Denny Indrayana Claims Asked Mahfud MD Help Anies Baswedan Become Presidential Candidate Healthier Democracy

Denny Indrayana Claims Asked Mahfud MD Help Anies Baswedan Become Presidential Candidate Healthier Democracy

Constitutional law expert Denny Indrayana said he received a message from the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD to help Anies Baswedan contest the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres). 

Denny said, Mahfud reasoned that this was so that democracy in Indonesia would become healthier. 

At first, Denny said that it was conveyed when he last met at Mahfud's official residence. 

"So my last meeting with him, one of Pak Mahfud's messages was like this, 'Mas Denny, please help Anies Baswedan to become a presidential candidate so that our democracy is healthier'. I said 'Oh, what's going on with this' hahaha," said Denny while laughing at the Gaspol! quoted on Sunday (4/6/2023) on YouTube. 

Denny admitted that he did not know what was behind Mahfud's statement. 

He was also reluctant to speculate whether Mahfud had political intentions behind that statement. 

However, what is certain, said Denny, was that Mahfud said this as an order. 

"Pak Mahfud, when he last met me, asked for help and the language he ordered, so I met him last," he explained. 

Denny admitted that he often asked to meet Mahfud when he returned to Jakarta. 

Before meeting, he begged Mahfud via a short WhatsApp message. 

Mahfud also agreed to the meeting request. 

"Pak Mahfud then gave time, usually, 'Yes, sir, come home tonight'. His official residence," said Denny. 

The former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights dared to reveal this story because Mahfud himself had published it on several occasions. 

In fact, once again, Denny said Mahfud ordered him to help Anies Baswedan so he could participate in the 2024 presidential election. 

"Pak Mahfud has published it everywhere, 'I ordered Denny Indrayana to help Anies Baswedan, so that our democracy will be healthier'. He said. So I can talk about this because he has also spoken about this in several places, that's how ," he concluded. 

Denny Indrayana Ngaku Diminta Mahfud MD Bantu Anies Baswedan Jadi Capres Agar Demokrasi Lebih Sehat

Pakar hukum tata negara Denny Indrayana mengaku mendapatkan pesan dari Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD agar membantu Anies Baswedan berkontestasi dalam pemilihan presiden (Pilpres) 2024.

Kata Denny, Mahfud beralasan hal itu agar demokrasi di Indonesia menjadi lebih sehat.

Mulanya, Denny bercerita bahwa hal itu disampaikan saat terakhir bertemu di rumah dinas Mahfud.

"Jadi pertemuan terakhir saya dengan beliau itu, salah satu pesan Pak Mahfud itu semacam ini, 'Mas Denny, tolong bantu Anies Baswedan untuk jadi calon presiden supaya demokrasi kita lebih sehat'. Saya bilang 'Oh, ini ada apa ini' hahaha," kata Denny sembari tertawa dalam acara Gaspol! Kompas .com yang dikutip Minggu (4/6/2023) di YouTube.

Denny mengaku tidak tahu apa yang melatarbelakangi Mahfud menyatakan hal itu.

Dia pun enggan menduga-duga apakah Mahfud memiliki maksud politis di balik pernyataan itu.

Namun, yang pasti, kata Denny, Mahfud membahasakan hal itu sebagai perintah.

"Pak Mahfud pada saat terakhir bertemu dengan saya itu, minta tolong dan bahasa beliau memerintahkan, jadi saya terakhir ketemu," jelas dia.

Denny mengaku kerap meminta bertemu dengan Mahfud ketika pulang ke Jakarta.

Sebelum bertemu, ia memohon pada Mahfud melalui pesan singkat WhatsApp.

Mahfud pun menyetujui permintaan bertemu itu.

"Pak Mahfud kemudian memberi waktu, biasanya, 'Ya, mas nanti malam ya ke rumah'. Rumah dinas beliau," cerita Denny.

Mantan Wakil Menteri Hukum dan HAM ini berani membeberkan cerita tersebut karena Mahfud sendiri sudah mempublikasikan hal tersebut dalam beberapa kesempatan.

Bahkan, sekali lagi, Denny menyebut Mahfud memerintahkannya untuk membantu Anies Baswedan agar dapat ikut serta dalam Pilpres 2024.

"Itu sudah dipublikasikan Pak Mahfud di mana mana juga, 'Saya perintahkan Denny Indrayana untuk membantu Anies Baswedan kok, supaya demokrasi kita lebih sehat'. Kata beliau. Jadi saya bisa bicara ini karena memang beliau juga sudah bicara hal ini di beberapa tempat, gitu," pungkas dia.

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