Sued for IDR 1 billion for commenting on the decision on the postponement of the election, Mahfud counterclaims IDR 5 billion

Sued for IDR 1 billion for commenting on the decision on the postponement of the election, Mahfud counterclaims IDR 5 billion

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD counter sued the Legal and Injustice Mafia Victims Association (Perkomhan) following his comments regarding the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN). 

"Because it disturbed me, I will counter sue the Perkomhan in a counterclaim of Rp. 5 billion with a decision on the bail confiscation provision," said Mahfud in his statement, Thursday (15/6/2023) evening. 

Mahfud admitted that he had never heard of Perkomhan's progress. 

However, Perkomhan suddenly sued him as Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs at the Central Jakarta District Court with a lawsuit against the law (PMH). 

"He said that I had committed an unlawful act because I commented on the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court which won the Prima Party lawsuit to postpone the election stages," said Mahfud. 

"Loh, how come commenting on a court decision is considered illegal? What civil rights does Perkomhan have over the PN's verdict comments?” said Mahfud again. 

Mahfud said dozens of people commented on court decisions every day, but no one was ever considered to have violated the law. 

He also said that almost all the leaders of the main political parties who had passed the verification commented on the Central Jakarta District Court decision. 

“Many politicians, academics, observers and the mainstream media commented that the decision was wrong. Why aren't they being sued as well if it is considered a violation of civil rights to civil rights?" Mahfud said. 

"The evidence is also at the appeal level that the PN's decision was completely annulled by the High Court, which means that the public's comments are legally correct," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court. 

Quoted from Tribunnews, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud was sued for IDR 1,025,000,000 by Perkomhan. 

Perkomhan considered that Mahfud had committed an unlawful act by commenting on the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court on postponing the election. 

The lawsuit was registered under number 205/Pdt.G/2023/PN Jkt.Pst. 

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