PO Entrepreneur's Response to the Bus Driver's Video Choose to Eliminate the Lives of Small Car Passengers

PO Entrepreneur's Response to the Bus Driver's Video Choose to Eliminate the Lives of Small Car Passengers

PO Entrepreneur's Response to the Bus Driver's Video Choose to Eliminate the Lives of Small Car Passengers

Some time ago there was a video circulating on social media showing a bus driver saying it is better to kill the lives of passengers in a car than the lives of bus passengers. 

This statement immediately angered netizens who watched it because the bus driver seemed to underestimate the lives of other motorists on the road. 

In the video footage circulating, the bus driver said this after being reprimanded by a car passenger whose vehicle was being pushed by the bus. 

"Be careful if you are hit by a bus on the road. Because of their motto, the bus driver said: it's better to lose one life from a private car," wrote the narration in the 12-second video. 

However, it is unclear when and where this incident occurred. The same goes for the origin of the bus driver company. 

Based on the information from netizens who commented on this video, the opinion expressed by the bus driver is common among bus and truck or tronton drivers. Is that right? 

In response to the viral video, Main Director of the Siliwangi Antar Nusa (SAN) Otobus Company (SAN) Kurnia Lesani Adnan emphasized that no one was advocating taking the lives of other vehicle passengers to save bus passengers. 

"What is certain is that there is no recommendation to 'sacrifice' anyone on the road," he told, Monday (26/6/2023). 

According to him, the bus driver in the video did not really say that. He considered the bus driver's words to be just an analogy of the conditions he was experiencing. 

"If I pay close attention to the debate that took place, the driver might want to make an analogy of the conditions they are experiencing, but the sentence is not correct," he said. 


Tanggapan Pengusaha PO soal Video Sopir Bus Pilih Hilangkan Nyawa Penumpang Mobil Kecil

Beberapa waktu lalu ramai video di media sosial memperlihatkan sopir bus mengatakan lebih baik menghilangkan nyawa penumpang satu mobil ketimbang nyawa penumpang bus.

Pernyataan tersebut sontak memantik amarah warganet yang menontonnya lantaran sopir bus terkesan menyepelekan nyawa pengendara lain di jalan.

Dalam cuplikan video yang beredar, sopir bus berkata demikian setelah ditegur oleh penumpang mobil yang kendaraannya dipepet oleh bus tersebut.

"Hati2 kalo di jalan mobil kamu dipepet bus. Karena motto mereka supir bus said: lebih baik hilang 1 nyawa mobil pribadi," tulis narasi yang ada di video berdurasi 12 detik itu.

Namun hingga kini tidak jelas kapan dan di mana kejadian ini terjadi. Begitu pun terkait asal perusahaan sopir bus tersebut.

Berdasarkan keterangan warganet yang mengomentari video ini, pendapat yang dilontarkan sopir bus itu lazim di kalangan sopir bus dan truk atau tronton. Benarkah demikian?

Menanggapi video viral tersebut, Direktur Utama Perusahaan Otobus (PO) Siliwangi Antar Nusa (SAN) Kurnia Lesani Adnan menegaskan tidak ada yang menganjurkan untuk menghilangkan nyawa penumpang kendaraan lain demi menyelamatkan penumpang bus.

"Yang pasti tidak ada anjuran untuk 'mengorbankan' siapa pun di jalan," ujarnya kepada Kompas .com, Senin (26/6/2023).

Menurutnya, sopir bus yang ada di video tersebut tidak sungguh-sungguh mengatakan hal tersebut. Dia menilai perkataan sopir bus hanyalah sebagai analogi dari kondisi yang sedang dialami.

"Kalau saya mencermati perdebatan yang terjadi ini si pengemudi mungkin ingin menganalogikan kondisi yang mereka alami namun kalimatnya tidak tepat," ucapnya.

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