Ministry of Finance Claims Rp. 775 Billion to 3 CMNP Affiliated Companies, Jusuf Hamka's Name Dragged In?

Ministry of Finance Claims Rp. 775 Billion to 3 CMNP Affiliated Companies, Jusuf Hamka's Name Dragged In? 

Yustinus Prastowo, Special Staff to the Minister of Finance for Strategic Communications, said that the government has rights to claim Rp 775 billion against three companies affiliated with PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP). The three companies had the right to collect Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) when they were owned by Siti Hardijanti Rukmana alias Tutut. 

"The other three companies of Mrs. Tutut have debts to banks, various banks, BLBI. So what we saw was the conditions at that time. When the loan took place, it was in 1998," said Yustinus, to detikcom, Tuesday (13/6/2023). 

Yustinus explained, until now the debt has not been paid. Therefore, the government wants to collect the BLBI collection rights from the related companies. 

On the other hand, he also explained, CMNP was affiliated with Tutut because of their share ownership in Bank Yama. Previously, Tutut was the majority shareholder in Bank Yama. Meanwhile, CMNP placed deposits at the bank. 

Is Jusuf Hamka's Name Dragged In? 
Related to this polemic, the name of businessman Jusuf Hamka was also dragged into this issue. Because CMNP is predicted to be his company. 

However, Yustinus emphasized that his party had not been able to confirm this until now. Because the Ministry of Finance did not find Jusuf Hamka's status as CMNP owner. 

"So, please ask later, we ourselves also checked in the latest CMNP that there is no name Mr. Jusuf Hamka, either as a shareholder, commissioner or director. So we don't know what his position is. This needs to be clarified. Because the government in this case is dealing with the CMNP," explained Yustinus. 

Citing company profile data on the capital market, currently the controlling shareholder structure of CMNP is BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch with ownership of 58.95%. The company is a shell company registered in Singapore. 

It is not certain who is behind the BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch. There are several possibilities, including that the shell company is owned by Tutut or Jusuf Hamka. 

However, the traces of Jusuf Hamka's ownership in CMNP are traceable to the status of ownership in the names of his 2 children with a total of 9.35%. In detail, Fitria Yusuf is 4.42% and Feisal Hamka is 4.93%. 

On the other hand, what is clear is that currently the figure leading CMNP is Jusuf Hamka's son, namely Feisal Hamka who holds the position of Main Commissioner and Fitria Yusuf as the Main Director of CMNP. 

Kemenkeu Tagih Rp 775 M ke 3 Perusahaan Terafiliasi CMNP, Nama Jusuf Hamka Terseret?

Staf Khusus Menteri Keuangan Bidang Komunikasi Strategis Yustinus Prastowo mengungkapkan, pemerintah memiliki hak tagih Rp 775 miliar terhadap tiga perusahaan terafiliasi PT Citra Marga Nusaphala Persada Tbk (CMNP). Ketiga perusahaan itu memiliki hak tagih Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia (BLBI) pada saat dimiliki Siti Hardijanti Rukmana alias Tutut.

"Tiga perusahan Bu Tutut yang lain punya utang ke bank, berbagai bank, BLBI. Jadi yang kita lihat kondisi pada saat itu. Saat terjadinya pinjaman, pada 1998 itu," kata Yustinus, kepada detikcom, Selasa (13/6/2023).

Yustinus menjelaskan, hingga saat ini utang tersebut belum dibayarkan. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah hendak menagih hak tagih BLBI tersebut kepada perusahaan terkait.

Di sisi lain, ia juga menjelaskan, CMNP terafiliasi denganTutut lantaran adanya kepemilikan saham di Bank Yama. Dulunya,Tutut menjadi pemegang saham mayoritas di Bank Yama. Sementara, CMNP menaruh deposito pada bank tersebut.

Nama Jusuf Hamka Ikut Terseret?
Terkait polemik ini, nama pengusaha Jusuf Hamka ikut terseret dalam persoalan ini. Sebab CMNP digadang-gadang merupakan perusahaan miliknya.

Namun Yustinus menegaskan bahwa pihaknya hingga saat ini belum bisa memastikan hal tersebut. Sebab Kementerian Keuangan tidak menemukan status Jusuf Hamka sebagai pemilik CMNP.

"Nah nanti tolong tanyakan, kami sendiri juga ngecek dalam CMNP yang terbaru tidak ada nama Pak Jusuf Hamka, baik sebagai pemegang saham, komisaris, maupun direksi. Jadi kami tidak tahu posisi beliau sebagai apa. Ini perlu diperjelas. Karena pemerintah dalam hal ini berurusannya dengan CMNP," terang Yustinus.

Mengutip data profil perusahaan di pasar modal, saat ini struktur pemegang saham pengendali CMNP adalah BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch dengan kepemilikan sebesar 58,95%. Perusahaan itu merupakan perusahaan cangkang yang terdaftar di Singapura.

Belum bisa dipastikan siapa sosok di balik BP2S SG/BNP Paribas Wealth Management Singapore Branch. Ada beberapa kemungkinan termasuk perusahaan cangkang itu dimiliki Tutut atau Jusuf Hamka.

Namun jejak kepemilikan Jusuf Hamka di CMNP terlacak dari status kepemilikan atas nama 2 orang anaknya dengan total 9,35%. Rinciannya, Fitria Yusuf sebesar 4,42% dan Feisal Hamka sebesar 4,93%.

Di sisi lain, yang jelas saat ini sosok yang memimpin CMNP ada anak Jusuf Hamka yakni Feisal Hamka yang menduduki posisi sebagai Komisaris Utama dan Fitria Yusuf sebagai Direktur Utama CMNP.

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