Sudirman Said Claims State Officials Visited PKS to Thwart Anies

Sudirman Said Claims State Officials Visited PKS to Thwart Anies

Sudirman Said Claims State Officials Visited PKS to Thwart Anies

The spokesperson for the presidential candidate (bacapres) from the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP) Anies Baswedan, Sudirman Said, claimed that state officials took turns visiting the PKS. Sudirman said the official wanted PKS to leave the KPP so that Anies failed to get a ticket to run as a presidential candidate. 

"Just a little clue, until today, state officials have alternated, some are party leaders, some are not, coming to PKS with some implicit and some explicit missions. The mission is so that PKS leaves the coalition and Pak Anies's advance is thwarted. The form is What? Yes, the name lure takes all kinds of forms, but maybe explaining here isn't enough," said Sudirman on Jalan Brawijaya, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday (7/6/2023). 

Sudirman claimed that the officials had lured PKS from position offers to material donations. Nevertheless, he is grateful that the political parties that are members of the Coalition for Change are not tempted by this lure. 

"Anyway, it's typical for issues like this, whether it's a matter of position, or a matter of material contributions, that comes up and we're grateful, we're all grateful, that all parties facing pressure, temptation, or any invitation to stick to yesterday's agreement, Sudirman said. 

Sudirman said that currently there are many temptations and appeals to the Coalition for Change. However, said Sudirman, the more temptations that came, the more solid the Coalition for Change became. 

"And it feels like maybe there's more pressure, more temptation, instead it's not that they're getting looser, but it's getting tighter because behind the pressure, temptation, seduction, there must be something bigger," he said. 

"And that is an invitation or troll for us to continue the struggle. For what? For the sake of providing solutions, not just fighting over positions, but we want to convey ideas, programs find solutions to problems," he added. 

Mahfud Assigns Denny Indrayana to Take Care of Anies
The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud Md previously admitted that he had assigned the former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Denny Indrayana to look after the vice president of Anies Baswedan so that democracy in Indonesia would live. Mahfud offended Denny, who always shouted about the tackle. 

"That's Denny, said he was assigned by Pak Mahfud to look after Anies so that democracy would live and he got a ticket. Indeed he did. Because he always accused the government of wanting to trip Anies. There are also accusations of attempts to thwart the election, to prolong it, to postpone the election," Mahfud told reporters at the Presidential Palace complex, Central Jakarta, Monday (5/6). 

Mahfud said he and Denny share the task of guarding democracy. Mahfud admitted that he was ready to fight from within the government if someone tried to disrupt democracy. 

"If that's the case, I will assign you to look after Anies, so that democracy lives and no longer accuses the government. That's what I mean. So that the government doesn't disturb. If the government interferes, fight from within. If there are elements, the government, elements, yes, yes. said me. Well, I'm in charge of the elections. Don't be accused of wanting to fail the election," said Mahfud. 

Mahfud said that the matter of sharing tasks to oversee the elections was also conveyed to PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu. Only then did Mahfud tell the moment he was offered to be Anies' vice presidential candidate. 

"To the Chairman of the PKS, Mr. Syaikhu, when he went home with Almuzzammil, he explored to find Anies' vice president. Among other things, he asked, Mr. Mahfud is willing or not? No," said Mahfud. 

Mahfud rejected the offer from Syaikhu because he was reluctant to undermine democracy. He doesn't want the Anies coalition to break up. 

"I said, because in your coalition there are NasDem, Democrats, and PKS, there are many candidates from their own parties. Later, if I invite them to go there, I will destroy democracy. If one leaves because you invited me, it will be damaged. Because of that So, I ask you to take care of the coalition. I said that to the Chairman of the PKS, take care of the coalition, don't invite me inside. So as not to break. If I go inside, later it will break. Because there are those who disagree and others. That's all my job. Safeguard elections and protect democracy," explained Mahfud. 

Sudirman Said Klaim Pejabat Negara Datangi PKS untuk Gagalkan Anies

Juru bicara bakal calon presiden (bacapres) dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) Anies Baswedan, Sudirman Said, mengklaim ada pejabat negara bergantian mendatangi PKS. Sudirman menyebut pejabat tersebut ingin PKS keluar dari KPP sehingga Anies gagal mendapat tiket maju sebagai calon presiden.

"Sedikit clue saja, kalau sampai hari ini, bergantian para pejabat negara, ada yang pemimpin partai, ada yang bukan, mendatangi PKS dengan misi ada yang implisit dan ada yang eksplisit. Misinya itu supaya PKS keluar dari koalisi dan majunya Pak Anies digagalkan. Bentuknya apa? Ya namanya iming-iming bentuknya macam-macamlah,  tapi kan barangkali menjelaskan di sini kan tidak cukup," kata Sudirman di Jalan Brawijaya, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (7/6/2023).

Sudirman mengklaim iming-iming yang diberikan pejabat tersebut kepada PKS mulai tawaran posisi hingga sumbangan material. Kendati demikian, pihaknya bersyukur partai politik yang tergabung dalam Koalisi Perubahan tidak tergoda dengan iming-iming tersebut.

"Pokoknya itu tipikal untuk soal-soal begini itu seperti apa, apakah soal posisi, atau soal sumbangan material, itu muncul dan kami bersyukur, kita semua bersyukur, bahwa semua partai menghadapi tekanan, godaan, atau undangan apa pun tetap stay pada kesepakatan kemarin," kata Sudirman.

Sudirman mengatakan saat ini banyak godaan dan rayuan terhadap Koalisi Perubahan. Namun, kata Sudirman, makin banyak godaan yang datang, Koalisi Perubahan justru makin solid.

"Dan rasanya mungkin makin banyak tekanan, makin banyak godaan, malah bukannya mereka makin kendor, tapi makin kencang karena di balik tekanan, godaan, rayuan, itu pasti ada suatu yang lebih besar," ungkapnya.

"Dan itu adalah merupakan undangan atau troll bagi kita meneruskan perjuangan. Demi apa? Demi memberikan solusi, bukan sekadar berebut jabatan, tapi kita ingin menyampaikan gagasan, program-program mencari solusi bagi masalah-masalah," imbuhnya.

Mahfud Tugaskan Denny Indrayana Jaga Anies
Menko Polhukam Mahfud Md sebelumnya mengakui telah menugaskan mantan Wamenkumham Denny Indrayana menjaga bacapres Anies Baswedan agar demokrasi di Indonesia hidup. Mahfud menyinggung Denny, yang selalu berteriak tentang penjegalan.

"Kan Denny itu, bilang ditugaskan oleh Pak Mahfud untuk menjaga Anies agar demokrasi hidup dan dia dapat tiket. Memang iya. Karena dia kan selalu menuduh pemerintah itu mau menjegal Anies. Menuduh juga ada upaya menggagalkan pemilu, memperpanjang, menunda Pemilu," kata Mahfud kepada wartawan di kompleks Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (5/6).

Mahfud mengatakan dirinya dan Denny berbagi tugas untuk mengawal demokrasi. Mahfud mengaku siap melawan dari internal pemerintah jika ada yang berupaya mengganggu demokrasi.

"Kalau gitu bagi tugas, kamu saya tugaskan jaga Anies, agar demokrasi hidup dan tidak lagi menuduh pemerintah. Kan gitu maksud saya. Agar tidak ganggu itu pemerintah. Kalau pemerintah ganggu, lawan dari dalam. Kalau ada oknum, pemerintah, oknum ya, ya bilang saya. Nah, saya yang jaga pemilunya. Jangan dituduh mau gagalkan pemilu," ujar Mahfud.

Mahfud mengatakan perihal berbagi tugas untuk mengawal pemilu juga disampaikan kepada Presiden PKS Ahmad Syaikhu. Barulah kemudian Mahfud menceritakan momen dirinya sempat ditawari menjadi cawapres pendamping Anies.

"Kepada Ketua PKS, Pak Syaikhu, waktu ke rumah bersama Almuzzammil, kan beliau menjajaki untuk mencari cawapresnya Anies. Antara lain bertanya, Pak Mahfud bersedia nggak? Nggak," ujar Mahfud.

Mahfud menolak tawaran dari Syaikhu karena enggan merusak demokrasi. Dia tidak ingin koalisi pengusung Anies pecah.

"Saya bilang, karena di koalisi Bapak itu ada NasDem, Demokrat, dan PKS itu banyak ada yang calonnya dari partainya sendiri. Nanti kalau saya ajak ke situ malah saya merusak demokrasi. Kalau yang satu keluar karena Anda ajak saya, kan rusak. Oleh sebab itu, saya minta Bapak jaga koalisi. Saya bilang begitu kepada Ketua PKS, jaga koalisi, jangan ajak saya ke dalam. Agar tidak pecah. Kalau saya ke dalam, nanti malah pecah. Karena ada yang nggak setuju dan lain-lain. Itu saja tugas saya. Menjaga pemilu dan menjaga demokrasi," beber Mahfud.

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