden buzzer di ajang America's Got Talent musim ke-18.

Putri Ariani sendiri sebelumnya terbilang aktif di dunia musik Tanah Air. Gadis kelahiran 31 Desember 2005 ini bahkan telah merilis album serta beberapa single. Tak hanya itu saja, dirinya juga kerap melakukan cover lagu melalui media sosial pribadinya.
Baru-baru ini Putri Ariani kembali mencuri perhatian netizen. Melalui channel YouTube MAIA ALELDUL TV, dirinya pun memperlihatkan potret rumah barunya yang berada di Jakarta. Rumah mewah bernuansa putih yang kini dihuni oleh Putri dan keluarga ini pun diketahui merupakan pemberian dari Rudy Salim.
Penasaran seperti apa? Dirangkum Liputan6.com dari channel YouTube MAIA ALELDUL TV, berikut ini beberapa potret rumah putri Ariani di Jakarta yang curi perhatian netizen, Jumat (7/7/2023).

1. Ini dia potret rumah yang dihuni oleh Putri Ariani dan keluarga di Jakarta.

2. Rumah mewah dengan nuansa putih ini diketahui merupakan pemberian dari Rudy Salim.

3. Bahkan, di dalam rumah tersebut terdapat pula piano untuk latihan Putri. Flute yang digunakan olehnya merupakan pemberian dari Presiden Jokowi.

4. Perabotan dalam rumah tersebut juga terlihat serba putih.

5. Rudy Salim diketahui sengaja memberikannya kepada putri agar ia bisa fokus berlatih vokal.

6. Rupanya rooftop di kediamannya ini menjadi tempat favorit.

7. Di ruangan ini pula ia jadikan sebagai studio kecil untuk channel YouTube Putri.

8. Perabotan yang ada dalam rumah tersebut pun terlihat masih belum banyak. Meski begitu Putri dan keluarga mengaku nyaman dengan rumah tersebut.


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