Denny Indrayana's upload regarding Rumors Constitutional Court's Decision Leading Police

Denny Indrayana's upload regarding Rumors Constitutional Court's Decision Leading Police

Denny Indrayana's upload regarding Rumors Constitutional Court's Decision Leading Police

Former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, Denny Indrayana, was reported to Bareskrim Polri regarding allegations of spreading fake news, aka hoaxes, regarding rumors that the Constitutional Court (MK) will decide on the election to vote for party pictures. This rumor was conveyed by Denny through his social media account. 

Initially, Denny uploaded a photo accompanied by a caption about information regarding the Constitutional Court's decision on his Instagram account, @dennyindrayana99, on Sunday (28/5/2023). Denny called it 'important information'. 

Here's the caption Denny wrote on his IG account:

This morning I received important information. The Constitutional Court will decide that the legislative elections will return to a closed proportional system, returning to selecting only party symbols. 

The information states, the composition of the decision is 6 to 3 dissenting. 

Who is the source? People whose credibility I really trust, are definitely not Constitutional Justices. 

So, we return to the New Order electoral system: authoritarian and corrupt. 

The Corruption Eradication Commission is under control, the leaders tend to have problems and are rewarded with a 1 year term extension of gratuity. 

PK Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, over the Democratic Party, allegedly exchanged favors with the judicial mafia corruption case in the Supreme Court. 

If the Democrats succeed in being "pickpocketed", in the words of Gus Romi PPP, then Anies Baswedan's candidacy is almost certain to fail. 

Is there still hope? What is certain is that you will continue to strive, while waiting for miracles. 

Greetings Integrity! 

MK response
MK spokesman Fajar Laksono admitted that he did not know about the information that said the results of the 2024 election decision had returned to closed proportional. He also admitted that he did not know about the dissenting opinion as conveyed by Denny. 

"I don't know yet. (Regarding the dissenting opinion) I don't know either," said Fajar Laksono when contacted separately. 

The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Anwar Usman, also asked what decisions were leaked. 

"Ah, that's what I said, what's leaking if it hasn't broken yet?" said Anwar after celebrating the Birth of Pancasila at Monas, Central Jakarta, Thursday (1/6/2023). 

Read more on the next page. 

Watch the video 'Denny Indrayana's Denial of Leaking State Secrets Regarding Rumors of the Constitutional Court's Decision':

Denny Indrayana Policing
Most recently, the police said they had received a report from a resident with the initials AWW against Denny Indrayana. The reporter suspected that Denny was spreading hoaxes related to rumors of the Constitutional Court's decision. 

"Currently investigations are being carried out by Bareskrim Polri investigators based on Police Report Number LP/B/128/V/2023/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI with reporters on behalf of AWW and the reported reported on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 namely, one on behalf of the owner /user/author of the Twitter account@dennyindrayana, two on behalf of the owner/user/authority of the Instagram account @dennyindrayana99," said Head of National Police Public Relations Division Inspector General Sandi Nugroho to journalists, Friday (2/6). 

He said the report related to alleged criminal acts of hate speech (SARA), fake news (hoaxes), insults against authorities, and leaking state secrets. Sandi said there were a number of witnesses and evidence put forward in this report. 

"As referred to in Article 45 A paragraph 2 juncto Article 28 paragraph 2 of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning ITE and/or Article 14 paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 and Article 15 of Law No. 1 of 1946 concerning Legal Regulations Criminal and/or Article 112 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 112 of the Criminal Codeand/or Article 207 of the Criminal Code," he said. 

"The witnesses were an WS and an AF. Then the evidence found was a bundle of screenshots of the Instagram account @dennyindrayana99 and 1 (one) white Sony 16GB flash disk," Sandi continued. 

He said the reporter admitted seeing Denny's upload regarding the rumors of the MK decision. According to Sandi, the reporter felt that the upload contained a hoax. 

"As for the description of the incident, namely on May 31, 2023 the reporter saw a post on social media Twitter with the account name @dennyindrayana and social media Instagram with the account name @dennyindrayana99 which posted writing that allegedly contained elements of hate speech (SARA), fake news (hoax),insult to the authorities, and leakage of state secrets," he said. 

detikcom has contacted Denny Indrayana regarding the report, but there has been no response. 

Ini Unggahan Denny Indrayana soal Rumor Putusan MK Berujung Dipolisikan

Mantan Wamenkumham Denny Indrayana dilaporkan ke Bareskrim Polri terkait dugaan penyebaran berita bohong alias hoax soal rumor Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) akan memutuskan pemilu coblos gambar partai. Rumor itu disampaikan Denny lewat akun media sosialnya.

Denny awalnya mengunggah sebuah foto disertai caption soal informasi terkait putusan MK di akun Instagramnya, @dennyindrayana99, pada Minggu (28/5/2023). Denny menyebutnya sebagai 'informasi penting'.

Berikut caption yang ditulis Denny dalam akun IG-nya:

Pagi ini saya mendapatkan informasi penting. MK akan memutuskan pemilu legislatif kembali ke sistem proporsional tertutup, kembali memilih tanda gambar partai saja.

Info tersebut menyatakan, komposisi putusan 6 berbanding 3 dissenting.

Siapa sumbernya? Orang yang sangat saya percaya kredibilitasnya, yang pasti bukan Hakim Konstitusi.

Maka, kita kembali ke sistem pemilu Orba: otoritarian dan koruptif.

KPK di kuasai, pimpinan cenderung bermasalah yang dihadiahi gratifikasi perpanjangan jabatan 1 tahun.

PK Kepala Staf Kepresidenan Moeldoko, atas Partai Demokrat, diduga ditukar guling dengan kasus korupsi mafia peradilan di MA.

Jika Demokrat berhasil "dicopet", istilah Gus Romi PPP, maka pencapresan Anies Baswedan hampir pasti gagal.

Masihkah ada harapan? Yang pasti terus ikhtiar berjuang, sambil menanti kemukjizatan.

Salam Integritas!

Respons MK
Juru bicara MK Fajar Laksono mengaku belum tahu soal informasi yang menyebut hasil putusan Pemilu 2024 kembali ke proporsional tertutup. Dia juga mengaku tak tahu soal adanya dissenting opinion seperti yang disampaikan Denny.

"Saya belum tahu. (Soal dissenting opinion) saya nggak tahu juga," ujar Fajar Laksono saat dihubungi terpisah.

Ketua MK Anwar Usman juga bertanya-tanya tentang putusan apa yang bocor.

"Ah, itu saya bilang, apa yang bocor kalau belum putus?" kata Anwar setelah perayaan Hari Lahir Pancasila di Monas, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (1/6/2023).

Simak selengkapnya di halaman selanjutnya.

Saksikan Video 'Bantahan Denny Indrayana Bocorkan Rahasia Negara soal Rumor Putusan MK':

Denny Indrayana Dipolisikan
Terbaru, polisi mengatakan telah menerima laporan dari warga berinisial AWW atas Denny Indrayana. Pelapor menduga Denny menyebar hoax terkait rumor putusan MK.

"Saat ini sedang dilakukan pendalaman oleh penyidik Bareskrim Polri berdasarkan pada Laporan Polisi Nomor LP/B/128/V/2023/SPKT/BARESKRIM POLRI dengan pelapor atas nama AWW dan terlapor yang dilaporkan pada Rabu, 31 Mei 2023 yaitu, satu atas nama pemilik/pengguna/penguasa akun Twitter @dennyindrayana, dua atas nama pemilik/pengguna/penguasa akun Instagram @dennyindrayana99," ujar Kadiv Humas Polri Irjen Sandi Nugroho kepada wartawan, Jumat (2/6).

Dia mengatakan laporan itu terkait dugaan tindak pidana ujaran kebencian (SARA), berita bohong (hoax), penghinaan terhadap penguasa, dan pembocoran rahasia negara. Sandi mengatakan ada sejumlah saksi dan bukti yang diajukan dalam laporan ini.

"Sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 45 A ayat 2 juncto Pasal 28 ayat 2 UU No 19 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan atas UU No 11 Tahun 2008 tentang ITE dan/atau Pasal 14 ayat 1 dan ayat 2 dan Pasal 15 UU No 1 Tahun 1946 tentang Peraturan Hukum Pidana dan/atau Pasal 112 KUHP Pidana dan/atau Pasal 112 KUHP dan/atau Pasal 207 KUHP," ujarnya.

"Adapun saksi-saksi yaitu an WS dan an AF. Kemudian Barang bukti yang ditemukan, yaitu satu bundel tangkapan layar akun Instagram @dennyindrayana99 dan 1 (satu) buah flash disk berwarna putih merek Sony 16 GB," sambung Sandi.

Dia mengatakan pelapor mengaku melihat unggahan Denny soal rumor putusan MK tersebut. Menurut Sandi, pelapor merasa unggahan tersebut mengandung hoax.

"Adapun uraian kejadian yaitu pada tanggal 31 Mei 2023 pelapor melihat postingan di media sosial Twitter dengan nama akun @dennyindrayana dan media sosial Instagram dengan nama akun @dennyindrayana99 yang memposting tulisan yang diduga mengandung unsur ujaran kebencian (SARA), berita bohong (hoax), penghinaan terhadap penguasa, dan pembocoran rahasia negara," ujarnya.

detikcom telah menghubungi Denny Indrayana soal laporan tersebut, namun belum ada respons.

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