The Mandalika Circuit is Spotlighted, Netizens Carry Formula E Jakarta

The Mandalika Circuit is Spotlighted, Netizens Carry Formula E Jakarta

The Mandalika Circuit is Spotlighted, Netizens Carry Formula E Jakarta

The Mandalika Circuit has also been in the spotlight amid the issue of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (SEZ) development project in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, which is said to have left debt behind. Netizens on social media suddenly became involved with Formula E Jakarta. 

One of the impacts of the issues currently hitting the Mandalika SEZ is a plan to abolish the World Superbike (WSBK) race at the Mandalika Circuit. This is done to improve the condition of the Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA). 

Netizens who followed the development of this issue also voiced their opinions. Some feel sad, many are of the opinion that the Mandalika SEZ, including the existence of the Mandalika Circuit in the region, is a long-term investment. 

"Facts... Formula E was successful and made big profits. Mandalika lost and left debt," said @ek *** oy2. 

"I was so excited to build the Mandalika circuit, a statue of Mr. Jokowi riding a motorbike was made. As soon as Mandalika left debt & made a loss, everyone pretended to be stupid! 😅😅😅," said Netter. 

"Who is Sing really? Mandalika is a long-term investment.. the tourism ecosystem, airports, roads, electricity networks etc. are built. The impact is on the people of NTB. What if the ONE formula races there. 2 years, it can't be a parameter," said @rdpr**etyo_a. 

"How profitable is Formula E?" said @holder***mond_. 

For information, Central Lombok Regent Lalu Pathul Bahri also spoke up. To detikTravel, he said he was disappointed with the statement by InJourney Main Director Dony Oskaria who called the World Superbike (WSBK) event at the Mandalika Circuit a loss. 

"Hundreds of our ancestral graves have been moved from Mandalika for the sake of the construction of the Mandalika Circuit. We did it for President Joko Widodo's goals. Now we are told that this is a loss? This clearly discredits the Central Lombok Regional Government," said Pathul. 

Sirkuit Mandalika Disorot, Netizen Bawa-bawa Formula E Jakarta

Sirkuit Mandalika ikut menjadi sorotan di tengah isu proyek pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) Mandalika di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat yang disebut meninggalkan utang. Netizen di medsos mendadak bawa-bawa Formula E Jakarta.

Salah satu dampak dari isu yang tengah menerpa KEK Mandalika, muncul rencana meniadakan penyelenggaraan balap World Superbike (WSBK) di Sirkuit Mandalika. Hal ini dilakukan guna menyehatkan kondisi Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA).

Netizen yang mengikuti perkembangan isu ini pun menyuarakan pendapat mereka. Ada yang merasa sedih, banyak juga yang beropini bahwa KEK Mandalika termasuk keberadaan Sirkuit Mandalika di wilayah tersebut merupakan investasi jangka panjang.

"Fakta.. Formula E sukses & untung besar. Mandalika rugi & tinggalkan utang," ucap @ek***oy2.

"Saking semangatnya bangun sirkuit Mandalika, patung pak Jokowi naik motor pun dibikin. Bgitu Mandalika meninggalkan utang & merugi, semua pura2 budeg! 😅😅😅," kata netter.

"Sing benar itu siapa? Mandalika itu investasi jangka panjang.. ekosistim pariwisata, bandara,.jalan, jaringan listrik dll dibangun. Dampaknya bagi masyarakat NTB. Apalgi klo formula ONE jd balapan di situ. 2 tahun ya blm bs jd parameter," kata @rdpr**etyo_a.

"Formula E seberapa untung ya?" ujar @holder***mond_.

Sebagai informasi, Bupati Lombok Tengah Lalu Pathul Bahri juga angkat suara. Kepada detikTravel, ia mengatakan kecewa dengan pernyataan Direktur Utama InJourney Dony Oskaria yang menyebut event World Superbike (WSBK) di Sirkuit Mandalika bikin rugi.

"Ratusan kuburan nenek moyang kami sudah dipindah dari Mandalika demi pembangunan Sirkuit Mandalika. Kami lakukan demi cita-cita Presiden Joko Widodo. Lalu sekarang kami dibilang ini rugi? Ini jelas mendiskreditkan Pemda Lombok Tengah," ungkap Pathul.

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