Jokowi growled, Rp. 10 billion for stunting budget, Rp. 6 billion for meetings and business trips
President Joko Widodo highlighted the many allocations of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) and the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) which were not efficient. One of them is related to the stunting budget.
Jokowi revealed that there are regions that have budgeted Rp 10 billion for handling stunting. However, of this amount, the majority are actually used for meetings and business trips.
"For example, there is a stunting budget, 10 billion, check it and see exactly what the 10 billion is for. Don't imagine that later you will be buying eggs, milk, protein, vegetables," Jokowi said at the opening of the 2023 National Government Internal Supervision Coordination Meeting in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/6/2023).
"Just last week I checked the APBD of the Minister of Home Affairs (Ministry of Home Affairs), let me see 10 billion for stunting. Rp. 3 billion for official travel, Rp. 3 billion for meetings, Rp. 2 billion for strengthening the development of anything blah blah blah," he said.
Jokowi said that the budget for handling stunting should be allocated more for the purchase of eggs, milk, fish, meat, vegetables and others.
This is because the community immediately feels the benefits of these materials, not meetings or business trips.
"When will the stunting be finished if it's done like this? This is all that must be changed. If 10 billion is the budget, 2 billion should be for other things, 8 billion is for eggs, fish, meat, vegetables, give it to those who are stunted," said Jokowi.
Another example, said Jokowi, is that there are regions that have budgeted IDR 2.5 billion for the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
However, of that amount, as much as Rp. 1.9 billion was used for employee honoraria and official travel. Only around Rp. 600 million is used for the concrete development of MSMEs.
"That will be the remaining 0.6 billion, the 600 million will also be just hanging around. Empowerment, development, terms that are absurd, not concrete," said Jokowi.
"Go straight on. That's for working capital, to buy production machines, for marketing, yes, it's supposed to be for MSME development, for exhibitions, obviously," he said.
Apart from that, Jokowi revealed, there was also an area that allocated Rp. 1 billion to build and rehabilitate halls.
Should, he said, most of the funds were used for rehabilitation. However, in fact, as much as Ro 734 million or 80 percent was actually used for employee honoraria, meetings and official travel.
"This is no longer possible, ladies and gentlemen," said the head of state.
To overcome this problem, Jokowi said, the role of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) is needed. BPKP was asked to seriously supervise the budgeting and use of APBN and APBD within the central and regional government.
The President advised that supervision should be focused on result orientation. He wants the APBN and APBD allocations to be more efficient for the community, instead of focusing on meetings or official trips.
"If you don't watch it, be careful, if you don't check it right away, if you don't see it being stared at one by one, be careful, we're weak there. We stare at us downstairs, that's all there are still going overboard, let alone not?” said the former mayor of Solo.
Geramnya Jokowi, Anggaran Stunting Rp 10 Miliar, Dipakai Rapat dan Perjalanan Dinas Rp 6 M
Presiden Joko Widodo menyoroti banyaknya alokasi Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) serta Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) yang tak tepat guna. Salah satunya, terkait anggaran stunting.
Jokowi mengungkap, ada daerah yang menganggarkan penanganan stunting senilai Rp 10 miliar. Namun, dari jumlah tersebut, mayoritas justru digunakan untuk rapat dan perjalanan dinas.
“Contoh, ada anggaran stunting, 10 miliar, coba cek liat betul untuk apa 10 miliar itu. Jangan membayangkan nanti ini dibelikan telur, susu, protein, sayuran,” kata Jokowi saat membuka Rapat Koordinasi Nasional Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah Tahun 2023 di Jakarta, Rabu (14/6/2023).
“Baru saja minggu yang lalu saya cek di APBD Mendagri (Menteri Dalam Negeri), coba saya mau lihat 10 miliar untuk stunting. Perjalanan dinas Rp 3 miliar, rapat-rapat Rp 3 miliar, penguatan pengembangan apa-apa bla bla bla Rp 2 miliar,” tuturnya.
Jokowi mengatakan, anggaran penanganan stunting seharusnya lebih banyak dialokasikan untuk pembelian telur, susu, ikan, daging, sayuran, dan lainnya.
Sebab, bahan-bahan tersebut langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat, bukannya rapat atau perjalanan dinas.
“Kapan stuntingnya akan selesai kalau caranya seperti ini? Ini yang harus diubah semuanya. Kalau 10 miliar itu anggarannya, mestinya yang untuk lain-lainnya itu 2 miliar, yang 8 miliar itu ya untuk langsung telur, ikan, daging, sayur, berikan ke yang stunting,” ujar Jokowi.
Contoh lainnya, kata Jokowi, ada wilayah yang menganggarkan Rp 2,5 miliar untuk pengembangan usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM).
Namun, dari jumlah itu, sebanyak Rp 1,9 miliar dipakai untuk honor pegawai dan perjalanan dinas. Hanya sekitar Rp 600 juta yang digunakan untuk pengembangan UMKM secara konkret.
“Itu nanti sisanya yg 0,6 miliar, yang 600 juta itu nanti juga masih muter-muter saja. Pemberdayaan, pengembangan, istilah-istilah yang absurd, enggak konkret,” kata Jokowi.
“Langsung ajalah. Itu untuk modal kerja, untuk beli mesin produksi, untuk marketing, ya kalau pengembangan UMKM kan mestinya itu, untuk pameran, jelas,” katanya.
Selain itu, Jokowi mengungkap, ada pula suatu daerah yang mengalokasikan Rp 1 miliar untuk membangun dan merehabilitasi balai.
Mestinya, kata dia, sebagian besar dana tersebut digunakan untuk rehabilitasi. Namun, faktanya, sebanyak Ro 734 juta atau 80 persen justru dipakai untuk honor pegawai, rapat, dan perjalanan dinas.
“Ini sudah enggak bisa lagi, Bapak Ibu sekalian,” kata kepala negara.
Untuk mengatasi persoalan ini, Jokowi menyebut, dibutuhkan peran Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan (BPKP). BPKP diminta serius mengawasi penganggaran dan penggunaan APBN serta APBD di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun daerah.
Presiden berpesan agar pengawasan difokuskan pada orientasi hasil. Dia ingin, alokasi APBN dan APBD lebih tepat guna ke masyarakat, bukan malah fokus ke rapat atau perjalanan dinas.
“Jika tidak diawasi, hati hati, jika tidak cek langsung, jika tidak dilihat dipelototi satu-satu, hati-hati kita lemah di situ. Dipelototi kita turun ke bawah, itu saja masih ada yang bablas, apalagi tidak?” tutur mantan Wali Kota Solo itu.
News, Entertainment, Health
business trips
Rp. 10 billion
Rp. 6 billion for meetings
stunting budget