PDIP Harsh Satire to PSI, Call it 'Small Disturbing Party'

PDIP Harsh Satire to PSI, Call it 'Small Disturbing Party'

PDI-P hurled harsh satire at PSI by alluding to the small party that had become the annoyance. This satire resulted in PSI considering PDIP to be arrogant. 

There was mutual sarcasm between PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah and PSI member Ade Armando. The satire started when Said alluded to Ganjar Pranowo's political contract, which Ade Armando had tweeted about on his Twitter account. Said then regarded Ade as a small disruptive party. 

"If a small party disturbs a small fellow, it won't make the news. If it interferes with a big party so that it enters parliament, it will always be disturbed. Not only that, disturb Kaesang, after that it's a matter of then Ganjar's political contract," said PDIP DPP chairman Said Abdullah to journalists, Tuesday (13/6/2023). 

Said admitted that he was confused about the issue of Ganjar's political contract. He said that PDIP does not recognize political contracts as Ade Armando tweeted. 

"We are confused, we know the process and so on, there is no political contract. What exists is that even Mr. Ganjar himself said 'Jar', when Mr. Ganjar said that, 'I give this hat as a form that this has become a national symbol, you should never forget that this task is a people's duty'. If it's called a political contract, yes, that's the general chairman's instructions for Ganjar," he said. 

Said said that political contracts are not the character of PDIP. He said that PDIP had never regulated President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding the appointment of ministers. 

"But in framing again there are political contracts, strategic ministers, that has not been the character of the PDIP so far. When with Mr. President Jokowi, what were the PDIP ministerial terms? Menkumham, Mendagri, Menpan RB, Mensos Sos. So the address was wrong," he said. 

Ade Calls PDIP Arrogant
Ade Armando responded to the chairman of the PDIP DPP, Said Abdullah, regarding the disruptive small parties. Ade thinks Said's attitude shows PDI-P's arrogance. 

"Yes, that again shows PDIP's arrogance," Ade told reporters, Tuesday (13/6/2023). 

Ade Armando. (Silvia Ng/detikcom). Photo: Ade Armando. (Silvia Ng/ detikcom). 
Regarding the tweet about the contract issue, Ade admitted that he was only positioning himself as a Ganjar volunteer. According to him, volunteers need to know the truth about the political contract. 

"I raised the issue of the political contract because I am a volunteer who is fighting to win Ganjar," he said. 

"Ganjar's voice can be quite large, right, partly because of volunteer work. But if it turns out that Ganjar is only being used by PDIP for the benefit of PDIP, of course we as volunteers need to know," he continued. 

Even so, Ade emphasized that his party would still be upright with President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). PSI supports figures supported by Jokowi. 

"PSI is perpendicular to Jokowi," he said. 

About the Ganjar Political Contract Tweeted by Ade Armando
Ade Armando previously disclosed information that there was a political contract behind the PDIP choosing Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in 2024. One of the political contracts, said Ade, namely, the PDIP regulates ministerial positions if Ganjar wins. 

This was conveyed by Ade on his Twitter account as seen, Monday (12/6/2023). Ade asked that the information he got be clarified. Ade hopes this information is wrong. 

"I received news that Ganjar had signed a contract with the PDIP that if he became president, the PDIP would determine who would become ministers and occupy strategic positions. This needs to be clarified immediately because this information has been circulating quite widely. Hopefully it's wrong," Ade said in his tweet. Ade has allowed his tweet to be quoted by detikcom. 

Ade Armando explained that his purpose for making the tweet was to ask for clarification from PDIP officials. Ade said he heard the information from volunteers. 

"So you see, I wrote it in order to ask for clarification, especially from Mr. Ganjar and from the PDIP, in this case PDIP leaders like Megawati or maybe Mas Hasto or whoever, it's the leader, huh," explained Ade. 

"Because this is circulating among volunteers, as a Ganjar volunteer I find it difficult because when asked by Ganjar volunteers the veracity of this information, it is difficult for me to confirm whether this information is true," he added. 

Sindiran Keras PDIP ke PSI, Sebut 'Partai Kecil Pengganggu'

PDIP melempar sindiran keras terhadap PSI dengan menyinggung partai kecil yang jadi penganggu. Sindiran itu berujung PSI menganggap PDIP sombong.

Saling sindir itu terjadi antara Ketua DPP PDIP Said Abdullah dan Anggota PSI Ade Armando. Sindiran itu berawal dari Said menyinggung kontrak politik Ganjar Pranowo yang sempat dicuit oleh Ade Armando di akun Twitternya. Said lantas menganggap Ade sebagai partai kecil pengganggu.

"Kalau partainya kecil mengganggu sesama yang kecil dia tidak jadi berita. Kalau mengganggu partai besar supaya masuk parlemen, selalu akan ganggu. Bukan hanya itu, ganggu Kaesang, habis itu soal kemudian kontrak politik Ganjar," kata Ketua DPP PDIP Said Abdullah kepada wartawan, Selasa (13/6/2023).

Said mengaku bingung ada isu kontrak politik Ganjar. Dia menyebut PDIP tidak mengenal kontrak politik seperti yang dicuitkan Ade Armando.

"Kita kebingungan, kita yang tahu prosesnya dan sebagainya tidak ada itu kontrak politik. Yang ada adalah bahkan Pak Ganjar sendiri menyampaikan 'Jar', ketika Pak Ganjar menceritakan itu, 'topi ini saya berikan sebagai bentuk bahwa ini sudah menjadi simbol nasional, kamu jangan pernah lupa bahwa tugas ini adalah tugas kerakyatan'. Kalau itu dinamakan kontrak politik, ya itulah petunjuk ibu ketua umum terhadap Ganjar," katanya.

Said mengatakan kontrak politik bukan karakter dari PDIP. Dia menyebut PDIP tak pernah mengatur Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) soal urusan penunjukan menteri.

"Tapi di-framing lagi ada kontrak politik, menteri strategis, itu bukan karakter PDIP selama ini. Ketika dengan Bapak Presiden Jokowi dua periode menterinya PDIP apa saja sih? Menkumham, Mendagri, Menpan RB, Mensos. Sehingga salah alamat," tuturnya.

Ade Sebut PDIP Sombong
Ade Armando merespons Ketua DPP PDIP Said Abdullah soal partai kecil pengganggu. Ade menilai sikap Said itu menunjukkan PDIP sombong.

"Ya itu kembali menunjukkan kesombongan PDIP," kata Ade kepada wartawan, Selasa (13/6/2023).

Ade Armando. (Silvia Ng/detikcom).Foto: Ade Armando. (Silvia Ng/detikcom).
Terkait cuitan isu kontrak itu, Ade mengaku hanya memposisikan diri sebagai relawan Ganjar. Menurutnya, relawan perlu mengetahui kebenaran tentang kontrak politik tersebut.

"Saya mengangkat isu kontrak politik itu karena saya adalah relawan yang berjuang memenangkan Ganjar," katanya.

"Suara Ganjar bisa cukup besar kan antara lain karena kerja relawan. Tapi kalau ternyata Ganjar cuma dimanfaatkan PDIP untuk kepentingan PDIP, tentu kami sebagai relawan perlu tahu," sambungnya.

Meski begitu, Ade menekankan pihaknya tetap akan tegak lurus kepada Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). PSI mendukung tokoh yang didukung oleh Jokowi.

"PSI tegak lurus pada Jokowi," tuturnya.

Soal Kontrak Politik Ganjar yang Dicuit Ade Armando
Ade Armando sebelumnya mengungkap informasi adanya kontrak politik di balik PDIP memilih Ganjar Pranowo sebagai capres di 2024. Salah satu kontrak politik itu kata Ade, yakni PDIP mengatur posisi menteri jika Ganjar menang.

Hal ini disampaikan Ade dalam akun Twitternya seperti dilihat, Senin (12/6/2023). Ade meminta agar informasi yang didapatnya itu diklarifikasi. Ade berharap informasi ini salah.

"Saya dapat kabar, Ganjar sudah meneken kontrak dengan PDIP bahwa kalau dia jadi presiden, penentuan orang-orang yang jadi menteri dan menempati posisi strategis akan ditentukan oleh PDIP. Ini perlu segera diklarifikasi karena info ini sudah beredar cukup luas. Mudah-mudahan salah," kata Ade dalam cuitannya. Ade telah mengizinkan cuitannya untuk dikutip detikcom.

Ade Armando menjelaskan tujuan dirinya membuat cuitan itu untuk meminta klarifikasi dari petinggi PDIP. Ade mengaku mendengar informasi itu dari kalangan relawan.

"Jadi gini, justru saya menulis itu dalam rangka meminta adanya klarifikasi terutama dari pihak Pak Ganjar maupun dari PDIP, dalam hal ini pimpinan PDIP seperti Megawati atau barangkali Mas Hasto atau siapa lah, pimpinan lah ya," terang Ade.

"Karena ini beredar di kalangan relawan, saya sebagai relawan Ganjar merasa kesulitan karena ketika ditanya oleh relawan Ganjar kebenaran informasi ini, saya sulit untuk memastikan apakah informasi ini benar," imbuhnya.

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