Mahfud's Story Called Midnight, Megawati Angry Because of Central Jakarta District Court's Decision

Mahfud's Story Called Midnight, Megawati Angry Because of Central Jakarta District Court's Decision

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said he was surprised to learn about the decision of the Central Jakarta District Court (PN) in favor of the Adil Makmur (Prima) People's Party civil lawsuit against the General Elections Commission (KPU) regarding the verification process. party2024 election politics. 

The Central Jakarta District Court is known to have punished the KPU for not carrying out the remaining election stages and carrying out the election stages from the beginning for 2 years 4 months and 7 days, which has the potential to delay the election stages. 

Mahfud MD said he learned about the decision from his communications staff, Rizal. 

“On the 2nd (March 2023) afternoon at 5, I was shocked. This is Mas Rizal coming, 'Sir, how come there is a decision like this?'” said Mahfud in an event with Kompas Gramedia at the Kompas Tower, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (7/3/2023). 

"Oh, I don't know either. It (the Central Jakarta District Court) has no authority to decide that," he continued. 

According to Mahfud, that evening, the news of the Central Jakarta District Court decision was already busy on television. 

"So I myself received calls from many people, especially from the party, 'surely this is the government making it, surely this is the operation of the government'," said Mahfud. 

Mahfud said that one of the people who called him was from a major party. 

Based on information from the communications staff of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, this person is PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto. 

He said PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri was angry. 

"From the big party, at midnight (call), (say) 'don't play games, you know'," said Mahfud. 

Mahfud then replied that there was no operation from the government related to the Central Jakarta District Court decision. 

"The government is not operating. I just spoke to the president that the president ordered that this election must take place in 2024 and the president has said it many times," said Mahfud. 

"But, at that time (he said) Mrs. Mega (Megawati) was already angry in the middle of the night," he continued. 

Previously reported, the Central Jakarta District Court won Prima's civil lawsuit against the KPU, Thursday (2/3/2023). 

In the decision on lawsuit 757/Pdt.G/2022 which was filed on December 8, 2022, the Central Jakarta District Court ordered the KPU to postpone the election stages. 

"Punish the Defendant not to carry out the remaining stages of the 2024 General Election since this decision was pronounced and to carry out the General Election stages from the beginning for approximately 2 (two) years 4 (four) months 7 (seven) days," read the fifth dictum of the decision. 

Prima previously reported the KPU because it felt disadvantaged during the stages of registration and verification of political parties as candidates for the 2024 election. 

During the administrative verification stage, Prima was declared ineligible for membership and therefore could not proceed to the factual verification stage. 

However, the party felt that it had met the membership requirements and considered that the KPU's Political Party Information System (Sipol) had problems and was the culprit for their failure to pass the administrative verification stage. 

Previously, a similar case had also been reported by Prima to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu). 

However, the RI Bawaslu through its decision stated that the RI KPU was not legally and convincingly proven to have committed an administrative violation during the Prima administration verification stage. 

Cerita Mahfud Tengah Malam Ditelepon, Megawati Marah karena Putusan PN Jakpus

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Politik, Hukum, dan Keamanan (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD mengaku terkejut mengetahui putusan Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Pusat (Jakpus) yang memenangkan gugatan perdata Partai Rakyat Adil Makmur (Prima) atas Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) terkait proses verifikasi partai politik Pemilu 2024.

PN Jakpus diketahui menghukum KPU tidak melaksanakan sisa tahapan pemilu dan melaksanakan tahapan pemilu dari awal selama 2 tahun 4 bulan dan 7 hari, yang berpotensi pada penundaan tahapan pemilu.

Mahfud MD mengatakan, ia mengetahui putusan itu dari staf komunikasinya, Rizal.

“Tanggal 2 (Maret 2023) sore jam 5, saya kaget. Ini Mas Rizal ini datang 'Pak, kok ada putusan begini?'” kata Mahfud dalam acara bersama Kompas Gramedia di Menara Kompas, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (7/3/2023).

“Loh, saya juga endak tahu. Ini (PN Jakpus) tidak berwenang memutuskan itu,” ujarnya melanjutkan.

Menurut Mahfud, malam harinya, berita-berita putusan PN Jakpus itu sudah ramai di televisi.

“Nah saya sendiri ditelepon banyak orang, terutama dari partai, ‘pasti ini pemerintah yang bikin, pasti ini operasinya pemerintah’,” kata Mahfud.

Mahfud mengatakan, salah satu yang menelepon dirinya merupakan orang dari partai besar.

Berdasarkan info dari staf komunikasi Kemenko Polhukam, orang tersebut merupakan Sekretaris Jenderal PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto.

Ia menyebutkan, Ketua Umum PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri marah.

“Dari partai besar juga tengah malam (telepon), (bilang) ‘jangan main-main lho’,” ujar Mahfud.

Mahfud kemudian menjawab bahwa tidak ada operasi dari pemerintah yang berkaitan dengan putusan PN Jakpus tersebut.

“Pemerintah tidak ada operasi. Saya baru bicara dengan presiden bahwa presiden memerintahkan bahwa pemilu ini harus jalan tahun 2024 dan sudah dikatakan berkali-kali oleh presiden,” kata Mahfud.

“Tapi, waktu itu (dia bilang) Bu Mega (Megawati) sudah marah tengah malam itu,” ujarnya melanjutkan.

Diberitakan sebelumnya, PN Jakpus memenangkan gugatan perdata Prima terhadap KPU, Kamis (2/3/2023).

Dalam putusan atas gugatan 757/Pdt.G/2022 yang dilayangkan pada 8 Desember 2022, PN Jakpus memerintahkan KPU menunda tahapan pemilu.

"Menghukum Tergugat untuk tidak melaksanakan sisa tahapan Pemilihan Umum 2024 sejak putusan ini diucapkan dan melaksanakan tahapan Pemilihan Umum dari awal selama lebih kurang 2 (dua ) tahun 4 (empat) bulan 7 (tujuh) hari," bunyi diktum kelima amar putusan tersebut.

Prima sebelumnya melaporkan KPU karena merasa dirugikan dalam tahapan pendaftaran dan verifikasi partai politik calon peserta Pemilu 2024.

Dalam tahapan verifikasi administrasi, Prima dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat keanggotaan sehingga tidak bisa berproses ke tahapan verifikasi faktual.

Namun, Partai merasa telah memenuhi syarat keanggotaan tersebut dan menganggap bahwa Sistem Informasi Partai Politik (Sipol) KPU bermasalah dan menjadi biang keladi tidak lolosnya mereka dalam tahapan verifikasi administrasi.

Sebelumnya, perkara serupa juga sempat dilaporkan Prima ke Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu).

Namun, Bawaslu RI lewat putusannya menyatakan KPU RI tidak secara sah dan meyakinkan terbukti melakukan pelanggaran administrasi dalam tahapan verifikasi administrasi Prima.

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