Trial Paying Tolls Without Stopping Backwards, Ehhh RI Even Billed IDR 1.2 T

Trial Paying Tolls Without Stopping Backwards, Ehhh RI Even Billed IDR 1.2 T

The trial implementation of the multilane free flow (MLFF) system, aka paying tolls without stopping backwards from the previous target on June 1 2023, was due to a number of problems so the system could not be declared complete. On the other hand, Indonesia was even billed by the system contractor for US$ 80 million or the equivalent of Rp. 1.2 trillion (exchange rate of Rp. 15,000/US$). 

Main Director of PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) Musfihin Dahla said, this amount is the fee that must be paid to the contractor to pay for the system. In this case, the contractor is Multi Contact Zrt, which was directly chosen by RITS' parent company, namely Roatex Zrt. Both the contractor and the parent company are based in Hungary. 

"Roatex up there has paid its contractor US$ 80 million," he said in a conversation with the media crew at the Roatex Office, South Jakarta, Tuesday (30/5/2023). 

"We are RITS who have a contract with the government and we don't want this to be delivered by an imperfect system, we refuse. Even though we were ordered to pay (US$ 80 million)," he added. 

RITS itself is a business entity appointed as the executor of this MLFF. Until now, Indonesia has not paid this amount to the contractor because in the agreement, the money will be paid after the system is complete. 

Musfihin further explained that the discussions between his party and the contractor had been quite tough since August 2022. In terms of developing this system, the discussions had taken place in 7 stages. 

"There are stages in the system development process. And at each stage we are invoicing. This has reached stage 7. This stage has actually delivered the final process. So here we can see we haven't found any of these items. At stages 5, 6, there are still holes. here. Oh, it will be fixed at a later stage. We are still tolerant," said Musfihin. 

However, he still received the same answer, until when the 7th stage arrived, he admitted that he was surprised because the contractor claimed that the system had been completed, that many "holes" were still found in the system. Besides that, they also don't want to give up the repository and softcode of this system. 

"He said, 'You buy stuff, we'll hand it over like you buy a car. Later there will be a manual, if it's damaged, you'll call us again'. I said, this is crazy, it's tying us up," he said. 

Thus, they are not willing to transfer technology. Because of this, a commotion finally broke out. The two elements are very important in checking and in ensuring the system can run. 

"If they hold it for the rest of our lives, we depend on them," he added. 

Apart from that, he added, the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that had been agreed with the government was not met, namely this system guarantees 100% BUJT revenue. Meanwhile, until now the system has only been able to guarantee about 80%, so there is a potential for BUJTs to lose up to 20% of their revenue. 

Musfihin explained that this KPI is considered important because in Indonesia itself some toll roads are managed by the private sector. In contrast to the system in Hungary and some European countries, where the Hungarian MLFF system is implemented. Thus, according to him, there is a need for system adjustments. 

"Meanwhile, private and private concessionaires collect returns on the toll road fees they charge. So every rupiah they receive is a return on capital. So they are very worried that this new system will break (money)," he said. 

Unfortunately, differences of opinion ensued, causing the 'hole' he meant earlier. In this case the Indonesian side wants this system to be implemented in accordance with conditions in Indonesia, while Hungary itself wants to apply the system that has been implemented in its country and European countries in Indonesia without adjustments. 

"They have been proven since 2013 and they want to implement it completely here. And they want all kinds of regulations to be applied here. Yes, you can't. Between the Ministry of Public Works, the police, all kinds of things have to follow the rules they made, that's impossible," he said . 

For the reasons above, Musfihin finally stated that his party had not been able to carry out a trial run on the Bali Mandara Toll Road on June 1, 2023 tomorrow. It is also unclear how long the implementation of the MLFF will be delayed and whether the cooperation with contractors will continue. Now it all depends on the attitude the government will take in completing this national strategic project (PSN). 

Uji Coba Bayar Tol Tanpa Setop Mundur Lagi, Ehhh RI Malah Ditagih Rp 1,2 T

Pelaksanaan uji coba sistem multilane free flow (MLFF) alias bayar tol tanpa setop mundur dari target sebelumnya di tanggal 1 Juni 2023 lantaran ada sejumlah masalah sehingga sistem belum dapat dinyatakan rampung. Di sisi lain, Indonesia malah ditagih uang kontraktor sistem senilai US$ 80 juta atau setara Rp 1,2 triliun (kurs Rp 15.000/US$).

Direktur Utama PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) Musfihin Dahla mengatakan, uang besaran tersebut ialah biaya yang harus dibayarkan kepada kontraktor untuk membayar sistem. Dalam hal ini kontraktornya ialah Multi Contact Zrt yang dipilih langsung oleh induk usaha RITS yakni Roatex Zrt. Baik kontraktor maupun perusahaan induk berbasis di Hungaria.

"Roatex yang diatas sana sudah membayar kepada kontraktornya US$ 80 juta," ujarnya dalam bincang-bincang bersama awak media di Kantor Roatex, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (30/5/2023).

"Kami RITS yang berkontrak dengan pemerintah dan kami tidak ingin ini di-deliver sistem yang belum sempurna, kita menolak. Walaupun kita diperintahkan untuk bayar (US$ 80 juta)," imbuhnya.

RITS sendiri merupakan badan usaha yang ditunjuk sebagai pelaksana MLFF ini. Hingga kini uang sejumlah tersebut pun belum dibayarkan Indonesia ke kontraktor lantaran dalam perjanjiannya, uang akan dibayarkan setelah sistem tersebut rampung.

Lebih lanjut Musfihin menjelaskan, diskusi antara pihaknya dengan kontraktor tersebut berjalan cukup alot sejak Agustus 2022. Dalam hal pengembangan sistem ini, diskusi telah berlangsung dalam 7 tahapan.

"Ada tahalan proses pembangunan sistem. Dan setiap tahap kita invoicing. Ini dudah samlpai tahap ke-7. Tahap ini sebetulnya sudah men-deliver final proses. Nah di sini kita melihat nggak ketemu nih barang nih. Tadinya ditahap 5, 6, masih bolong nih. Oh nanti diperbaiki di tahap berikutnya.bkita masih tolerir," kata Musfihin.

Namun jawaban serupa masih ia terima, hingga saat tiba tahapan ke-7, ia mengaku kaget lantaran kontraktor mengaku sistem sudah selesai, di dalam sistem masih ditemukan banyak 'bolong-bolong' tersebut. Selain itu, mereka juga tidak mau menyerahkan repositori serta softcode dari sistem ini.

"Dia bilang 'kalian kan beli barang, nanti kami serahkan kayak kalian beli mobil. Nanti ada manualnya, kalau rusak ya kalian panggil kami lagi'. Saya bilang, ini gila nih ngikat kita," ujarnya.

Dengan demikian, mereka tidak bersedia untuk transfer teknologi. Karena hal ini, akhirnya muncul keributan. Adapun kedua elemen tersebut sangat penting dalam pengecekan dan dalam memastikan sistem dapat berjalan.

"Kalau itu dipegang mereka kan seumur hidup kita bergantung mereka," imbuhnya.

Selain itu, ia menambahkan, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang telah disepakati bersama pemerintah pun tidak terpenuhi, yakni sistem ini menjamin pendapatan BUJT 100%. Sementara, hingga saat ini sistem tersebut hanya mampu menjamin sekitar 80%, sehingga ada potensi BUJT kehilangan penerimaannya hingga 20%.

Musfihin menjelaskan, KPI ini dipandang penting lantaran di Indonesia sendiri sebagian jalan tol dikelola oleh swasta. Berbeda dengan sistem di Hungaria dan sebagain negara-negara di Eropa, tempat sistem MLFF milik Hungaria ini diterapkan. Dengan demikian, menurutnya perlu ada penyesuaian sistem.

"Sementara di kita konsesioner swasta dan swasta memungut pengembalian modal dari pemungutan tarif tol yg mereka pungut. Jadi setiap rupiah yang mereka terima itu pengembalian modalnya. Jadi mereka sangat khawatir sistem baru ini membuat bobol (uang)," ujarnya.

Sayangnya, perbedaan pandangan pun terjadi hingga meninmbulkan 'bolong' yang ia maksud sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini pihak Indonesia ingin sistem ini diterapkan sesuai dengan kondisi di Indonesia, sementara Hungaria sendiri berkeinginan untuk menerapkan sistem yang telah diterapkan di negaranya dan negara-negara di Eropa di Indonesia tanpa penyesuaian.

"Mereka sudah proven sejak 2013 dan mereka mau memerapkan bulat-bulat di s

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