PD Feels Tricked Out by Moeldoko, Faldo Maldini: We are not a country of bums

PD Feels Tricked Out by Moeldoko, Faldo Maldini: We are not a country of bums

The Democratic Party spoke of President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi) omission regarding the submission for a judicial review (PK) to the Supreme Court (MA) by KLB Moeldoko. The Special Staff for State Secretary Faldo Maldini assessed that as a citizen Moeldoko had the right to take legal action. 

"AHY's Goldfish has been found, Mr. President has given a statement, Mr. Menkumham at that time issued a decision that did not accept. As a citizen, Pak Moeldoko has the right to do that," said Faldo in the Adu Perspective discussion 'Jokowi Cawe-cawe, the 2024 election is getting busier', Wednesday (31/5/2023). 

Faldo then asked the Democratic Party to show if it was proven that there had been a legal operation or a coup related to this case. 

"If there is evidence of a legal operation, a robbery operation, a coup operation, just show it," said Faldo. 

Regarding Jokowi's lack of prevention efforts, Faldo believes this is because there is a legal process that must be respected. However, he confirmed that from a government perspective, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights had rejected the Moeldoko KLB. "We also have to respect the legal process, we are not a scumbag country either, we can also have our rights as citizens who gather in one political party that one might believe in," said Faldo

"But from a governmental perspective, Pak Yasonna has issued a decision and that is being tested. If we intervene, we say that these are young people too," he continued. 

Previously, the Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party (PD), Agust Jovan Latuconsina, spoke about efforts to prevent him from advancing in the 2024 election contestation. Jovan then brought up the KLB conducted by the Chief of Presidential Staff (KSP) Moeldoko. 

"One fact that we think, according to the Democratic Party internally, is a very clear matter regarding KSP Moeldoko, since the beginning of the KLB incident there was even an explanation from our Secretary General, that Mas AHY had been summoned by Pak Jokowi, he was present then was given an explanation by Mr Jokowi, heI don't know anything about KSP Moeldoko's activities," said Jovan, in the Adu Perspective discussion 'Jokowi Cawe-cawe, the 2024 election is getting busier', Wednesday (31/5/2023). 

Jovan said President Jokowi had not given any action to Moeldoko. Even so, according to Jovan, Moeldoko was clearly involved in and attempted to hijack the party. 

"Okay, at the time of the KLB activity he didn't know we still understood, our biggest question is, since two years we have resolved this KLB problem and it is clear that KSP Moeldoko was involved as the mastermind in the KLB which we have won 16 times in trials," he said . 

"There has been no action taken against KSP Moeldoko, even though this has clearly stated that this is an attempt to mutilate the party. It cuts off our political rights as a political party, as candidates participating in the 2024 contest," he continued. 

PD Merasa Dibegal Moeldoko, Faldo Maldini: Kita Bukan Negara Begal-begalan

Partai Demokrat bicara adanya pembiaran dari Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) terkait pengajuan peninjauan kembali (PK) ke Mahkamah Agung (MA) oleh KLB Moeldoko. Stafsus Mensesneg Faldo Maldini menilai sebagai warga negara Moeldoko memiliki hak untuk melakukan upaya hukum.

"Kan Mas AHY sudah ketemu, Pak Presiden sudah kasih statemen, Pak Menkumham waktu itu mengeluarkan putusan yang tidak menerima. Sebagai seorang warga negara Pak Moeldoko punya hak untuk melakukan itu," ujar Faldo dalam diskusi Adu Perspektif 'Jokowi Cawe-cawe, Pemilu 2024 Makin Ramai', Rabu (31/5/2023).

Faldo lantas meminta Partai Demokrat menunjukkan jika memang terbukti adanya operasi hukum ataupun kudeta terkait kasus ini.

"Apabila ada bukti ada operasi hukumlah, operasi begal lah, operasi kudeta, tunjukin aja," usar Faldo.

Terkait tidak adanya upaya pencegahan dari Jokowi, Faldo menilai hal ini lantaran adanya proses hukum yang harus dihormati. Namun ia memastikan dari perspektif pemerintahan Kemenkumham telah menolak KLB Moeldoko. "Kan proses hukum harus kita hormati juga, kita bukan negara begal-begalan juga, kan juga bisa memiliki haknya sebagai warga negara yang berkumpul dalam satu partai politik yang mungkin diyakini," kata Faldo

"Tapi kan dalam perspektif penerintahan Pak Yasonna sudan mengeluarkan putusan dan itu yang sedang diuji. Kalau kita intervensi ini dibilang ah ini cawe-cawe juga," sambungnya.

Sebelumnya, Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal Partai Demokrat (PD), Agust Jovan Latuconsina, berbicara terkait adanya upaya penjegalan untuk maju dalam kontestasi Pemilu 2024. Jovan lantas mengungkit KLB yang dilakukan oleh Kepala Staf Kepresidenan (KSP) Moeldoko.

"Satu fakta yang menurut kami, menurut internal Partai Demokrat ini adalah hal yang sangat jelas terkait KSP Moeldoko, sejak awal kejadian KLB bahkan ada penjelasan dari Sekjen kami, Bahwa Mas AHY pernah dipanggil oleh Pak Jokowi, beliau hadir kemudian diberi penjelasan oleh Pak Jokowi, beliau tidak tahu-menahu tentang kegiatan KSP Moeldoko," kata Jovan, dalam diskusi Adu Perspektif 'Jokowi Cawe-cawe, Pemilu 2024 Makin Ramai', Rabu (31/5/2023).

Jovan mengatakan tidak ada tindakan apapun yang diberikan Presiden Jokowi kepada Moeldoko. Padahal menurut Jovan, Moeldoko jelas terlibat dan melakukan upaya pembegalan partai.

"Oke kalau pada saat kegiatan KLB itu beliau tidak tau kami masih paham, pertanyaan terbesar kami, sejak dua tahun kami menyelesaikan masala KLB ini dan jelas-jelas KSP Moeldoko terlibat sebagai dalang di dalam KLB itu yang sudah 16 kali sidang kami menangkan," tuturnya.

"Tidak ada tindakan apapun terhadap KSP Moeldoko, padahal ini sudah nyata-nyata menyatakan ini upaya pembegalan partai. Memotong hak politik kami sebagai partai politik, sebagai calon yang ikut dalam kontestasi 2024," sambungnya.

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