DPR Sitting Case Requests Garuda's "Business Class" Seat Allotment for Hajj Departure

DPR Sitting Case Requests Garuda's "Business Class" Seat Allotment for Hajj Departure

The Republic of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) is back in the public spotlight. This time, the DPR is under scrutiny for asking Garuda Indonesia to prepare 80 business class seats for DPR members who wish to go on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 

This was initially revealed by the Main Director (Director) of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra. Irfan admitted that he had been called by the Secretary General (Secretary General) of the DPR, Indra Iskandar, to prepare 80 business class seats. 

"Earlier, yesterday we were contacted by the Secretary General of the DPR to ensure that there are around 80 additional members of the DPR to be able to go on pilgrimage," Irfan said at a hearing at the DPR's Commission VI, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (13/6/2023). 

However, Irfan could not confirm whether the DPR's request could be fulfilled or not. 

This is because it needs permission from the General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA) of Saudi Arabia. 

"That's staying tuned, we can't promise additional planes yet. But this is indeed a matter of permission from GACA Saudi Arabia which actually requires the 22nd to be the last day of flights for Hajj," he said. 

However, Irfan stated that Garuda would continue to seek the availability of business class seats for DPR members who wish to go on pilgrimage. 

So, why does the DPR need the availability of seats for Garuda so that its members can go on pilgrimage? 

Pilgrimage Supervision
DPR Secretary General Indra Iskandar revealed the reasons why he asked Garuda Indonesia to prepare 80 business class seats for DPR members to go on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 

Indra explained, the request was submitted within the framework of the DPR's supervisory function of the implementation of the pilgrimage. 

"The Hajj team is divided into 2 teams, the Hajj preparation monitoring team and the Hajj monitoring team. So, we have arranged the departure schedules for the monitoring team from the DPR," Indra said when contacted, Wednesday (14/6/2023). 

Indra admitted that it was he who contacted Garuda Indonesia President Director Irfan Setiaputra to request the 80 business class seats. 

The reason is, Indra is in charge of administration in the DPR. What's more, the DPR still has not received certainty regarding the availability of seats to go to Mecca. 

"So I called the Garuda CEO. Because he is an old friend of mine. He often helps out. I called, 'Can you please help me find around 80 seats for the DPR?' We have a budget that can reach business class," he said. 

"Until 3 days ago, we have not received any description from our provider, the travel agency has not confirmed the flight seats to Mecca and Medina," continued Indra. 

Indonesian pilgrims in 2023. (Doc. Ministry of Religion)
Indra said Irfan was still working on Garuda to provide 80 business class seats for members of the DPR. 

According to him, not all of the 80 business class seats are for DPR members, but there is a support team from the secretariat. 

He also stressed that the 80 business class seats were not free, but had been budgeted for by the DPR. 

"Yes, it's the DPR's budget. Where is it, when members of the DPR are the duty of the state. Which ones are free. If you want to go to heaven, you are told to pray, you are told to do charity, you are told to give alms," he explained. 

Look for alternatives
Indra said the DPR would look for alternative foreign airlines if Garuda could not prepare 80 seats. 

However, the DPR still wants Garuda Indonesia to be the top choice. 

Indra called the DPR members nationalists, so they still prioritized Garuda Indonesia. 

"The alternative is that we have to come from foreign flights. We all want Garuda. If we don't get Garuda, what will we do? We are passionate about red and white. If Garuda doesn't have a seat, what should we do? Take a boat?" he added. 

Meanwhile, DPR Commission VI member of the Golkar faction, Nusron Wahid, questioned the law (UU) which prohibits Indonesian citizens (WNI), including members of the DPR, from asking for airplane seats to be prepared for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. 

Nusron emphasized that the DPR's request that 80 business class seats be prepared for Garuda Indonesia to go on pilgrimage does not violate any law. 

"Is there a law that prohibits it? Well, if there's nothing that prohibits it," Nusron said when met at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/6/2023). 

Nusron explained, as long as that person pays for the airplane seat, then he is allowed and permitted. 

He emphasized that the DPR's request was not problematic, as long as no other passengers were harmed. 

"It's just a matter of the availability of seats, are there passengers who are canceled or not? If there are no passengers who are canceled, is there no issue?" he said. 

"It becomes an issue, for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are Garuda passengers on the same day, same time, same flight, for example how many GA is that, then suddenly it is cancelled, filled in by members of the DPR. Yes, that become an issue," continued Nusron. 

Duduk Perkara DPR Minta Jatah Kursi "Business Class" Garuda untuk Berangkat Haji

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) RI kembali menjadi sorotan publik. Kali ini, DPR disorot karena meminta Garuda Indonesia untuk menyiapkan 80 kursi business class untuk anggota DPR yang hendak berangkat ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci.

Hal tersebut awalnya diungkap oleh Direktur Utama (Dirut) Garuda Indonesia Irfan Setiaputra. Irfan mengaku ditelepon Sekretaris Jenderal (Sekjen) DPR Indra Iskandar untuk menyiapkan 80 kursi business class.

"Tadi, kemarin kami dihubungi Sekjen DPR untuk memastikan ada sekitar tambahan 80 anggota DPR untuk bisa berangkat haji," ujar Irfan dalam rapat dengar pendapat di Komisi VI DPR, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (13/6/2023).

Hanya saja, Irfan belum bisa memastikan apakah permintaan DPR itu bisa dipenuhi atau tidak.

Sebab, perlu izin dari General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA) Arab Saudi.

"Itu stay tuned, kami belum bisa menjanjikan tambahan pesawat. Tapi memang ini persoalan izin dari GACA Arab Saudi yang sebenarnya mensyaratkan tanggal 22 adalah hari terakhir penerbangan untuk haji," tuturnya.

Meski demikian, Irfan menyatakan Garuda akan tetap mengupayakan ketersediaan kursi business class bagi anggota DPR yang ingin berangkat haji.

Lantas, kenapa DPR membutuhkan ketersediaan kursi Garuda supaya para anggotanya bisa naik haji?

Pengawasan haji
Sekjen DPR Indra Iskandar mengungkap alasan kenapa pihaknya meminta Garuda Indonesia menyiapkan 80 kursi business class untuk anggota DPR berangkat ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci.

Indra menjelaskan, permintaan itu diajukan dalam rangka fungsi pengawasan yang DPR lakukan terhadap pelaksanaan ibadah haji.

"Tim haji itu dibagi dalam 2 tim, tim pengawasan persiapan haji dan tim pengawasan pelaksanaan haji. Jadi, kegiatan itu kami sudah mengatur jadwal-jadwal keberangkatan tim pengawas dari DPR," ujar Indra saat dihubungi, Rabu (14/6/2023).

Indra mengakui bahwa dirinya lah yang menghubungi Direktur Utama (Dirut) Garuda Indonesia Irfan Setiaputra untuk meminta 80 kursi business class tersebut.

Pasalnya, Indra merupakan penanggung jawab administrasi di DPR. Lebih-lebih, DPR masih belum mendapat kepastian terkait ketersediaan kursi untuk berangkat ke Mekkah.

"Maka saya telepon Dirut Garuda. Karena dia sahabat lama saya. Dia sering membantu. Saya telepon, 'bisa minta tolong enggak untuk membantu mencarikan sekitar 80 seat untuk kepentingan DPR?' Kami itu punya anggaran bisa mencapai untuk kelas bisnis," tuturnya.

"Sampai 3 hari lalu, kami belum mendapat gambaran tentang dari penyedia kami dari travel bironya belum memastikan soal kursi penerbangan ke Mekkah dan Madinah," sambung Indra.

Jemaah haji Indonesia tahun 2023.(Dok. kementerian Agama)
Indra mengatakan, Irfan masih mengupayakan agar Garuda bisa menyediakan 80 kursi business class bagi anggota DPR.

Menurutnya, 80 kursi business class ini tidak semuanya untuk anggota DPR, melainkan ada tim pendukung dari pihak sekretariat.

Dia turut menegaskan 80 kursi business class tidak gratis, melainkan sudah dianggarkan oleh DPR.

"Ya anggaran DPR lah. Mana ada, masa anggota DPR tugasnya tugas negara. Mana ada yang gratis. Mau masuk surga aja disuruh sholat, disuruh beramal, disuruh sedekah," jelasnya.

Cari alternatif
Indra mengatakan, DPR akan mencari alternatif maskapai asing apabila Garuda tidak bisa menyiapkan 80 kursi.

Namun, DPR tetap ingin agar Garuda Indonesia yang menjadi pilihan utama.

Indra menyebut para anggota DPR nasionalis sehingga tetap mengutamakan Garuda Indonesia.

"Alternatifnya ya kita harus dari penerbangan asing. Kalau kami sih semuanya pengennya Garuda. Kalau enggak dapat Garuda mau diapain. Kami semangat nya merah putih. Kalau Garuda nya enggak ada seatnya mau gimana? Naik perahu?" imbuhnya.

Sementara itu, anggota Komisi VI DPR Fraksi Golkar Nusron Wahid mempertanyakan undang-undang (UU) yang melarang warga negara Indonesia (WNI), termasuk anggota DPR, tidak boleh meminta disiapkan kursi pesawat untuk berangkat ibadah haji ke Tanah Suci.

Nusron menegaskan permintaan DPR yang minta disiapkan 80 kursi business class ke Garuda Indonesia untuk berangkat haji tidak melanggar UU apapun.

"Ada enggak undang-undang yang melarang? Ya sudah kalau enggak ada yang melarang," ujar Nusron saat ditemui di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (14/6/2023).

Nusron menjelaskan, selama orang itu membayar kursi pesawat tersebut, maka dia diperbolehkan dan diizinkan.

Dia menegaskan permintaan DPR itu tidak bermasalah, selama tidak ada penumpang lain yang dirugikan.

"Tinggal masalah availability seat-nya itu ada yang penumpang di-cancel atau tidak? Kalau tidak ada penumpang yang di-cancel, no issue dong?" tuturnya.

"Menjadi issue itu misal, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ini penumpang Garuda di hari yang sama, jam yang sama, penerbangan yang sama, misal GA berapa gitu, kemudian tiba-tiba dibatalkan, diisi anggota DPR. Ya itu jadi issue," sambung Nusron.

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