Fadli Zon Welcomes the Closeness of Prabowo and Jokowi, Talks about the Best Options

Fadli Zon Welcomes the Closeness of Prabowo and Jokowi, Talks about the Best Options

Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party Fadli Zon revealed the closeness between his chairman Prabowo Subianto and President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Fadli Zon said Prabowo was the best option for Jokowi to continue his programs going forward. 

This was conveyed by Fadli Zon in a talk show broadcast on YouTube Fadli Zon Official. He said Prabowo and Jokowi's closeness had been formed 5 years ago. 

"What I see is that he is very close to Pak Jokowi, and I think it's been almost 4 or 5 years, maybe the chemistry has built up, so I see that's a very positive thing," Fadli Zon as seen by detik.com, Thursday (8/6/ 2023). 

Fadli said that this closeness was also because Prabowo was Jokowi's minister. Because of that closeness, according to him, Prabowo is the best option for Jokowi. 

"So I think this is if Pak Jokowi really supports, and I'm sure he won't run again, yes, this is also the best option for Pak Jokowi, because Pak Prabowo is a determinant in the party and can also guarantee the continuity of good programs. yes," he said. 

This member of Commission I of the DPR ensures that Prabowo will not only continue Jokowi's program. He said Prabowo would also continue good programs before the Jokowi administration. 

"The good programs from the Jokowi administration, as well as the previous SBY government, or the administrations of Bu Mega, Gus Dur and Pak Harto, in my opinion must be continued. But programs that must be corrected, of course, must be corrected along the way," he said. 

Regarding Prabowo Puji Ganjar and Anies
Furthermore, Fadli Zon also spoke about Prabowo's policy of continuing to praise his competitors in 2024, Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan. He emphasized that Prabowo was sincere and honest in praising the two. 

"That's genuine, Pak Prabowo doesn't vilify other candidates, other candidates aren't vilified, it's considered that he is also the best son, both Mr Ganjar and Mr Anies. I think this is one of his characteristics, that was because he is experienced, so he has wisdom. This country, our Unitary Republic of Indonesia, needs people who have leadership to have wisdom," he said. 

He even admits to being annoyed with Prabowo, who is sometimes too kind. In fact, he said, many people actually viewed Prabowo differently. 

"Genuine, sometimes we even get annoyed too, 'Wow, this is too good sometimes, huh', but yes, I think that Pak Prabowo looks very good, right? , but behind that Pak Prabowo is verygood and very good manners. Look at the gestures everywhere you meet, that's respectful, to bosses who have retired, they're always respectful, right? It's built in," he explained. 

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