Condition JLNT Pluit Project, inherited from Ahok, is sad

Condition JLNT Pluit Project, inherited from Ahok, is sad

Condition JLNT Pluit Project, inherited from Ahok, is sad

The construction project for the Non-Toll Flyover (JLNT) facility in Pluit, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, which was initiated in 2015, is still stalled to this day. 

The project inherited from the former Governor of DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok, which has not yet been operational, has not been maintained at all. From's monitoring, there is a lot of trash and wild plants scattered there. 

Wild plants creeping along the overpass barrier. Even though the North Jakarta Social Services Agency has taken care of the homeless people who used to live in the project, JLNT Pluit is still full of trash. 

In fact, when the project is completed, the flyover is targeted to stretch 10.1 kilometers. 

Apart from being neglected and used as a place for scavengers to live, the flyover was also used as a place for burning garbage by unknown people. 

Based on's monitoring, several points on the JLNT were scorched. The burnt road points are near the initial entry to JLNT Pluit. 

Around the blackened area, various kinds of trash were burnt there. When visited on Tuesday (30/5/2023), there were still remnants of burning waste that had not been completely extinguished. 

Umi Yanah, a scavenger who used to live at JLNT Pluit, said that the burning of the waste was carried out by people who usually guard the location. 

"There are still guards, there are four of them. The problem is that many also took iron (flyovers and bridges), that's why they are guarded," he said. 

Umi herself has been living in the stalled project for one year in a shed that she built with her family. Umi lives with her husband and two children. 

The JLNT Pluit project was built in 2015 to connect the Pluit area with access to the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport toll road. 

However, the construction of the JLNT stalled or not continued. The project has become increasingly apprehensive due to being left neglected for years. 

The construction of this road was said to have been rejected by Pluit residents. Hundreds of people who are members of the Pluit Citizens Forum, demonstrated on Jalan Pluit Barat Raya, North Jakarta, Saturday (24/10/2015). 

They urged Ahok to review the JLNT Pluit development plan. However, Ahok at that time emphasized that he would still build the flyover. 

"That's why I said that if you just refuse, which Pluit resident? To be president, the only requirement is 50 percent plus 1," Ahok said at City Hall, Monday (26/10/2015). 

Reason for refusal
Some of the reasons for refusing to build the flyover are because the residents were not involved in the preparation and socialization of the Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal). 

Then the construction of JLNT Pluit uses most of the body of the Pluit Tanggul so that it has the potential to cause the embankment to break which causes flooding. 

If it floods, it will not only have a negative impact on residents, but also disrupt the supply of electricity to the Muara Karang PLTU which is the source of electricity for Java-Bali. 

Third, building a road on an embankment is against the law. As regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 16 of 2004 concerning Land Use, specifically Article 15. 

Nevertheless, Ahok insisted that the JLNT project did not violate any rules, including the regional spatial planning (RTRW) policy. 

Ahok explained, the JLNT construction site was originally a road alignment. Therefore, he continued, there is nothing wrong with the JLNT construction. 

In fact, said Ahok, the construction of JLNT Pluit can break down traffic jams in the surrounding area. "Now we are building a road, we want to increase it so that it goes straight to the toll road," said Basuki. 

Mirisnya Kondisi Proyek JLNT Pluit Warisan Ahok yang Mangkrak

Proyek pembangunan fasilitas Jalan Layang Non Tol (JLNT) di Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, yang diinisiasi sejak 2015 masih mangkrak hingga saat ini.

Proyek warisan eks Gubernur DKI Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama atau Ahok yang belum beroperasi itu tidak terawat sama sekali. Dari pantauan, banyak sampah dan tumbuhan liar berserakan di sana.

Tumbuh-tumbuhan liar menjalar pada pembatas jalan layang. Meski Suku Dinas Sosial Jakarta Utara telah menertibkan gelandangan yang sempat menghuni proyek itu, kondisi JLNT Pluit masih dipenuhi sampah.

Padahal, apabila proyek selesai, jalan layang tersebut ditargetkan membentang sejauh 10,1 kilometer.

Selain tak terurus dan sempat dijadikan tempat tinggal pemulung, jalan layang tersebut juga dijadikan tempat pembakaran sampah oleh orang tak dikenal.

Berdasarkan pantauan, beberapa titik di JLNT tersebut gosong. Titik-titik jalan yang gosong itu berada dekat akses masuk awal ke JLNT Pluit.

Di sekitar area yang menghitam, berbagai jenis sampah dibakar di sana. Saat dikunjungi pada Selasa (30/5/2023), masih ada sisa-sisa pembakaran sampah yang belum sepenuhnya padam.

Umi Yanah, salah seorang pemulung yang sempat tinggal di JLNT Pluit mengatakan, pembakaran sampah itu dilakukan oleh orang yang biasa berjaga di lokasi.

"Masih ada yang jaga, ada empat orang lah. Soalnya banyak juga yang ngambilin besi (jalan layang dan jembatan), makanya dijagain," tuturnya.

Umi sendiri sudah satu tahun menempati proyek mangkrak tersebut di dalam sebuah bedeng yang ia bangun bersama keluarganya. Umi tinggal bersama suami dan dua orang anaknya.

Adapun proyek JLNT Pluit dibangun pada 2015 itu untuk menghubungkan kawasan Pluit dengan akses tol Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta.

Namun, pembangunan JLNT tersebut mangkrak alias tidak diteruskan. Proyek itu semakin memprihatinkan akibat dibiarkan terbengkalai selama bertahun-tahun.

Adapun pembangunan jalan ini disebut sempat ditolak oleh warga Pluit. Ratusan orang yang tergabung dalam Forum Warga Pluit, berunjuk rasa di Jalan Pluit Barat Raya, Jakarta Utara, Sabtu (24/10/2015).

Mereka mendesak Ahok mengkaji kembali rencana pembangunan JLNT Pluit. Namun, Ahok saat itu menegaskan tetap akan membangun jalan layang itu.

"Makanya saya bilang kalau cuma nolak gitu, warga Pluit yang mana? Jadi Presiden saja syaratnya cuma 50 persen plus 1," kata Ahok di Balai Kota, Senin (26/10/2015).

Alasan penolakan
Adapun beberapa alasan penolakan pembangunan jalan layang tersebut karena warga tidak dilibatkan dalam penyusunan dan sosialisasi Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal).

Kemudian pembangunan JLNT Pluit mempergunakan sebagian besar badan Tanggul Pluit sehingga sangat potensial menyebabkan jebolnya tanggul yang mengakibatkan banjir.

Bila banjir, bukan hanya berdampak buruk pada warga, melainkan juga mengganggu pasokan listrik ke PLTU Muara Karang yang merupakan sumber listrik untuk Jawa-Bali.

Ketiga, pembangunan jalan di atas tanggul adalah melanggar hukum. Sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 16 Tahun 2004 tentang Penatagunaan Tanah, khususnya Pasal 15.

Kendati demikian, Ahok berkukuh proyek JLNT itu tidak melanggar aturan apa pun, termasuk kebijakan rencana tata ruang wilayah (RTRW).

Ahok menjelaskan, lokasi pembangunan JLNT memang awalnya merupakan trase jalan. Karena itu, lanjut dia, tak ada yang salah dengan pembangunan JLNT.

Bahkan, kata Ahok, pembangunan JLNT Pluit dapat mengurai kemacetan di wilayah sekitar. "Sekarang dibikin jalan, mau dinaikin supaya langsung naik masuk ke tol," kata Basuki.

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