Foreign Media said about Princess Ariani's appearance on America's Got Talent

Foreign Media said about Princess Ariani's appearance on America's Got Talent

The appearance of Indonesian singer Putri Ariani at America's Got Talent (AGT) received a lot of scrutiny from foreign media. 

Putri Ariani even got a Golden Buzzer on the second episode of America's Got Talent which aired on Tuesday (6/6/2023) evening US time. 

In addition to getting the Golden Buzzer, this woman whose full name is Ariana Nisma Putri received a standing ovation thanks to her performance of her self-composed song "Loneliness". 

As the second Golden Buzzer recipient in the 18th season of the competition, Putri Ariani received a lot of attention from the foreign mass media. 

Foreign media said about Princess Ariani's appearance
The following are a number of articles from foreign media highlighting Putri Ariani's achievements in AGT 2023. 

1. Billboard: teenage singer with angelic voice
Billboard, one of the world's largest music and entertainment media, reported the episode when Putri Ariani won the Golden Buzzer from the AGT judges. 

In an article entitled "Indonesian Teen With the Voice of an 'Angel' Wins Golden Buzzer on 'AGT', Thursday (7/6/2023), the media called Putri Ariani a teenage singer with an angelic voice with pure talent. 

Putri sings a rendition of an original song while playing the piano. He is said to be able to melt hearts with perfect pop ballads, vocal maturity, and voice control. 

“My dream is to become the biggest diva in the world, like Whitney Houston, and win a Grammy Award. I hope I can win America's Got Talent so I can achieve my dream,” he told the audience. 

Billboard also highlighted the comments of the AGT judges, namely Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Howie Mandel and Heidi Klum, to Princess Ariani. 

"I think we all feel the same way. You're 17 years old, you write songs, you have an amazing signature voice, and I mean really, really good. You have this kind of glow about you," said Simon Cowell. 

2. People: captivate the audience and judges
Entertainment media People reported on Princess Ariani in the article "'AGT': Simon Cowell Gives Golden Buzzer to 17-Year-Old Blind Singer: 'One of the Best We've Ever Had'", Wednesday (6/6/2023). 

People highlights Putri's situation, who is blind but has hopes of becoming a singer. 

Putri is also said to have no hesitation in singing another song according to the jury's request. He was even able to captivate the audience with his vocals and piano playing. 

In addition, People also conducted a special interview with Putri. The 17-year-old singer revealed her experiences and inspiration. 

"I can't describe how grateful I am and how amazing and magical that moment (was) for me. It's so amazing. I never thought it would happen to me," Putri said. 

3. Dailymail: a touching appearance
Dailymail wrote down Putri Ariani's experience in the news "America's Got Talent: Simon Cowell Hits Golden Buzzer for Blind Singer Putri Ariani who He Calls 'One of The Best' ever on NBC show", Thursday (7/6/2023). 

This British media said that the performance was full of emotion for Princess Ariani and the judges. This can be seen from Putri crying while hugging her parents and Simon Cowell who looks emotional. 

"I think you are one of the best singers we have ever had on our show," Cowell said as he took the stage to congratulate the Princess. 

Dailymail also listed the appearances of other participants in the second episode of AGT 2023, such as dancer Lambros Garcia (10), the Sainted choir, and the attraction duo Ramadhani Brothers, and the Japanese dance team Avantgardey. 

4. ET Canada: amazing talent
ET Canada featured footage of Princess Ariani's performance in the article "'America's Got Talent': Simon Cowell Gives Golden Buzzer To 17-Year-Old Blind Musician". 

This Canadian media said that AGT presented extraordinary talent in the 18th season through Putri's performance. 

"The highlight of the evening was when a 17-year-old blind singer took the stage to perform an original song," said host Jed Tarvenier. 

Simon Cowell was reportedly amazed to see the performance even moved to approach Putri on stage and asked her to sing again. 

Cowell also stated that Princess Ariani's performance was one of the best ever to appear on the show and deserved a Golden Buzzer. 

5. USA Today: brilliant performance
USA Today provides a recap of the second episode of AGT 2023 through news entitled "'AGT': Simon Cowell Requests Encore from Blind Golden Buzzer Singer Putri Ariani", Wednesday (6/6/2023). 

The media from the United States wrote footage of the participants' performances in the competition. 

Putri is said to have a brilliant appearance with a voice like an angel, musical talent and charisma. His appearance was even able to touch the judges. 

“You have an amazing and distinctive voice. You have a kind of glow about you,” said Simon Cowell. 

Impressed with his prowess in singing, Cowell asked Putri to play another song. This woman finally sang Elton John's song "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word". 

Kata Media Asing soal Penampilan Putri Ariani di America's Got Talent

Penampilan penyanyi asal Indonesia Putri Ariani di America's Got Talent (AGT) mendapatkan banyak sorotan dari media asing.

Putri Ariani bahkan mendapat Golden Buzzer pada episode kedua America's Got Talent yang tayang pada Selasa (6/6/2023) malam waktu AS.

Selain mendapatkan Golden Buzzer, perempuan bernama lengkap Ariana Nisma Putri ini mendapatkan standing ovation berkat penampilannya membawakan lagu ciptaan sendiri berjudul "Loneliness".

Sebagai penerima Golden Buzzer kedua dalam kompetisi musim ke-18 tersebut, Putri Ariani mendapatkan banyak sorotan dari media massa asing.

Kata media asing soal penampilan Putri Ariani
Berikut sejumlah tulisan dari media asing yang menyoroti pencapaian Putri Ariani di AGT 2023.

1. Billboard: penyanyi remaja bersuara malaikat
Billboard, salah satu media musik dan hiburan terbesar dunia ini memberitakan episode saat Putri Ariani meraih Golden Buzzer dari para juri AGT.

Dalam artikel berjudul "Indonesian Teen With the Voice of an ‘Angel’ Wins Golden Buzzer on ‘AGT’, Kamis (7/6/2023), media tersebut menyebut Putri Ariani sebagai penyanyi remaja bersuara malaikat dengan bakat yang murni.

Putri bernyanyi membawakan lagu asli sambil memainkan piano. Ia disebut mampu melelehkan hati dengan lagu balada bernada pop sempurna, kematangan vokal, dan kontrol suaranya. 

“Impian saya adalah menjadi diva terbesar di dunia, seperti Whitney Houston, dan memenangkan Grammy Award. Saya harap saya bisa memenangkan America's Got Talent sehingga saya bisa mencapai impian saya,” katanya kepada hadirin.

Billboard juga menyoroti komentar para juri AGT, yakni Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Howie Mandel, dan Heidi Klum, kepada Putri Ariani.

"Saya pikir kita semua merasakan hal yang sama. Kamu berusia 17 tahun, kamu menulis lagu, kamu memiliki suara khas yang luar biasa, dan maksud saya sangat, sangat bagus. Anda memiliki semacam cahaya tentang Anda," ujar Simon Cowell.

2. People: memikat penonton dan juri
Media hiburan People memberitakan Putri Ariani dalam artikel "'AGT': Simon Cowell Gives Golden Buzzer to 17-Year-Old Blind Singer: 'One of the Best We've Ever Had'", Rabu (6/6/2023).

People menyoroti keadaan Putri yang tunanetra tetapi memiliki harapan menjadi seorang penyanyi.

Putri juga disebut tidak ragu menyanyikan lagu lain sesuai permintaan juri. Ia bahkan mampu memikat penonton dengan vokal dan permainan pianonya.

Selain itu, People juga melakukan wawancara khusus bersama Putri. Penyanyi 17 tahun ini mengungkapkan pengalaman dan inspirasinya.

"Saya tidak bisa menggambarkan betapa bersyukurnya saya dan betapa menakjubkan dan ajaibnya momen itu (adalah) bagi saya. Ini sangat luar biasa. Saya tidak pernah menyangka hal itu akan terjadi pada saya," kata Putri.

3. Dailymail: penampilan yang penuh haru
Dailymail menuliskan pengalaman Putri Ariani dalam berita "America's Got Talent: Simon Cowell Hits Golden Buzzer for Blind Singer Putri Ariani who He Calls 'One of The Best' ever on NBC show", Kamis (7/6/2023).

Media asal Inggris ini menyebut penampilan tersebut dipenuhi keharuan bagi Putri Ariani dan para juri. Ini terlihat dari Putri yang menangis sambil memeluk orang tuanya serta Simon Cowell yang terlihat emosional.

"Menurutku, kau adalah salah satu penyanyi terbaik yang pernah kami tampilkan di acara kami," kata Cowell saat dia naik ke atas panggung untuk memberi selamat kepada Putri.

Dailymail juga menuliskan penampilan para peserta lain dalam episode kedua AGT 2023 tersebut, seperti penari Lambros Garcia (10), paduan suara Sainted, serta duo atraksi Ramadhani Brothers, dan tim tari Jepang Avantgardey.

4. ET Canada: bakat luar biasa
ET Canada menampilkan cuplikan penampilan Putri Ariani dalam artikel "‘America’s Got Talent': Simon Cowell Gives Golden Buzzer To 17-Year-Old Blind Musician".

Media asal Kanada ini menyebut AGT menghadirkan bakat luar biasa pada musim ke-18 melalui penampilan Putri.

"Puncak malam itu adalah ketika seorang penyanyi tunanetra berusia 17 tahun naik panggung untuk membawakan lagu asli," kata pembawa acara Jed Tarvenier.

Simon Cowell dikabarkan terkesima melihat penampilan tersebut bahkan tergerak untuk mendekati Putri di atas panggung dan memintanya bernyanyi lagi.

Cowell juga menyatakan aksi Putri Ariani sebagai salah satu yang terbaik yang pernah tampil di acara itu sekaligus berhak mendapatkan Golden Buzzer.

5. USA Today: penampilan yang brilian
USA Today memberikan rekap terhadap episode kedua AGT 2023 melalui berita berjudul "'AGT': Simon Cowell Requests Encore from Blind Golden Buzzer Singer Putri Ariani", Rabu (6/6/2023).

Media asal Amerika Serikat tersebut menuliskan cuplikan penampilan para peserta dalam kompetisi tersebut.

Putri disebut-sebut memiliki penampilan brilian dengan suara seperti bidadari, bakat musik serta kharisma. Penampilannya bahkan mampu menyentuh para juri.

“Kamu memiliki suara yang luar biasa dan khas. Kamu memiliki semacam cahaya tentang dirimu,” kata Simon Cowell.

Terkesan dengan kehebatannya dalam menyanyi, Cowell meminta Putri memainkan lagu lain. Perempuan ini akhirnya menyanyikan lagu Elton John “Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word".

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