The Constitutional Court's decision is different from the rumors it spreads, said Denny Indrayana
Former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana praised the Constitutional Court (MK) which decided to reject a lawsuit related to the Election Law so that the 2024 Election would still be held with an open proportional system or vote for candidates' names. The Constitutional Court's decision is different from the rumors spread by Denny.
"Thank God, for the Constitutional Court's decision. The decision which continues to apply an open proportional system is in accordance with my expectations. I have conveyed this on various occasions, I actually hope that the information I conveyed, that the Constitutional Court will decide again to implement a closed system, will change and not become a reality," said Denny in a written statement, Thursday (15/6/2023).
He said the Constitutional Court's decision was a victory for the people's sovereignty. He hopes that his upload of information that the MK will decide on the election system to be punched in party pictures will contribute to overseeing the trial process at the MK.
"About my social media uploads, which have received wide coverage, I thank my fellow journalists and mass media. Because, with this widespread news coverage, hopefully it will contribute to an effective escort, when the Constitutional Court makes a more careful and careful decision on the application for the very strategic election system," he said.
"It must be appreciated and we must be fair, not only criticizing, this is one of the Constitutional Court's decisions which is comprehensive, easy to read, and logical consistency. The only argument that has not emerged and in my opinion needs to be strengthened is that the issue of the legislative election system is an open legal policy, which is the authority of the legislators (President, DPR and DPD) to determine it, not the authority of the Constitutional Court," continued Denny.
Denny also responded to the matter of the Constitutional Court going to complain about it to an advocate organization. He considered MK had taken a wise step.
"My appreciation is because the Constitutional Court did not choose the criminal route, using the forced hand of the state, which means giving space for freedom of opinion and expression of thoughts," he said.
Previously, Denny uploaded a photo accompanied by a caption about information regarding rumors of the Constitutional Court's decision on his Instagram account, @dennyindrayana99, last Sunday (28/5). Denny called it 'important information'. The caption basically states that there is information that the Constitutional Court will decide on a closed proportional election system.
MK decision
Most recently, the Constitutional Court decided to reject the lawsuit over the election system so that the 2024 elections would still be held with an open proportional system.
"Rejecting the petition of the applicant in its entirety," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman in a hearing open to the public at the Constitutional Court building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Thursday (15/6).
In that decision, MK judge Arief Hidayat submitted a dissenting opinion. In that decision, the Constitutional Court (MK) emphasized that money politics could occur in all electoral systems, either through open proportional or closed proportional.
Putusan MK Beda dari Rumor yang Disebarnya, Ini Kata Denny Indrayana
Mantan Wamenkumham Denny Indrayana memuji Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) yang memutuskan menolak gugatan terkait UU Pemilu sehingga Pemilu 2024 tetap digelar dengan sistem proporsional terbuka atau coblos nama caleg. Putusan MK itu beda dari rumor yang disebar Denny.
"Alhamdulillah, atas putusan MK tersebut. Putusan yang tetap menerapkan sistem proporsional terbuka itu sesuai dengan harapan saya. Sudah pernah saya sampaikan dalam berbagai kesempatan, saya justru berharap informasi yang saya sampaikan, bahwa MK akan memutuskan kembali penerapan sistem tertutup, berubah dan tidak menjadi kenyataan," kata Denny dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis (15/6/2023).
Dia mengatakan putusan MK itu merupakan kemenangan daulat rakyat. Dia berharap unggahannya soal informasi bahwa MK akan memutuskan sistem Pemilu menjadi coblos gambar partai berkontribusi untuk mengawal proses sidang di MK.
"Tentang unggahan social media saya, yang mendapatkan liputan luas, saya berterima kasih kepada rekan-rekan jurnalis dan media massa. Karena, dengan liputan pemberitaan yang meluas itu, mudah-mudahan berkontribusi menjadi pengawalan yang efektif, saat MK memutus lebih cermat dan hati-hati atas permohonan sistem pileg yang sangat strategis tersebut," ucapnya.
"Wajib diapresiasi dan kita harus fair tidak hanya mengkritisi saja, ini adalah salah satu putusan MK yang komprehensif, mudah dibaca alur dan konsistensi logikanya. Satu-satunya argumen yang belum muncul dan menurut saya perlu mendapatkan penguatan adalah, bahwa soal sistem pemilu legislatif adalah open legal policy, yang merupakan kewenangan pembuat UU (Presiden, DPR, dan DPD) yang menentukannya, bukan kewenangan MK," sambung Denny.
Denny juga merespons soal MK yang akan mengadukannya ke organisasi advokat. Dia menilai MK sudah mengambil langkah yang bijak.
"Apresiasi saya karena MK tidak memilih jalur pidana, menggunakan tangan paksa negara, yang artinya memberi ruang terhadap kebebasan berpendapat dan menyampaikan pikiran," ucapnya.
Sebelumnya, Denny mengunggah foto disertai caption soal informasi terkait rumor putusan MK di akun Instagram-nya, @dennyindrayana99, pada Minggu (28/5) lalu. Denny menyebutnya sebagai 'informasi penting'. Caption itu pada intinya menyebut ada informasi MK akan memutuskan sistem Pemilu menjadi proporsional tertutup.
Putusan MK
Terbaru, MK memutuskan menolak gugatan soal sistem Pemilu sehingga Pemilu 2024 tetap dilaksanakan dengan sistem proporsional terbuka.
"Menolak permohonan pemohon untuk seluruhnya," kata Ketua MK Anwar Usman dalam sidang yang terbuka untuk umum di gedung MK, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Kamis (15/6).
Dalam putusan itu, hakim MK Arief Hidayat mengajukan dissenting opinion. Dalam putusan itu, Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) menegaskan politik uang bisa saja terjadi dalam semua sistem pemilu, baik lewat proporsional terbuka maupun proporsional tertutup.
News, Entertainment, Health
Constitutional Court's decision
different from the rumors it spreads
said Denny Indrayana