The Rp 98 Trillion Plaintiff is Grateful Ustad Yusuf Mansyur Sentenced to Break a Promise

The Rp 98 Trillion Plaintiff is Grateful Ustad Yusuf Mansyur Sentenced to Break a Promise

The Rp 98 trillion plaintiff, Zaini Mustofa, is grateful that his lawsuit was won by the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) and stated that Ustad Yusuf Mansur broke his promise in the coal business. Even though the Rp98 trillion lawsuit was not granted, Zaini Mustofa is grateful for the verdict. 

The South Jakarta District Court sentenced Ustad Yusuf Mansur to pay Rp 1.2 billion. 

"I do not appeal. I accept. Legowo with the South Jakarta District Court's decision, the important thing is that the person concerned has been convicted of breaking a promise. The South Jakarta District Court has said that it is my right," Zaini Mustofa told reporters, Wednesday (28/6/2023). 

The verdict was read by the chairman of the assembly, Bawono Effendi, with members I Dewa Made Watsara and Muhammad Ramdes. 

"I consider the trial process to be fair. The panel of judges is fair. It's just that Yusuf Mansur seems to be stalling for time. Maybe it makes me bored," said Zaini Mustofa. 

Currently, Zaini Mustofa is waiting for the attitude of the Perindo politician. Whether to accept or reject the South Jakarta District Court's decision. If he accepts and becomes willing, Zaini Mustofa will propose to be executed. If Ustad Yusuf Mansur submits an appeal, Zaini Mustofa will ask for the confiscation of a number of assets. 

"When it's done, we will propose an execution," said Zaini Mustafa. 

Regarding the value of the Rp 98 trillion lawsuit, Zaini Mustafa stated that this was a calculation of paid-up capital and existing interest. Zaini Mustofa deposited IDR 85 million. He considered the capital to be considered capital for the following month and added interest. The investment in the coal business lasted more than 10 years. But Zaini Mustofa is grateful and has no problem with the value of the losses imposed by the South Jakarta District Court. 

"My lawsuit is a battering ram. The other congregations are waiting. If I succeed, then other congregations will do the same," concluded Zaini Mustofa. 

Following are some of the considerations of the South Jakarta District Court panel that Ustad Yusuf Mansur broke his promise:

1. Legal facts have been obtained that Defendant III (ust Yusuf Mansur) has presented, offered, invited the congregation of the Darussalam Mosque in Kota Wisata, to invest in the coal business which is managed by the defendants and the defendants have also invited the congregation of the Darussalam MosqueKota Wisata to review/visit the coal mine site. 

2. In investment, it has been determined that the investor's profit is 28.6 percent in 1 time of production in a period of approximately 31 days or one month. 

3. Based on Yusuf Mansur's presentation above, the Plaintiff was interested and invested IDR 80 million

4. The panel of judges is of the opinion that the plaintiff and the defendant have agreed to enter into an agreement in the field of coal mining investment (Article 1320 of the Civil Code) and from this agreement arise rights and obligations for each party, namely the plaintiff has the obligation to deposit capital and hasthe right to receive benefits as agreed and vice versa The Defendants have the right to receive what is deposited and have the obligation to provide as agreed, namely 11.3% profit each time production is approximately 31 (thirty one)day or 1 (one) month

5. The Panel is of the opinion that the defendants have defaulted on the plaintiff because they did not provide the benefits as promised even though the plaintiff has deposited his capital with the defendants and the plaintiff has made subpoenas 2 times. 


Penggugat Rp 98 Triliun Bersyukur Ustad Yusuf Mansyur Divonis Ingkar Janji

Penggugat Rp 98 triliun, Zaini Mustofa bersyukur gugatannya dimenangkan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan (PN Jaksel) dan menyatakan Ustad Yusuf Mansur ingkar janji di bisnis batu bara. Meski tidak dikabulkan gugatan Rp 98 triliun, tapi Zaini Mustofa bersyukur atas vonis itu.

PN Jaksel menghukum Ustad Yusuf Mansur untuk membayar Rp 1,2 miliar.

"Saya nggak banding. Saya menerima. Legowo dengan putusan PN Jaksel, yang penting yang bersangkutan telah divonis ingkar janji. PN Jaksel telah mengatakan itulah hak saya," ujar Zaini Mustofa kepada wartawan, Rabu (28/6/2023).

Vonis itu diketok oleh ketua majelis Bawono Effendi dengan anggota I Dewa Made Watsara dan Muhammad Ramdes.

"Proses persidangan saya nilai posisi fair. Majelis hakim fair. Cuma Yusuf Mansur terkesan mengulur-ulur waktu. Mungkin agar saya bosan," ujar Zaini Mustofa.

Saat ini Zaini Mustofa menunggu sikap politikus Perindo itu. Apakah menerima atau menolak putusan PN Jaksel itu. Bila menerima dan menjadi inkrah, Zaini Mustofa akan mengajukan eksekusi. Bila Ustad Yusuf Mansur mengajukan banding, Zaini Mustofa akan meminta sita jaminan sejumlah aset.

"Kalau nanti sudah inkrah, kami akan mengajukan eksekusi," ungkap Zaini Mustofa.

Terkait nilai gugatan Rp 98 triliun, Zaini Mustofa menyatakan hal itu adalah perhitungan modal yang disetor dan bunga yang ada. Zaini Mustofa menyetor Rp 85 juta. Ia menilai modal itu dianggap modal untuk bulan selanjutnya dan ditambah bunga. Penyertaan modal bisnis batu bara itu berlangsung lebih dari 10 tahun. Tapi Zaini Mustofa bersyukur dan tidak mempermasalahkan dengan nilai kerugian yang dijatuhkan oleh PN Jaksel.

"Gugatan saya ini merupakan pendobrak. Jemaah yang lain sedang menunggu. Kalau saya berhasil, maka jemaah lain akan melakukan yang sama," pungkas Zaini Mustofa.

Berikut sebagian pertimbangan majelis PN Jaksel menyatakan Ustad Yusuf Mansur ingkar janji:

1. Telah diperoleh fakta hukum bahwa Tergugat III (ust Yusuf Mansur) telah mempresentasikan, menawarkan, mengajak para jemaah Masjid Darussalam Kota Wisata, untuk berinvestasi dalam bisnis batu bara yang dikelola oleh para tergugat dan para tergugat telah mengajak pula para jemaah Masjid Darussalam Kota Wisata untuk meninjau/berkunjung ke lokasi tambang batu bara tersebut.

2. dalam investasi telah ditentukan keuntukan onvestor 28.6 peren dalam 1 kali produksi dalam kurun waktu kurang lebih 31 hari atau satu bulan.

3. Atas presentasi Yusuf Mansur tersebut di atas, Penggugat tertarik dan berinvestasi Rp 80 juta

4. Majelis hakim berpendapat penggugat dan tergugat telah sepakan melakukan perjanjian dalam bidang investasi pertambangan batu bara (Pasal 1320 KUHPerdata) dan dari perjanjian ini timbullah hak dan kewajiban bagi masing - masing pihak yaitu Penggugat mempunyai kewajiban menyetor modal dan mempunyai hak menerima keuntungan sebagaimana yang diperjanjikan begitu juga sebaliknya Para Tergugat mempunyai hak menerima yang disetorkan dan mempunyai kewajiban untuk memberikan sebagaimana yang telah diperjanjikan yaitu sebesar 11,3 % keuntungan setiap kali produksi kurang lebih 31 (tiga puluh satu) hari atau 1 (satu) bulan

5. Majelis berpendapat para tergugat telah wanprestasi kepada penggugat karena tidak memberikan keuntungan sebagaimana yang diperjanjikan walaupun penggugat telah menyetorkan modalnya kepada para tergugat dan penggugat telah melakukan somasi sebanyak 2 kali.

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