How to Livestock Fresh Adsense Account Using

How to Livestock Fresh Adsense Account Using

All you need to prepare is a Google account. For the first step, you have to create a account first using the Google account, if you have already registered a account, the next step is to fill in the social media menu on the site, such as linking Facebook. your youtube, twitter, instagram or tiktok account. 

If you have completed all the steps above, then all you have to do is create a Google Adsense account, please just type in Google Sign in and register with Google Adsense, fill in your complete address, the address is up to you, you can use the address of your brother's, sister's, cousin, or close friend's ID. . 

If you have filled in the complete address, the next step is to link the heylink site that you created earlier to adsense, to link your heylink account to adsense, please copy your heylink homepage link first, then paste it in adsense and click save, don't forget to verify the number first becauseto register for a new google adsense account. 

If you have done all the steps above, all you have to do is click save and wait a few hours, depending on your respective account, usually if you register using the heylink site, the fastest way to approve Adsense is 30 minutes to 1 hour. 

If you have been successfully approved in 1 hour, then all you have to do is add more Google accounts and create new Adsense accounts, you can sell them or use them yourself. 

Good luck. 


Cara Ternak Akun adsen Fress Menggunkan

Yang perlu kalian persiapkan adalah akun google. Untuk langkah pertama kalian harus buat akun dulu pake akun google tersebut, jika sudah mendaftarkan akun , langkah berikutkutnya .silakan isi menu sosicial media di situs heylink .me seperti kaitkan facebook. youtube, twitter, instagram atau akun tiktok kalian.

Jika sudah semua langkah di atas , selanjutnya kalian tinggal membuat akun google adsen , silakan kalian tinggal ketik di google masuk dan daftar ke google adsense ,isi alamat kalian dengan lengkap, alamat terserah bisa pake alamat ktp saudara ,adik ,sepupu,atau teman dekat kalian.
Jika sudah diisi alamat dengan lengkap langkah berikutnya ialah menautkan situs heylink yang kalian buat tadi ke adsense , untuk menautkan akun heylink kalian ke adsense silakan salin link homepage heylink kalian dulu baru tempel di adsense dan klik simpan, jangan lupa verivikasi nomor dulu karena untuk daftar akun google adsen yang baru.
Jika langkah di atas sudah semua tinggal klik simpan dan tunggu beberpa jam, tergantung akun kalian masing masing ,biasanya kalau daftar pake situs heylink paling cepet di aprove adsense 30 menit sampe 1 jam sudah aprove.

Kalau kalian sudah berhasil di aprove dalam 1 jam maka kalian tinggal perbanyak akun google dan ternak akun adsen baru ,kalian bisa di jual atau di pake sendiri.

Selamat mencoba.

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